Need Help- Prop touching base

Dec 6, 2015
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San Diego, CA
Has this happened to anyone before? I don't want to power it up. Anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks for the response jason. Any links to where I would be able to purchase a shell? Do I need to replace the shell only or also the motor?
Thanks for the response jason. Any links to where I would be able to purchase a shell? Do I need to replace the shell only or also the motor?

Where do you live? Take the time to add your location in your personal details page you'll fine that when you mouse over your screen name
Thanks for the response jason. Any links to where I would be able to purchase a shell? Do I need to replace the shell only or also the motor?

Can't help you if you do not answer!
I live in San Diego. I'm on my phone and it doesn't look like you can edit your Profile via mobile

Do when on your computer.
Start by rotating each motor by hand with the props on to see if each feels the same. Then to find out if you need motor or the ESC board take the props off and see if you can spin the motors up using the RC controller.

The shell and any other parts can be ordered from B&H in NY. I use them because they are an authorized DJI dealer and do not inflate their prices.
I live in San Diego. I'm on my phone and it doesn't look like you can edit your Profile via mobile

I also noticed that your quad looks more like a stripped down P2 non vision then a P2 vision + which comes with a gimbal and camera attached when bought. So what's up with that??
I'm not sure why this was posted on the vision board, I apologize about that. This is definitely a P2 non vision with the h4 3D gimbal. all the motors work fine after testing this out. Looks like I'm going to have to buy a new shell... Have you done the transfer from the old to the new shell? Any manuals it previous threads about transferring the guts from old to new
I'm not sure why this was posted on the vision board, I apologize about that. This is definitely a P2 non vision with the h4 3D gimbal. all the motors work fine after testing this out. Looks like I'm going to have to buy a new shell... Have you done the transfer from the old to the new shell? Any manuals it previous threads about transferring the guts from old to new

Yes I have. There are 4 screws for the main, 2 signal board, 2 for each ESC, 4 for each motor and 2 for the battery terminal board. Get to the last 2 screws you need to lift the main module and move it over enough to get to those screws.
I'm sure I can find a video of this. I appreciate your help here. Looking into also adding FPV. Would you recommend B and H to buy the parts for FPV?
I'm sure I can find a video of this. I appreciate your help here. Looking into also adding FPV. Would you recommend B and H to buy the parts for FPV?

No B&H doesn't carry all the FPV equipment but they do carry everything for DJI products. Most of it can be found on ebay and of course prices very. The three most come brands are boscam, immersion and flysight.
If it helps, I just changed my shell about two months ago. I used my cell phone to take pics at every step along way, to study the wiring...etc. As I removed screws, I kept them in separate lids (like Gatorade lids), and kept the lids in order on my desk. When assembling into the new shell, I just reversed the process and relied on a few of my cell pics. Worked like a charm. Hope that helps.
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I had a simalar problem all I did was take an Emory board and sand the prop down a little to shorten the prop itself
Ive had no problems with it but I think I heard that it can overstress the other motors. Not too sure but its been flying fine for me

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