No Image Transmission (IOS) & No signal (Android). Camera does record but no FPV image

Oct 5, 2015
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I have a P3 Pro that I have tied to resolve the "no image issue" by connecting it to a android Galaxy Note 4, android tablet and to an Iphone 5se. On all devices I have no image from the camera.

I have IMU settings, telemetry and battery info. On android devices It says "no signal" instead of ready to fly. On IOS is says "no image transmission signal"

I can start the motors and take pictures & video. I just have no image.

I have reinstalled the go app many times, tried Litchi and attempted to roll back the firmware on the bird, but it won't complete, I get a solid red light on the gimbal after a minute or so and it just fails. If I go back into the dji go app it says all firmware are up to day.

Can anyone else give me an idea what to do. I would like to roll the firmware back to give that a try, but it just keeps failing.

I have also tried it without the sd card in it and with 4 different sd cards.

Thanks, Tele
The small I believe it's the 6 prong wire going into the camera, unplug and replug back in the camera. Before I sent my quad off to DJI for intermittent video, this is what they recommended. I already had mine boxed up. I read somewhere that was a success for someone.
****Problem is solved**** and it is not great news for anyone that had though it would be fixed in a firmware update. The main board in the gimbal is defective. I know because I have swapped mine with a second hand one from a broken gimbal. Now before anyone gets a used board like I did, you need to change the the Yaw motor from the same gimbal as the used board came out of. If you don't you may need to file a new spot on the shaft of the motor to align the camera properly. Thank you Terry & Don for putting me in contact with Mike Holt. By time I talked with him I had the board changed. I would have swapped the entire top part of the gimbal but the motor was bad (stuck) so that left me with a camera that was facing the left leg. I talked with Mike and he informed me on the procedure of filing the shaft and that worked. It is not perfect, but at least I don't have a leg in the camera view now.
I have been having the same issue like yours. Can you be a little more specific on how to go about repairing this? Does this involve removal of the gimbal and refixing wires? Please help.
It is not hard. There are some videos on YouTube how to replace the yaw arm. It is the same procedure to remove the yaw arm from the top motor. Then it would be best to buy the board, yaw motor as a used assembly so it works right. There are just two ribbon cable connections to disconnect. Lots of room to do so, I had mine apart 4 or 5 times because I didn't know when you change the board the yaw motor magnetic field is programed to match the board. That is how it is centered.

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