New Here, Litchi Mission Review?

Mar 18, 2019
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Hi everyone.

Figured it was time to make an account seeing as how I've already got a ton of great advice answered by cruising the forums. Everyone seems really cool. Any advice on the following would be extremely appreciated. Sorry in advance for any forum faux paus!

Quick about me:
Passed FAA107 2 weeks ago, registered with FAA
Picked up used Phantom3pro last week from a friend (in great shape, maybe 200-300 hours clocked)
Have about 1(one)hr total fly time (love it)
Took to litchi the other day, ran a "successful" 2 min practice mission today in my front yard (7waypoints, 1 poi)

Main Question:
Am I crazy to have set up this mission and hope that it will actually work? Mission Hub - Litchi

Mission Objectives:
1.) Fly two, 9 hole missions (18 total holes), at private golf club (18 in one go would be ideal but that's probably asking too much)
2.) Fly from behind the back tees to the green, do a green "drive by", cruise to next hole
3.) Avoid flying over homes
Notes: I'm already granted permission from the club. I've cruised the course multiple times already. I will have insurance for mission days. Club will be posting notice to members/ home owners. No one will be on the course during missions. Missions will likely not happen for at least another month as I gain more hands-on experience. Not typically windy at mission site, but golf course meanders through varying terrain. I'll be following the drone in a cart from hole to hole, someone else will be driving. I will have back up missions planned for each hole individually.

Secondary Questions:
1.) Would 10-12mph (16-19kph) be too fast if I'm wanting to avoid props in shot? (assume 5mph wind at site)
1.a.) Could I get away with going faster, and if yes, what do you think is reasonable?
2.) Litchi is saying 34 mins, but I'm calculating closer to 22-26 mins (cutting it close I know). What variables am I missing here that would add 10 mins?
3.) What factors am I being naive about (I know they exist!)?

All waypoints are set to 40ft for now, but will likely be closer to 20ft (ideally). Thanks in advance to those who can shed some light for me!!!

If you have set Litchi to fly at a set altitude relative to ground elevation (be sure you have chosen that option at each waypoint), changes in elevation will also affect battery drain rate as the props need more power to climb and follow the terrain. Also keep in mind that Google Earth ground elevation accuracy probably will not be completely accurate on the small scale of an undulating golf course you are flying at 20 ft. Personally, I'd go by the Litchi estimated flight time and add to it a bit. It doesn't take into account wind. Even a 5 mph headwind will affect battery drain. Sounds to me you will not have enough battery to complete the 9 holes. Using your own calculations is never good idea.

After looking at your flight course, I can see you are flying too close to a number of private residences and other buildings. That's never good. You shouldn't fly across any private property at an altitude below 100 ft AGL. And I cannot see how you will ever be able to follow the drone in a cart throughout it's entire flight and keep it in view.

That being said, keep it safe and have fun!
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If you have set Litchi to fly at a set altitude relative to ground elevation (be sure you have chosen that option at each waypoint), changes in elevation will also affect battery drain rate as the props need more power to climb and follow the terrain. Also keep in mind that Google Earth ground elevation accuracy probably will not be completely accurate on the small scale of an undulating golf course you are flying at 20 ft. Personally, I'd go by the Litchi estimated flight time and add to it a bit. It doesn't take into account wind. Even a 5 mph headwind will affect battery drain. Sounds to me you will not have enough battery to complete the 9 holes. Using your own calculations is never good idea.

After looking at your flight course, I can see you are flying too close to a number of private residences and other buildings. That's never good. You shouldn't fly across any private property at an altitude below 100 ft AGL. And I cannot see how you will ever be able to follow the drone in a cart throughout it's entire flight and keep it in view.

That being said, keep it safe and have fun!

Thank you for taking the time to check the mission and for responding. And thanks for bringing up the increased battery stress due to elevation change.

I agree that my napkin math isn't to be relied on especially given my super green status.

My hope with the private residences that are super close to the course is to get their permission to be that close. The course is closing for renos this summer, so everyone is already on notice regarding heavy equipment will be coming in. Because this is for that project (before, during, after footage), I'm assuming a little more slack at this stage, but where all know where assuming gets us!

Also agree we'd be hard pressed to follow in a golf cart. I'd recruit the head superintendent who has much more gitty up on his cart, knows the course better than anyone, and can take liberties no one else can.

With all this said, I'm already leaning toward chopping each nine into 3 separate missions. Just want to get in and out as quickly as possible due to time limitations prior to course closure.

Thanks so much again. Great feedback.
I think chopping the flights would be the safest way to do it, and still pretty quick if you have the waypoint missions ready to be called up. Just plan a landing spot at the end of 3 holes and start the next waypoint mission from that location. I'm pretty confident you could get in two of those missions per battery. Three would be risky as discussed above. Yes property owner permission would be advisable for low flybys -- but I still think you may be shaving some of those structure flybys a little too close for comfort.

One IMPORTANT TIP to keep in mind. Even if you have defaulted all of your Litchi waypoints to be relative to ground elevation when you construct the initial mission, if you add in a new waypoint between existing points in a mission Litchi DOES NOT default the new waypoint to be relative to ground elevation. Make sure you notice that and set it for each new point you may add into a mission while editing it. People have flown their bird into the ground after not noticing that. I'm not sure why Litchi doesn't take into account the waypoint settings of the bounding points, but it doesn't. Carefully review each waypoint setting once you have constructed each mission.

Rather than wildly trying to chase the drone through the woods on a golf cart, it may be easier to enlist a VO or two to stand in key locations who can report to you via walkie-talkie and keep eyes on it. I would imagine a golf course maintenance department would have a number of walkie-talkies to be able to communicate with their many groundskeepers -- though I don't play golf myself.

Sounds like a fun project.
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I think chopping the flights would be the safest way to do it, and still pretty quick if you have the waypoint missions ready to be called up. Just plan a landing spot at the end of 3 holes and start the next waypoint mission from that location. I'm pretty confident you could get in two of those missions per battery. Three would be risky as discussed above. Yes property owner permission would be advisable for low flybys -- but I still think you may be shaving some of those structure flybys a little too close for comfort.

One IMPORTANT TIP to keep in mind. Even if you have defaulted all of your Litchi waypoints to be relative to ground elevation when you construct the initial mission, if you add in a new waypoint between existing points in a mission Litchi DOES NOT default the new waypoint to be relative to ground elevation. Make sure you notice that and set it for each new point you may add into a mission while editing it. People have flown their bird into the ground after not noticing that. I'm not sure why Litchi doesn't take into account the waypoint settings of the bounding points, but it doesn't. Carefully review each waypoint setting once you have constructed each mission.

Rather than wildly trying to chase the drone through the woods on a golf cart, it may be easier to enlist a VO or two to stand in key locations who can report to you via walkie-talkie and keep eyes on it. I would imagine a golf course maintenance department would have a number of walkie-talkies to be able to communicate with their many groundskeepers -- though I don't play golf myself.

Sounds like a fun project.
I'll just plan on that then; creating three new, three hole missions per nine holes. Seems the most prudent. I'll also re-route them for more space between the close houses (better safe then sorry). Thanks for the heads up on the litchi edit quirk.

Regarding VOs, that's not a bad idea at all and which I will keep in mind. I think what I may do is just swap batteries for each mission and fly more slowly, down to maybe 6-8 mph. The drone came with 4 bats so I'm thinking I could do the back 9 holes in the am, and front 9 holes in the late afternoon, which will also help in avoiding players.

Ya, I'm excited to get into this kind of work, and it looks like I'll have the potential to do at least three other courses for our other projects in short order. I'll report back with footage when all is said and done. Again, probably a few weeks out at least but I'll circle back to this thread.

Thanks again, very helpful info for me.
Keep in mind you can fly slow and then speed up the video in post-production to whatever speed you desire. However, slowing a fast flight down in post production doesn't always yield good results. Good luck with the project.
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