Phantom 2 Repair parts availability?

Jan 12, 2014
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Southern Minnesota
I experienced a fly away last night and something must have seriously gone wrong on touchdown (read CRASH - hard). The housing has popped in some places but I figure it is repairable. However, the compass board at the end of the wire down the leg is broken off. It hit hard enough to BREAK all four wire ties holding the rubber snubbers AND lost three of the four snubbers. The only thing that saved my GoPro was a wire cable tether to one of the landing gear. Is it possible to obtain repair parts to fix these or are we only able to have them fixed through DJI which I assume = high dollars? I also have a Vision, but wanted my original back in flying shape. Thanks.
check ebay also…I recently experienced a fly away…crashed and bent one of the arms had to replace the shell of the phantom…found it on ebay…I think this flyaway was my fault…I did a advanced IMU calibration when I got back from upstate NY hoping it would solve the drifting problem…then took it out for a test flight…was also testing carbon fiber props at the same time…what I failed to do was the whole compass dance thing, it had 9-10satellites though…Phantom 2 was still drifting and flying to the right when i was trying to fly straight…I decided to go up to about 40m…hovered there for a bit then decided to rotate a bit…as soon as I did that it started to slowly fly on its own..I thought it was drifting but it wasn't because I had NO control what so ever…I paniced not thinking of going to ATTI mode….it then suddenly started coming down in a death wobble, not sure of the carbon fiber props caused this or not but it got like 3ft off the ground and flipped over and crashed on blacktop bending one of the arms…I guess it was good because it saved my go pro and gimbal!…Anyway I learned a lesson the hard way..I will never ever fly again without Calibrating before takeoff!! Got all the parts and fixed it, just haven't had a chance for a test flight again so hopefully its ok

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