I now know the feeling

Jul 26, 2014
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Jacksonville n.c.
Today me and the family took our boat over the hammocks beach here in nc, its a small island we spend most of our summer at. I got the phantom out and was getting some footage of the ocean and the island, plus the water was clear so I was sure when I played back the recording I would see all the ocean life teaming. There were sharks, lots of big fish, and hundreds of manta rays, and skates. I flew across the island right over our head heading towards the ocean for a low fast approach flying in atti mode, and I was facing the sun so I decided to view my ipad mini instead of keeping an eye on the quad and as I was flying over the waves all of a sudden I lost signal. Thats when I new what had happened, I believe my screen froze for a second or two and you guys know in atti mode you lose altitude, so it crashed in the ocean. The last visual on my screen shows 867 feet distance and 27 feet altitude, I was flying at close to 40 mph.... One sad day :( Me and my dad took the boat out into the ocean and never found it, I hoping to find one somewhere without the transmitter, but I can't find a BNF anywhere :( :( :( :cry:
Mega sucky that. Shame to hear it. But take some solace in the fact that Davey Jones has acquired tonnes and tonnes of gear from hapless owners and will continue to do so.

By the way, ATTI retains your altitude so that was probably not the reason. Perhaps a tech issue.
:eek: sorry for your loss bro.
ATTI does not maintain altitude when flying fast.
singapore_phantom said:
Mega sucky that. Shame to hear it. But take some solace in the fact that Davey Jones has acquired tonnes and tonnes of gear from hapless owners and will continue to do so.

By the way, ATTI retains your altitude so that was probably not the reason. Perhaps a tech issue.

wrong wrong wrong it doesn't hold a altitude at speed .From a high speed flyer aka Paul P


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Yeah theres no video.. As you already know the sd card is in the bird and the bird is in the great drink. I did have IREC, but I wasn't using it at the time... And to the other post, when your flying in atti mode you lose altitude gradually and if your facing a head wind your decent is amplified by the down thrust on your bird... Still sad :( I just don't understand why DJI doesn't offer a BNF model... :cry:
jasonb777 said:
Yeah theres no video.. As you already know the sd card is in the bird and the bird is in the great drink. I did have IREC, but I wasn't using it at the time... And to the other post, when your flying in atti mode you lose altitude gradually and if your facing a head wind your decent is amplified by the down thrust on your bird... Still sad :( I just don't understand why DJI doesn't offer a BNF model... :cry:

Gps and attitude both gradually lose altitude when travelling at high velocity, in any direction.
Whatever the cause man, that's too bad you hit the water. I noticed my iPad mini "sticking" today. All the flight dynamics telemetry ('radar' altitude, distance) was intermittent, and while it didn't kill me (I had lots of margin) it did cause me a lot of little delays and ate up battery while I recovered from overshooting my targets. I'm not sure what causes the TLM delays, but whatever it is, it's at least annoying.
singapore_phantom said:
By the way, ATTI retains your altitude so that was probably not the reason. Perhaps a tech issue.

ATTI does retain altitude if you fly leisurely. If you give it full stick in any direction, however, it bleeds altitude while traveling at maximum speed. Try it for yourself....but keep a close eye on the altitude readout!

Sorry you lost your Phantom, Jason. :(
Well now I got a goproffesional case, two batteries, a transmitter w/stage 2 kit, and moverio bt 200s...I feel like it only makes sense to chalk it up as a loss and buy another one in a couple of months, or should I graduate to DJI flagship s1000 or whatever its called, or maybe the matrix quad.... :? :(
To all you chaps informing me of the altitude bleeding at speed whilst in ATTI, a big thank you. I wasn't aware of this and I'm intending to fly my copter at speed - in ATTI - over water at the end of this month. You all probably saved me my copter from going in the drink. Owe you all a brewski.

Thanks again.

Mori I was trying to get video footage of fast and close calls to put together to make a fast paced video using the phantom...The close call was just too close. I am an experienced pilot as I have owned alot of walkeras helis and quads. It was pilots error, and regardless of how good a pilot you may think you are, there is always a risk when pushing the limits...

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