If you didn't have a 400ft rule would you fly like this?

How do you know if you are in 107? I'm new to all of this.. I bought my drone second hand and haven't registered anything.
There is no rule/law that says you cannot fly above 400 feet in the US. Use common sense and know your surrounding. Read the actual law section 336 of Public Law 112-95.
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How do you know if you are in 107? I'm new to all of this.. I bought my drone second hand and haven't registered anything.

You are in 107 if you fly commercial. You have to take test and be certified. You also have to register yourself as a hobbyist and pay a $5.00 fee if you only fly as a hobby and not commercial. You need to do this. While doing this, they want you to read some simple rules that you are suggested to do for common sense and safety.

By the way, only register on the FAA website, not the ones that come up when you google the subject. They will con you and stick you unnecessary fees.
Just curious what happens if you don't register..? I mean.. I almost didn't even know to do it.
$$$ is what happens if you don't register Before you fly the first time go to the FAA site & register its only $5.00 for three years
Yeah but who will
Know if it is? I kind of don't want my drone registered. Just like my guns in Texas :)

I feel like it's a way of tracking what I'm doing. The only point I can see is if I lost it someone could return it I guess. In that case I could just put my phone number on it.

Honestly I'll read the rules and follow them. I'm not a danger to anyone and I'll fly safe.
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Yeah but who will Know if it is? I kind of don't want my drone registered. Just like my guns in Texas :) I feel like it's a way of tracking what I'm doing. The only point I can see is if I lost it someone could return it I guess. In that case I could just put my phone number on it. Honestly I'll read the rules and follow them. I'm not a danger to anyone and I'll fly safe.

Well if you read the rules it is you as a person who is registered, just like you having a car licence. The drone itself is not registered.
Also all your flight logs can and should be uploaded to DJI cloud servers. Always useful to have in case anyone tries to claim they saw you fligh above 400 ft. As if anyone could tell the height of a drone just from looking at it.
Good points.

Thing is that when flying choose your location. I do fly in tourist areas but often when they are not there. Who wants to spend hours driving through pea soup fog an see nothing. ME. I took some photo's to be printed, the photo shop know the location but go wow, never saw photo's like yours. Yeah I reply, I climbed a stairway to heaven.

I get blank stares lol

No aircraft allowed where I fly. No people underneath. Just me, the sky, and my P3S Argtek Antenna kitted drone.
I fly where I am allowed to fly and at limits the drone can deal with at altitudes where I live. Sometimes I invite friends to come fly in my sky.
It's a lot more fun to see their reaction to the beauty we can see from above.

I chose music and lyrics the drone police will love :)
I'm so envious!

You should livestream one of these flights on youtube.
There is no rule/law that says you cannot fly above 400 feet in the US. Use common sense and know your surrounding. Read the actual law section 336 of Public Law 112-95.
While there is a rule, far more important to understand is that manned aircraft have a 500' floor -- the reason behind the 400' ceiling for sUAV's.

Always keep in mind that manned aircraft are expecting that there aren't going to be sUAV's in their airspace because of the rules, so they DO fly below 1000' AGL, particularly in the same kinds of places we want to fly higher than 400 -- usually for the same reasons (sight-seeing).
Yeah but who will
Know if it is? I kind of don't want my drone registered. Just like my guns in Texas :)

I feel like it's a way of tracking what I'm doing. The only point I can see is if I lost it someone could return it I guess. In that case I could just put my phone number on it.

Honestly I'll read the rules and follow them. I'm not a danger to anyone and I'll fly safe.
There are plenty of threads here sharing stories of visits by locale LEOs because of busybody neighbors and other observers complaining about drones. It happens often enough that none of us should consider this a remote possibility.

Second, if your drone is involved in some accident with another person or their property, you will be in a lot of trouble if you haven't registered. Again, just too big a risk.
Wow... while it isn't impossible...you do realize that the chances of this actually resulting in a collision is incredibly small.. like win the lottery probability... in fact it is far less likely than a lottery win as in...has never happened. I understand your concern for safety but when you go so far out with a statement you lose credibility.

Flying sunrise missions I have more chances of hitting birds feasting on insects. Yes I did go higher than 400ft to get this sunrise.

Sped it up... Enjoy

Is flying through heavy cloud cover\fog detrimental to the inner workings of the aircraft? Just wondering and yes beautiful footage that is something I would like to capture.

It really needs to be raining. On this flight I flew just after the rain had stopped. I flew up to the cloud base from where I live down my valley.
You can see where I am standing in the running track area. Sometimes you can use the mist to wash your props :) This was not a particularly high flight by my standards, probably less than 650 feet.


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