Stock Gimbal Lock

Sep 2, 2016
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I began having reservations about my P4's stock gimbal lock when I noticed how easy it was to place it on with the camera arm either forward or rearward of where it wanted to sit naturally, thereby placing undo stress on the gimbal buffers (I believe they are called). Anyway, I was getting ready to mark my lower horizontal legs where the gimbal lock clips on with a Sharpie to make it easier to line up the lock's arms correctly each time, and then, I suddenly noticed something.

If you turn the P4 over, DJI has already placed little lines in the landing gear's rubber strips to indicate where the locking clips need to be. I have never heard or read about this, but there they were. Genius!!
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If you turn the P4 over, DJI has already placed little lines in the landing gear's rubber strips to indicate where the locking clips need to be.
My P4 also has those markings. Many do not though.

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Good ol' DJI. It is a nice and convenient little detail.

If folks do not have these little lines on their version, I suggest placing a mark on the leg somehow by either using a razor blade (or the like) to make these marks in the rubber, or just use a Sharpie if you don't mind the little marks on the white part of the leg. If you hold the copter up with the lock installed and then look at the camera from the side, you can see if it is straightly lined up fore and aft. If not, line it up by gently sliding the locking clips backward or forward, and then mark it for future installations. This seems like a fragile part of the copter, and it is very much worth being careful with...
Here are the notch measurements for anyone who wants to add them:


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