Here we go, one more nail in our coffin

Total nuts!
Even if I had written permission to do so, I would not fly in places like that. With my luck it would crash on someone or some thing.
Nannerz said:
Wow, what an idiot. How could this be a good thing to do?

I noticed people actually defending this behavior over on the RCGroups thread.

I saw those as well. Stunning to me that anyone would defend this guy. But like I said, it is him, and people like him, that are going to just further convince the FAA and the public that we cannot be trusted to act responsibly and must be tightly regulated.

As Pogo said: "We have met the enemy and he is us."
I'm neither condoning nor condemning this video, but it is visually stunning. Some of us here on Phantom Pilots enjoy examples of flights beyond visual range, distance recording seeking flights, and flights above people and private property. These flights may contribute to FAA determination of the final rules. Let's not forget that contributing to the FAA promulgation process is input from the pilot association/unions, professional photographer/videographers, the very conservative model association the AMA and those business and commercial organizations seeking liberal rules and regulations, such as movie and agriculture.

Flights violating your and my sensibilities will continue after the rules are in place. Folks still drag race cars in the streets, although illegal. What we or the FAA consider dangerous flights will continue after the rules are in place, just view the "Fail" videos on YouTube. The wheels are in motion already, if not done already and being wordsmith by the lawyers.
A nice tour of Dallas but somehow he left out a cruise past the airport!
I'd have liked to see the planes on the runways there.
I guess he ran out of battery.
"Warning: Do not look into laser with remaining good eye"
I don't know what you guys are bitching about, it's not often that you get a voice to go with the moron. The sheer scope of the stupidity was staggering, and much like a train wreak, no mater how horrifying, you're unable to look away. This film is ground breaking in it's use of country western music that drains the soul the more you listen, and yet oddly you're left wanting more...

This is the video equivalent of crack, it's bad, but you still want it.
varmint said:
all the Brokeback pilots out there. "Get 'er done!"

You have no idea how hard I laughed.
SilentAV8R said:
Yes, wonderful video and the most stunning display of stupidity I think I have ever seen. Flown using his Phantom 2 Vision +

You have to listen to his running commentary for the full effect!!

Yup... Good thing he had his second chopter with him... ayuh...

Buk said:
Flights violating your and my sensibilities will continue after the rules are in place. Folks still drag race cars in the streets, although illegal. What we or the FAA consider dangerous flights will continue after the rules are in place, just view the "Fail" videos on YouTube. The wheels are in motion already, if not done already and being wordsmith by the lawyers.

Too true. However, the difference will be that once the FAA Rule is in place there will be a clear ability to enforce violations. Given that enforcement will exist it may dissuade a person from posting such videos, which takes away a big part of the reason for taking them in the first place. People still violate laws, but few post YouTube videos of themselves doing so.
I posted this over at RC groups as well.

I can't listen to the audio, but all I see is a Phantom flying in Dallas. Has he violated class B airspace? I don't know Dallas that well but I do know DFW is at least 10 miles from the downtown area if not more. I don't see the issue. What I do so is the same pattern of knee-jerk "Holy crap! You can't fly in the city!!!!" type responses.

I may soon be a victim of the same type of response when I post up the video I shot exclusively in downtown Los Angeles. No doubt, some will cry out over the wanton disregard for safety and the lack of judgement and how the industry is being destroyed by reckless newcomers like me.

Little will some understand that at least in my case, the only danger the Phantom ever caused was to create a mild public disturbance as so many people gather around in curious amazement at the object buzzing far above their heads. Even the police will stop to gawp at it. These same naysayers won't appreciate that all airspace rules, federal regulation (where they actually exist) and local legislation, etc. were fully complied with. That numerous additional safety measures were taken. All they will see is: OMG! Flying in a urban area is just crazy! There will be a bloodbath! You could kill people! The capability for destruction is limitless! (Insert additional dumb visceral reactions here.)

Meanwhile I am still waiting to see the extensive destructive capability the Phantom can unleash when it falls from the sky. I want to see the smoking crater where the Phantom crashed at terminal velocity. The 15 car pileup of dead comedians (too soon?). A windshield turned inside out and a driver with a bloodied and broken neck. Or a bystander with an eviscerated head.

The most I've seen from all the rabid news reports is a few stitches caused by poor decision making combined with "piloting beyond one's skillset". The only other casualties are insects and pissed off birds.

So please, get your shots. Put your fangs away. Understand that you don't have to be standing in a cow patty to fly RC safely. Stand up for responsible piloting anywhere it is allowed and safe to do so.
Ian - I have a lot of respect for you and what you are doing with the compass issue (which I finally recognized!!). However, on this I think you are dead wrong. There are two main issues with what this guy did:

1 - he placed others at risk without their consent by flying over the roads, people, buildings, etc. This is precisely one of the main concerns of the FAA and this video provides ample evidence in support of that concern. There is no assumed liability or implied consent on the part of anyone he chose to potentially endanger. Ask yourself what could have happened if the Phantom had dropped onto the freeway and hit a car. The fact that this did not happen is irrelevant to the determination of potential risk. We simply are not allowed to place others at risk without either their explicit or implied consent. It really is that simple.

2 - it shines a terrible light on all of us in this hobby. It demonstrates to anyone outside the hobby that we will engage in what they view as potentially dangerous acts with little or no regard for the safety of others. Again, this feeds the FAA and the anti-drone machine with more "evidence" to use against us.

Bottom line is that while many of us may see nothing wrong with his flight (I am not one of those people) the fact remains that it does us no good with either the FAA or the general public. Remember, perception is everything.

I look forward to seeing your video. You have bigger balls than me. I work in LA all the time and would not dream of flying my Phantom around downtown.
Cars, planes, helicopters, pedestrians all put each other at risk all day long without prior consent with much more deadly consequences. My 2kg flying chicken hovering 150ft over the center of a street is the smallest of present threats to anyone underneath it.

And as for giving ammunition to the media, the FAA, etc., that horse has already bolted. We're already pariahs. We have nothing to lose at this point. The FAA is going to crush us with restrictions no matter what.

By flying in downtown LA, I am building public awareness. I get an overwhelmingly positive response every time. People ask where they can get one. iPhones come out by the dozen to take pictures.

We need to fight fire with fire. For every negative that is painted about "drones", we need to demonstrate something positive.
"I jus got done flying low over my neighborhood then over to the park on the other side of the hill a little over a mile out then hovered over a roadway and saw a Ferrari so I followed it then I did a couple flips over the intersection so people could watch it and become aware"

But I believe that rules and regulations need to be set in place but I believe such and such so it's OK for me but I don't want any of you to do this as it reflects on all of us.

That's the trend I see with topics like such.

Oh and don't make me do some flips over your house if you disagree with me. I'll spy on you.
ianwood said:
We need to fight fire with fire. For every negative that is painted about "drones", we need to demonstrate something positive.

..And you feel his video does that?(demonstrate something positive)

BTW- Ian, I appreciate your work with the compass issue as well. Thanks for taking that on and getting real results on the issue.
Thankfully I'm not having many issues with my P2 here closer to the equator. :)

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