Overall Status prompt

Mar 24, 2018
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You know when you start on the home screen of the app and when you switch over to the flight screen that first info screen that says "Overall Status" pops up? you can see if your firmware is up to date, check some basic settings and format your SD card from there. What prompts that screen to come up? Sometimes it takes me to it and other times it never shows and just takes me to the flight screen. I finally got my firmware updated but I had to wait for the overall status prompt to pop up so I could see that my RC needed a firmware update.
You know when you start on the home screen of the app and when you switch over to the flight screen that first info screen that says "Overall Status" pops up? you can see if your firmware is up to date, check some basic settings and format your SD card from there. What prompts that screen to come up? Sometimes it takes me to it and other times it never shows and just takes me to the flight screen. I finally got my firmware updated but I had to wait for the overall status prompt to pop up so I could see that my RC needed a firmware update.
Also in app djigo4 you can click general settings and go down till "about" shows at bottom and click,your firmware is here to,might need to be powered on to check,also on home page you can go to "me" and click setting logo top right of screen and you got a check for updates there too,if goes straight to camera screen that good cause it not thinking,mine at start takes ages doing a version check before going blue for me to conect and I on latest firmware,
I'm not sure what causes that screen to automatically appear sometimes, but you can always manually bring it up like @Eagle54 explained.

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