M.A.R.S lite parachute kit

Here is a G-force switch, N.O. Close on 2g should do it, I like being safe, a tilt switch could also be used together, to catch 80 plus degree tilt and if motor or battery fails and your quad go's straight down !

I've held off expressing my opinion on this 'mod' hoping it would quickly sink to the darkness of the forum... Yet it continues to persist.

I'm blown away that people are going to such lengths in the name of saving the craft in the event of a malfunction. It's borderline ridiculous IMO.

I 100% get that these are expensive "toys" and preventative measures should be taken to extend its life. But this parachute mod is as absurd as the guy who actually tapes empty soda bottles to the legs of his P3 when he flies over water. Comical stuff.

If you feel you need to jury rig an emergency parachute to your P3, you should stick to flying $20 Air Hogs helis around your living room.
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Way to go stomping out the spark of ingenuity. I guess I'll hold off on asking for professional advice and expert opinion since Oz has spoken.

I won't even try to start a thread about my harpoon gun idea. I know what you'll say already.

I've held off expressing my opinion on this 'mod' hoping it would quickly sink to the darkness of the forum... Yet it continues to persist.

I'm blown away that people are going to such lengths in the name of saving the craft in the event of a malfunction. It's borderline ridiculous IMO.

I 100% get that these are expensive "toys" and preventative measures should be taken to extend its life. But this parachute mod is as absurd as the guy who actually tapes empty soda bottles to the legs of his P3 when he flies over water. Comical stuff.

If you feel you need to jury rig an emergency parachute to your P3, you should stick to flying $20 Air Hogs helis around your living room.

Sent from my iPhone using PhantomPilots mobile app
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I've held off expressing my opinion on this 'mod'.

Ah, if only you had continued to do so. Oh well, cats out of the bag and you've successfully spewed your opinion all over the thread, so that's the last we'll hear from you then?
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Way to go stomping put the spark of ingenuity. I guess I'll hold off on asking for professional advice and expert opinion since Oz has spoken.

I won't even try to start a thread about my harpoon gun idea. I know what you'll say already.

Sent from my iPhone using PhantomPilots mobile app

I was a bit harsh, I apologize. Much respect to your ingenuity.
I've held off expressing my opinion on this 'mod' hoping it would quickly sink to the darkness of the forum... Yet it continues to persist.

I'm blown away that people are going to such lengths in the name of saving the craft in the event of a malfunction. It's borderline ridiculous IMO.

I 100% get that these are expensive "toys" and preventative measures should be taken to extend its life. But this parachute mod is as absurd as the guy who actually tapes empty soda bottles to the legs of his P3 when he flies over water. Comical stuff.

If you feel you need to jury rig an emergency parachute to your P3, you should stick to flying $20 Air Hogs helis around your living room.
With an opinion like that, What makes you think we care about your opinion? Opinions are like a.......s! Everyone has one!
With an opinion like that, What makes you think we care about your opinion? Opinions are like a.......s! Everyone has one!

That's true. You guys should tape a sandwich Baggie around your entire camera and gimble too. Also, duct tape the entire shell and add steel rebar to the landing gear. Can't be too careful! Lmao
It's OK, I love my P3P with DBS mod. I really don't want to turn this piece of tech into frankenstein but
1. I keep seeing all these posts with "fly away"... and "watch this vid of my phantom falling from the sky" and then seeing the DAT files give really unexplainable reasons for crashes... or even when they are operator error it seems there should be something more to stop thousands of dollars from becoming a pile of plastic and metal.
2. I think its fun to mod, and build in general. I've got tons of RC projects, crawlers, long range fpv, fixed wing fpv, race buggies... Phantom is the only one I've kept stock, because it works so **** well- I figure, whats another 20 grams going to do to hurt the phantom if only as a precaution to keep her from hitting the ground like a meteorite finding its home at the bottom of a smoking crater? The only reason I haven't pulled the trigger on doing mods to the P3P is a. warranty, b. expensive, c. ugly, d. probably wont help/might make it worse if it gets stuck in a tall tree, e. I haven't had a scary crash on the phantom.
3. I have had my blade get lost in the woods on some scary dudes property and turned out it had a sudden power failure, landed on the dudes property, but hit the ravine, rolled into another man's property and he picked her up and cleaned her off for me and saved her on his door step with a note. I was aware of the consequences and prepared for the loss of an expensive UAV but the thought crossed my mind- what if this thing had a parachute and a better tracking device so I didn't have to go door to door? The blade was 1/4 the cost of the phantom.
4. I don't believe in insurance plans, they are plans for failure. They cost 10x as much as a DIY parachute that could save me even needing a repair.

This is a forum, you are obviously just as welcome to chime in your opinion as I or any other member about a parachute mod. BUT I certainly want an explanation- I'm just wanting to know your reasons why you think we are crazy and wasting our time with a mod like this. I imagine its something along the lines of "waste of time", "wont save a fly away", "accidents happen", "only poor pilots feel need for failsafes", "its only $2000", and "its tech toy you act like its irreplaceable" . But if I'm wrong you'll have to tell me because you didn't say WHY.

I was a bit harsh, I apologize. Much respect to your ingenuity.
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I'd propose to let the comment go, and we keep discussing the parachute topic, otherwise this will go down a hole like other threads. Opinion was expressed and it's clear others are interested (including me, and I'd rather see the energy go into useful discussion for those who are interested).
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Yea, looks like some "bored" troll's with nothing better to offer, so I can offer this, "If you don't like what's being talked about here than don't follow this thread" or at least try to offer something a little more intelligent here that might benefit others that are a little more "grow-up" than you appear to be, that being said I'm sure I'll hear more from "the peanut-brain's", just got an email this morning from kyle, for anyone still here that truly still wants to learn.........LOL
Kyle O'Rourke <[email protected]>

2:09 AM (3 hours ago)



Sorry to hear that the battery is having trouble!
We can refund your purchase for the value of the Battery Backpack ($35.95) or send you a replacement unit when they are available. (We are going to release a new version shortly that should be a bit simpler to use and more reliable.)
I believe that we sent you an email recently saying that we will be replacing your unit. If you want to hold onto the battery for a little longer, we should be sending out the replacements in 1-2 weeks.

All the best,
Kyle O'Rourke
[email protected]

Well said guys! I myself like tinkering with all kinds of stuff. The parachute deal to me on a more important aspect is "safety" Not to have it for some reason fall out of the sky and hit someone or someone's personal property. That is my first and foremost reason, second is maybe saving something the Phantom. What's a couple of hundred dollars on something you have over 2000 dollars in! Injuring someone or someone's property will cost you way more then a couple of hundred dollars and even if all fails (including chute) you at least tried to be as safe as possible by having a safety device on your craft, that alone may be enough to get you out of a pinch.

Appreciate all the positive people and comments in this thread, it's been nice as long as it's lasted, hopefully will continue and other people will maybe learn or benefit from it. I know myself enjoy positive threads.
Even for me and the p3 with a chute is some thing Im more concerned with limiting liability under the phantom if any thing happens... Tho out of all the ones I have or have had the p3 is one I worry the least about ever needing a chute for. BUT they are one of them things that ideally you never need to use it intill it happens and glad it was there if it was. BUT I can also see lots of times were its completely pointless to have it on. Like flying over salt water. Its added weight could cause some one to get in a low battery situation while over water more easy then with out it and the chute is not going to save it from takeing a swim if it goes down over water. Or if flying some place out in the middle of no ware or thick forests a chute could end up getting some ones drone stuck way up in a tree were it could never be retrieved and yet not much danger of hurting any one or thing other then the craft if it has a catastrophic malfunction while flying in the boonies. esp if only using a chute that is so under sized that the drone is going to be trashed when it hits the ground any way even if not completely trashed and smashed.

BUT dji phantoms are not the only quad copters or multi rotor craft that could still benefit from a back up chute safety system of some kind. I've seen a few big hex and octos with LOTS of $$ strapped to them flying and they are NOT some thing I want dropping on me from the sky. and I would also bet the money money some ones got strapped to there bird and up in the air the more they would benefit from a chute even if it just cut damage and cost of repair on a crash in 1/2. Were as on a 1200 or so dollar p3 that might not be a lot of $ saved if some one had to replace the whole bird instead of say $600 to replace even a busted camera and gimbal. But on some thing were they got some big heavy bird with lots of expensive gear on it a mild crash or damage can be a big amount of money saved compared to if it totally eats the dirt and a total lose.

Also Im sure if some one ever had a big drone crash land say over a crowd of people I'm sure the news head line would not be all to catchy if it says drone gently wafts down on a parachute after drone accident.... That just would not sell the same for the fear mongering as a head line that read drone plows in to innocent bystander causing injury after a fly away.
It's funny how quickly you get labeled a "bored troll" when you offer a differing stance on things.

This thread has been up for a month and nobody can even get this thing to work. "Testing" it amounts to holding your P3 over your head and quickly twisting and dropping it below your waist. That in itself is too funny. How bout someone take this mod, attach it to a P3 scale dummy (2 2x4s screwed to a "+" that weighs the same as a full up P3) and drop it off the top of a high parking ramp (assuming it's safe) and see if this thing deploys. That would be a start.

@Keith, you are a prime example of a forum "know-it-all".. Constantly spew ing doomsday prophecies to everyone about lawsuits, accidentally killing someone on the ground, and other paranoid tidbits of "knowledge." You preach to other members about your safe flying practices (kudos to you), and a call people out because they flew past LOS. All unsolicited I might add. Yet I'm the troll... Get real my brother. Hell, I have no idea why you put this mod on your bird. According to you, you never fly your bird above 100ft.

@noble1, love my DBS mod too. The only "why" I can offer has already been spelled out in the 14 pages in this thread. Which is, there isn't a shred of evidence that this thing actually works. None. Just a bunch of problems during testing, emails to "the manufacturer" (who reads these forums and sees a bunch of scared P3 owners willing to spend $100+ on anything that promises peace of mind) about ongoing problems. Save your money and just fly the thing. Do the proper preflight checks and sensor readings and you'll be fine. Everyone who loves RC knows this hobby is full of highs and heartbreak. I've seen guys crash $10,000 turbine jets on maidens. Crashing is inevitable and unavoidable in the end. No matter what. Yes, it sucks. But spending money on unproven snake oils isn't going to save your P3.

So, now that this thread has my attention, I'll be closely following it and patiently wait for one of you guys to conduct the test I suggested. (I volunteer @Keith, since he seems to be all-in with this mod. Keep me posted.
This thread has been up for a month and nobody can even get this thing to work. "Testing" it amounts to holding your P3 over your head and quickly twisting and dropping it below your waist. That in itself is too funny. How bout someone take this mod, attach it to a P3 scale dummy (2 2x4s screwed to a "+" that weighs the same as a full up P3) and drop it off the top of a high parking ramp (assuming it's safe) and see if this thing deploys. That would be a start.

Thats almost exactly what I want to do and cant consider any thing to really be fully tested unless its been tested like that. and that would just be the tests before the real tests on a real flying sacrificial phantom to sure it dont deploy when its not wanted and that it deploys with out failure with some thing thats got spinning props on it. Only thing is Im sure as hell not going to be using my p3p for that. But if any one wants to put there's up for some testing I would do it. Tho I keep glancing at my case with my p2 vision that i hardly ever fly any more and keep thinking hummmmmmmmm your about the same weight and the same shape as a p3 esp if I took off the big heavy gimbal and some other mods I added to it. Tho its still in good shape so Im even a bit hesitant to use it for a crash test dummy. and might just keep my eye out for a beat up abused p2 thats near the end of its life.
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Final Battery mod to replace the 1s 3.7vdc, total weight 18 grams for the 2s 7.4 vdc, If you can find a smaller one, (300 mah at least), let me know, if you get worried about getting "flamed" just pm me.

As you know the BackPack from Kyle is a one cell 3.7 vdc, where as the Mayday cuts out at 3vdc, so this might be a good trade off


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Thats almost exactly what I want to do and cant consider any thing to really be fully tested unless its been tested like that. and that would just be the tests before the real tests on a real flying sacrificial phantom to sure it dont deploy when its not wanted and that it deploys with out failure with some thing thats got spinning props on it. Only thing is Im sure as hell not going to be using my p3p for that. But if any one wants to put there's up for some testing I would do it. Tho I keep glancing at my case with my p2 vision that i hardly ever fly any more and keep thinking hummmmmmmmm your about the same weight and the same shape as a p3 esp if I took off the big heavy gimbal and some other mods I added to it. Tho its still in good shape so Im even a bit hesitant to use it for a crash test dummy. and might just keep my eye out for a beat up abused p2 thats near the end of its life.
The Mayday it's self has already been tested, Kyle from northuav has explained all that, the only real problem is power supply, if voltage drops to low, the chute will pop, as far as an outside "fly" test, where I live it's either raining, snowing or just too cold, I'm happy that it will work fine now.
The Mayday it's self has already been tested, Kyle from northuav has explained all that, the only real problem is power supply, if voltage drops to low, the chute will pop

Reliable testing typically involves a 3rd party, not the manufacturer who is selling the product. We are DJI's live firmware testers.
Just in case someone missed how to test the mayday;

Kyle O'Rourke <[email protected]>
Jan 18 (12 days ago)



We recommend gently rotating the system (UAV and all) in you hands continuously until a deployment occurs. If it is not deploying, increase the rotation speed until it does. You could also gently toss the system in the air 1-2 feet repeatably until activation occurs.
Been there, done that, it works just as recommended

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