Litchi or DJI go ?

Aug 17, 2017
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Been relatively new to the DJI family I was just wanting people's views on litchi app.
Is it worth using or am I better sticking with the DJI go app.

My P3 is on its way back from the doctors after having a dip in a lake.Glad to say only the battery was affected so I'm one happy guy
It’s worth getting if you have an interest in the features I it offers that aren’t available in the GO app. Have a look at litchi hellp for an idea.
I will post this as my own opinion and thoughts about litchi. I see so many people using it without issue, but I will not recommend it because first and the most obvious... You will lose the view of your aircraft and the connection as well if the flight path is far away. Many people have their aircraft back and others sometimes the aircraft will not come back. I rather stick to DJI recommendation... Stay with DJI go app and keep the view of your aircraft at not more than 500 meters. Like I said before, this is just my opinion and two cents.
I will post this as my own opinion and thoughts about litchi. I see so many people using it without issue, but I will not recommend it because first and the most obvious... You will lose the view of your aircraft and the connection as well if the flight path is far away. Many people have their aircraft back and others sometimes the aircraft will not come back. I rather stick to DJI recommendation... Stay with DJI go app and keep the view of your aircraft at not more than 500 meters. Like I said before, this is just my opinion and two cents.
Are you taking about an LCMC mission out of signal rage not completing and returning or a general RTH failure. The failure to RTH on signal loss for certain flight modes with the P3 standard and litchi seems to have been resolved some time ago.
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Been relatively new to the DJI family I was just wanting people's views on litchi app.
Is it worth using or am I better sticking with the DJI go app.
I think DJI Go is an excellent app which is all most flyers would need for most of their flying.
Litchi is also great but more for a supplement to Go if you want/need some of the special features it offers.
For programmed waypoint flying, it's really good.
Are you taking about an LCMC mission out of signal rage not completing and returning or a general RTH failure. The failure to RTH on signal loss for certain flight modes with the P3 standard and litchi seems to have been resolved some time ago.
Talking in general, I am very skeptical of litchi. I know many people in here trust this app and have successful missions but I rather be within the general safety guidelines and stay with DJI go and the view of sign.
I have used Litchi for literally hundreds of flights.. maybe more. I use it every single day that I fly.

Sometimes I use it and the aircraft is no more than 100' from takeoff point because that's the flight mission. Not every Litchi mission is out 4 miles into the next county but if you want to stretch your legs like that it's possible with Litchi.

I look at Litchi as just another tool in my UAS Toolbox just like MapPilot, DroneDeploy, DronePan and several others. It's not the end-all to UAS Aps but it's nice to have and a very feature rich and stable flight control ap.
Well I downloaded the litchi app. But it will not connect to my P3
Any ideas peeps ?
My DJI go connects no problem.
Like BigAl and others have said, Litchi is another tool in addition to GO. That being said, I use Litchi for every flight. I always do pano shots when my bird is up in the air and Litchi allows me to program my pano mission. I could do it manually in GO but Litchi does it better.

As far as Litchi not connecting, make sure GO is not running in background. If GO can connect then you shouldn't have problems with Litchi.

On my P3S these are the steps I take with Litchi:
-turn on transmitter
-turn on AC
-turn on Airplane mode (iphone7)
-turn on WiFi and wait for Phantom WiFi to appear in list, then select it
-launch Litchi and check all telemetry (satelites, battery, RC, etc)
Hope this helps.

Well I downloaded the litchi app. But it will not connect to my P3
Any ideas peeps ?
My DJI go connects no problem.
Have a look at your default app setting ,my device set to ask which one i want to fly,,djigo,djigo4 or litchi,heres pic of my screen
Is it required to have WI Fi to use Litchi? If Im out in the back country how would you program a mission? I have a mobil hotspot on my phone and that is my internet when Im back at my cabin. Would I have to set it up then and then go out into the back country to shoot?
Is it required to have WI Fi to use Litchi? If Im out in the back country how would you program a mission? I have a mobil hotspot on my phone and that is my internet when Im back at my cabin. Would I have to set it up then and then go out into the back country to shoot?
If you have a Phantom 3 Standard then it would use the phantoms WiFi which is SEPARATE from the WiFi you use for other devices (laptop, phone, etc) or your home WiFi. The phantom has its own WiFi so you could be in the middle of nowhere with no cell service etc and it would still be able to connect. Litchi and DJI GO both need the phantoms WiFi if you are using the P3S or P34K. If you have another model it would use LightBridge and the controller and device are tethered by a cable and communicate with each other that way.
You can still program a Litchi mission as the WiFi comes from the Phantom unless of course you have LightBridge.

Hope this helps.
Chris. Thank You! I am flying a P4P using and Ipad Mini 4. I am learning how to fly the bird manually and understand DJI Go 4 App presently. I would iventually like to learn all the ends and outs of the multitude programs that are availible to show detailed terrain and how to transpose that to a mission program using waypoints. I guess youtube is a good start but Im looking for a mentor that can guide me in the right direction. If there is a good instructional book out there such as flying missions for dummies for P4P I would love to know about it. Im just a retired guy that wants to film our great oudoors and learn all he can.(DB)
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Is it required to have WI Fi to use Litchi? If Im out in the back country how would you program a mission? I have a mobil hotspot on my phone and that is my internet when Im back at my cabin. Would I have to set it up then and then go out into the back country to shoot?
Hi never really flown back country so always really had a wifi signal from town,,um yes you have to preload missions at your wifi or internet source, once mission saved with map when you open that mission or flight the map will be there when you are out in the field,you could use your mobile hotspot but sometimes can be bit slow for maps,,also there is a litchi download manual ,,good for a read,,
I am new to this as well and learning as I go. I downloaded and read the Litchi manual and refer to it when I need to. PhantomPilots is also an excellent source of info and there are many more experienced and knowledgeable people here than me. Youtube is a good source of info too.
I love photography so my P3S is a way for me to explore landscapes from a different vantage point.
Since you have a P4P you would use LightBridge rather than WiFi.

Good luck and enjoy your P4P

If you have a Phantom 3 Standard then it would use the phantoms WiFi which is SEPARATE from the WiFi you use for other devices (laptop, phone, etc) or your home WiFi. The phantom has its own WiFi so you could be in the middle of nowhere with no cell service etc and it would still be able to connect. Litchi and DJI GO both need the phantoms WiFi if you are using the P3S or P34K. If you have another model it would use LightBridge and the controller and device are tethered by a cable and communicate with each other that way.
You can still program a Litchi mission as the WiFi comes from the Phantom unless of course you have LightBridge.

Hope this helps.

Hi Chris.
Managed to sort my connection problem, it was the dji go that was running that was stopping litchi connecting.
Forced stop and now its fine.
Looking forward to giving it a whirl today.
Thanks again for your help.

Hi Chris.
Managed to sort my connection problem, it was the dji go that was running that was stopping litchi connecting.
Forced stop and now its fine.
Looking forward to giving it a whirl today.
Thanks again for your help.

Good to hear, glad I could help. I think you will like Litchi, there is do much you can do in it
Good to hear, glad I could help. I think you will like Litchi, there is do much you can do in it

Yes i can see theres more on it than the go. Already planned a mission to fly round the Market where i work. And im still at home ! How clever is that ?
Let you know how it goes .
Where abouts are you Chris ? Im guessing not in the UK , as its 02.05am unless your a night owl. Im off to work now. Have a good day and thanks again.
Yes i can see theres more on it than the go. Already planned a mission to fly round the Market where i work. And im still at home ! How clever is that ?
Let you know how it goes .
Where abouts are you Chris ? Im guessing not in the UK , as its 02.05am unless your a night owl. Im off to work now. Have a good day and thanks again.
I'm in Ontario, Canada north of Toronto.

Just make sure when you plan a mission that you have your height set at each waypoint to clear any obstacles. When I did my first mission my height was ok but my speed was way too fast. I also set it to return to home and land after the mission was complete. It almost landed in a tree as gps was slightly off. A tip I picked up from Litchi mission veterans is to have the last waypoint close to your home point and set it to hover and then bring it down manually.

I'm in Ontario, Canada north of Toronto.

Just make sure when you plan a mission that you have your height set at each waypoint to clear any obstacles. When I did my first mission my height was ok but my speed was way too fast. I also set it to return to home and land after the mission was complete. It almost landed in a tree as gps was slightly off. A tip I picked up from Litchi mission veterans is to have the last waypoint close to your home point and set it to hover and then bring it down manually.

Just been out in Derbyshire . Had a great flight . Didn't bother with the market mission realised theres was a big telephone mast bang in the middle. So just flew manual flight in the countryside. Think i need to go in a open field to try out other flight modes. Tried follow me , and it just sat there while i walked away. Lol.
So its back to Youtube
Have a good weekend

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