New, First time at FPV

Aug 8, 2013
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Buffalo Wyoming USA
Guys I need some advice on my FPV combo kit I got from Nitoplanes. As I went to set it up I found the instruction where just plan junk with a capital J. Well I emailed NP and did not get a reply. I tried 3 times butt to no avail. so a friend help to get the wiring sorted out. And I was on pins and needles the first time I put power to it. I Thought it would smoke on me but it worked. Hear are my concerns'. For my power supply I am using E-flite 2c 800 mAh 5.9 Wh Lipo on Both the transmitter and the receiver. Will this be sufficient and what kind of time will I get for work runtime? Next after I powed up the Tansmitter got very hot. It has shrink tub on it,[It is a 200mW Tx] can I cut the shrink tube off to cool it down? Or do I need to replace it? This is my first try at FPV so any help and I will be grateful. The link below can give you a idea what I have
I got about the same kind of instructions with my Kumbacam setup. I just watched a lot of videos that showed the color scheme of things and soldered wires together. I didn't use the batteries that came with mine. I chose to power the TX with the power wires that came with Phantom that were sticking out about 5 inches right next the gray cable that plugged into the Zemuse. I racked my head trying to figure out how the video got from my GoPro to the wires that I just mentioned. Two wires are for power and two wires are the video. The video travels from the Camera backplane connection through the Zenmuse & gray cable into the quads internal circuitry and back out on the red-brown-yellow-brown cable hanging below the quad. I even had another thing to figure out on my own. I installed a isod mini into the mix. Since the isod mini had a video in and video out I figured the video in had to come from the video out of the quad and the video out had to get wired to the TX. The RX was internal to the Kumbacam monitor so I didn't need to worry about it. Miraculously my wiring worked and I didn't burn anything up. I've been in computer maintenance for 43 year now so I wasn't too afraid to tackle the project but I sure wish they would at least give you a wiring diagram and some instructions. It's like they assume everyone is a technician and can figure all this stuff out on their own.

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