P4 Sensor Calibration Issues

Bill,My P4 as mentioned was involved in a crash and went in for repair.Unfortunately one of the sensors may have been damaged when being sent back after the repair.They said they would arrange for the repair or replacement of the sensor that was damaged.Once calibrated this should take care of any of the damages resulting from the crash.Hope everything turns out positive in your situation.
I have to chuckle when I see you guys congratulating some 70 year old for being able to use a drone or being able to do a basic calibration. We " old-timers" were flying way before you were even thought of. I was flying U controlled craft in the 50's. We built our own planes out of balsa wood and Testers glue. We did have a "high" old time doing it. At the time we didn't know why.. LOL
I now have 6 drones in my collection. Even at my considerably old age, I can repair a gimbal. No small feat for a guy with crooked fingers that point in every direction.
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One of the big differences these days is that we, old timers, have no more full control like before with basic RC equipment. Now computers take the lead and are acting between pilot and craft, same as real aircrafts. I feel big difference with P4 vs my Futaba 14SG and trex 700N helicopter where I can service all parts. Also if heli does crash I know it's me or the engine and bad autorotation, and not app or firmware glitch with which I have No Control..

My point is not that old timers are not able to do, hence they go way much more skills to pilot in Atti mode per example, but rather less room to play and experiment as before. I know many old RC modellers that will never go for a drone because they just like driving crafts with more sport experience - picture/videos excluded as obviously drones are ideal for that.
Hello Ted, Like your bird. The one you see, was standing in our bird bath. Anyway I'm in agreement with you as to what us "Seniors" are capable of. I unlike you just got my first drone back in August 2016 and everybody said, "what the hell ya doing that for?" They said that when I got my Harley too. I'm still alive, can still learn and can still have fun. Calibrating sensors, big deal. Did much more then that working at AT&T. If you stop learning, you stop living. Just saying. Anyway,happy flying.

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