Litchi app on Android

ok, I'll see if I can fix that. I suppose your gimbal is reporting some weird yaw value which is causing this effect.
Kaehn, spent more time w/ your app this past weekend, and I really do like it. Couple of suggestions:
1) An alert on startup "Missing SD card"
2) When SD card is missing, the error message that pops up when hitting the shutter button disappears so fast I had to hit the button 10 times in order to read what it was trying to tell me..."No SD Card"
3) An "auto-boost" feature. I had to come back and land every battery change because I forgot to boost and the app won't boost mid flight.
Also, on one of my flights after a battery change I forgot to boost but the "boosted" icon was displayed. I don't believe it's possible for a boost to last through a power cycle, so this is probably a bug.

Keep up the good work!
Any word on whether or not it is possible to add Altitude to the exif info of jpegs?
There is no API to set the altitude (there is one to set the latitude/longitude though I haven't tried it), so unless the phantom does it automatically (guess not?), it would be relatively difficult to implement.

1) & 2) will try to make that clearer/longer
3) autoboost is on the todo list, will add a setting for it in the future. And yes that sounds like a bug! thanks for the report
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Also, the ability to stop Time Lapse photos by pressing the Shutter button again, like in the stock app. Currently there doesn't seem to be a way to stop it? I guess by going into settings and changing the capture mode...although that's not very convenient.
Yep, will have to dig deep into the SDK for that, there is no public API to switch back to single photo mode once you're in timelapse afaik.
@Kaehn Thanks so much for being so responsive on here. Please tag me in a post once you think you've got the issue nailed down. I'm going to disable the gesture button for now.
Living by the South Downs (Sussex UK) I want to fly some missions involving negative altitude waypoints. Any chance of putting that on the list for the future?
@Kaehn I decided to go out and do a couple more flights with your app today with some fresh batteries and I couldn't get the yaw issue to happen again when i adjusted the gimbal. The first time it happened it happened about five times but maybe there was a glitch that a power cycle cleared up. Ill let you know if it happens again.
@mmee1992 I believe the bug is in the SDK, found a way around it and it should be fixed for good in the next update (as in it shouldn't happen again).

@Ross the waypoint altitude is from the ground, you shouldn't need negative altitudes as long as you don't take off higher than where you are planning to go. I am also unsure how the phantom would react to negative altitudes!
We will release a new app for the P3, there are too many differences to re-use the same app.
@Kaehn Thank you very much for looking into it. When's the next update that should include that bug fix?
@mmee1992 update is pushed to the store, just need Google to publish it now (usually takes a few hours).

Changelog for pre release version 1.2.4:

  • GS mission files are now saved in a public location, in the phone SDCard in the “VisionPlusApp/missions” folder (old saved missions will automatically be migrated to this new location)

  • auto record now starts recording when motors start, and stops recording when motors are turned off

  • flight logs now start/stop when motors start/stop

  • the location settings popup that tells you when your GPS is not enabled should show up again when needed

  • fpv booster icon should reset properly when the aicraft is rebooted but the app isn’t restarted

  • fixed Wi-Fi connection issues with Android 4.1

  • timelapse can now be stopped before it ends

  • camera settings are now saved permanently

  • removed some camera settings which did not work (iso > 400, 960p video res)

  • fixed rare bug where gimbal would yaw while trying to move it down

  • increased size of aircraft in radar slightly
Will test 1.2.4 tonight if the weather holds........... I tested 1.2.3 last night....... and when i use the auto take off in FPV mode it takes of to 5m and hoover......... but i have to put it in ATTI mode,and back to GPS to get controll over the craft. Is this the way it should be ?

Nice work, and fast updates :-D
Yes that's intended (I don't think there is a way around that).
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Camera Freeze Up?
This has happened to me 3 times now using the Vision Plus app. When flying in GPS mode and recording video the screen will suddenly freeze - sometimes it digitizes sometimes not BUT I cannot get the video back. The application seems also to have frozen but I cannot confirm that as I am too busy recovering the copter and bringing it back safely. Have had to exit the application and restart it but this requires bringing the copter back down and re-establishing the wifi link before I can get it working again.
It does not seem to be related to the actual camera as the video keeps on recording and is viewable from the SD card on the copter. The issue does not seem to be distance or loss of WIFI as I have had this happen when the copter is on the ground just taking off and when flying within 50 feet of the controller. I am using a Note 3 with Android 5.0
This is rendering the application pretty much useless to me as I use the camera video to navigate to and around things.
Any ideas as to why this is happening? Is there a better way/place to ask these questions?
i download Vision Plus app yesterday this version is v1.2.2
how to update v1.2.2 to v1.2.4 ???

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