Well since I got this I have scrap'd all the V3 stuff from Mia I could and been making what I have to date and really only have a few more things to do to it !!
To start with I changed out the GPS puck and added my tin foil and GPS booster and have gotten as many as 15 sat's with that !
Keri got me my RPG back repaired and added it .
Well since I ruined my FPVLR's I was looking at the ITELITE one's and decided to give them a try .
Had to do some Fat Sharks on the bird too as the RPG covers 1 side of the antennas so I slapped some of them on too .
What I like about these are the swivel and can just put them down to mgo into case easy or fly with them down !
Have only tested out a little but am really impressed with these antennas as they do shoot trough tree's as I have read !! This was took where I normally would have to be at least 400" with the other's because of a tree line I fly over !!
Am looking back at me and just sat there and yawed around and never lost FPV !!
So I pretty much went from this ..
To this
To start with I changed out the GPS puck and added my tin foil and GPS booster and have gotten as many as 15 sat's with that !
Keri got me my RPG back repaired and added it .
Well since I ruined my FPVLR's I was looking at the ITELITE one's and decided to give them a try .
Had to do some Fat Sharks on the bird too as the RPG covers 1 side of the antennas so I slapped some of them on too .
What I like about these are the swivel and can just put them down to mgo into case easy or fly with them down !
Have only tested out a little but am really impressed with these antennas as they do shoot trough tree's as I have read !! This was took where I normally would have to be at least 400" with the other's because of a tree line I fly over !!
Am looking back at me and just sat there and yawed around and never lost FPV !!
So I pretty much went from this ..
To this