If Battery dies at 300ft what happens?

Mar 29, 2016
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Just curious if anyone know what happens if P4 battery is allowed to run down to zero at a pretty high altitude? Does it slowly keep getting weaker and weaker to the ground and land soft enough to have no damage, or at some point would it just stop motors completely? Just curious.
At ten percent battery the craft will start the auto land process. At that time giving it full throttle to ascend will only maintain your elevation to give a little time to position it in a good landing spot.

You should always be on the ground at 20%, unless money is no object.
And that's the way it's done:rolleyes: ... But if you ever try to run down to zero at 300 feet make sure to film it from the ground because many of use would like to see how well the bird can't take a real hard landing!
ka boom
Just curious if anyone know what happens if P4 battery is allowed to run down to zero at a pretty high altitude? Does it slowly keep getting weaker and weaker to the ground and land soft enough to have no damage, or at some point would it just stop motors completely? Just curious.
Hey Kev, you hade a valid question to wonder if it still has a reserve to land. That's your 10% auto land and you cancel it in order to make a controled landing. Many pilots try to land between 15% to 20% in order to maintain a good safety margin. Long rangers will land much lower and you can see some here at 1%. Many of these guy's have it down to a science and others go for a walk in the fields. Lipo batteries don't like to get drained to low, around 20% should increase your battery life long term.:)
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Hey Kev, you hade a valid question to wonder if it still has a reserve to land. That's your 10% auto land and you cancel it in order to make a controled landing. Many pilots try to land between 15% to 20% in order to maintain a good safety margin. Long rangers will land much lower and you can see some here at 1%. Many of these guy's have it down to a science and others go for a walk in the fields. Lipo batteries don't like to get drained to low, around 20% should increase your battery life long term.:)
And I have been below 10% maybe once and just cancelled and flew it in from there. But I was not sure if there was any buffer at all when it gets right near the end if your up very high at all. LOL. Thanks again for the help Erised!
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GMass had a near-encounter with gravity when flying over a river and a close call today, too. The auto-land feature can be "overridden" by ascending. When inputting an ascending command, for a period the bird will slowly ascend, then for a bit it will maintain altitude, then it will only be able to descend, and you'll merely slow it by requesting an ascent.
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Also keep in mind that putting a heavy load (full power) on a low battery could cause a sudden drop in voltage. When the voltage hits a critical low point you run the risk of a shutdown situation. If that happens you have a falling aircraft with no hope of control or recovery.

Just food for thought.

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