Just Lost My 1 Week old P4P Help Please

Jun 16, 2016
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New Jersey
Just lost my week old P4P. This was a backup for my main P4P in for fan repair. I know where to get the Litchi Files on my phone but can one of the great experts here that help assess crashes tell me which file in Litchi I need and where to send it so I can link for you. I will provide all the details and upload the link at the same time to cut down on excess threading. Hoping someone can help...thanks
Share the AIRDATA /Healthy drones link containing the .csv. (Enable the share with both .csv and .kml download ability)
Share the AIRDATA /Healthy drones link containing the .csv. (Enable the share with both .csv and .kml download ability)
Doesn't look like the last flight is showing up in Airdata...I'm a member there. It shows all the flights preceding the crash..Hopefully the data is on the phone..I will check.
Go into litchi and press the sync button while your device is connected to your Wi-Fi
OK here is the story. I've been flying along the Delaware River nearly everyday for almost a year. No the lay of the land very well. Today I was returning home from my 3rd battery. Cruising along just fine and out of no where the bird drops from the sky. Was flying with Litchi using VR goggles which give an amazing view. I didn't hit nothing, didn't see anything hit me I was only 1300 feet out and over 200 feet up. This was a backup bird a week old. Had maybe 10 flights on it with no issues.

Where the bird went down is close to water and in a fenced off construction site. It's also heavily wooded. I will try and visit the site Monday and see if they will give me access, I assume they will as I've shot video for them of the land. I did have a Marco Polo attached and I'm getting a 27% signal with arrow pointing to where bird went down. However, I'm not sure I can reach the bird even if I get into the area. I'm enclosing pics from the screen of my Iphone after crash. It seems to be on the ground and not in trees... Here is the link to the fluight Thanks..

DJI Phantom & Mavic Flight Log Viewer - PhantomHelp.com


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Hope you find it! Sorry this happened. Please let us know what the cause was. Battery failure perhaps?
Hope you find it! Sorry this happened. Please let us know what the cause was. Battery failure perhaps?
I have no idea? Dropped out of the sky. Was 39% battery left with 1300 feet to go. I don't know how to decipher the data..waiting for the pros.
Just lost my week old P4P. This was a backup for my main P4P in for fan repair. I know where to get the Litchi Files on my phone but can one of the great experts here that help assess crashes tell me which file in Litchi I need and where to send it so I can link for you. I will provide all the details and upload the link at the same time to cut down on excess threading. Hoping someone can help...thanks
Yip all the best after posting previous post about SRH(smart return home) you got this,mate i feel you pain,,best of luck ,Ian
Sorry to hear that. Any chance you got another drone to look around the area with ?
I have no idea? Dropped out of the sky. Was 39% battery left with 1300 feet to go. I don't know how to decipher the data..waiting for the pros.
This is one of those frustrating cases where the flight record doesn't show exactly what caused the incident.
It gives us enough info to eliminate most of the usual suspects.
The battery appears to be fine, no obstacles or wind to worry about..
The flight record just ends with the Phantom approaching home, at 376 ft and descending under control.
The two possibilities that come to mind are hitting something (a bird or a wire ??) and dislodging the battery or a random hardware problem that cut off the power.
To get to the bottom of this mystery, the Phantom will have to be recovered and the internal flight data may show more.
At the last recorded position, it was making 30 mph, so if it lost power and fell, the momentum would have carried it further along the same line.

If it carried on for more than 100 ft, it may be in a pond.
My rough arithmetic suggests it would have ended up close to the arrowhead above.
It's not possible to calculate exactly which side of the edge it would have landed.
Plus there was no GPS/erratic compass error which is odd as that should show up if it falls. Do you have the healthy drones link with the flight so we can look at that too?
Looking at the area I see no lines at that altitude. The data shows no abnormalities. My take is either it was shot at, battery fell out, bird strike, or some system power failure. However your shots show it near the surface with vegetation in view. At 30MPH velocity I would start near the areas I plotted out thinking of a Phantom type weight at given speed and height.

Lost A.png Lost B.png

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