
Oct 29, 2018
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Can anyone tell me what exactly the WiFi board in the camera controls I have video feed,but no gimbal movement,all gimbal motors are new as the ribbon cable! Need some answers!!
I'll go first here, then the smart ones can jump in afterwards... First, what are you flying? P3, P4, etc. Next, did you use dji OEM ribbon cable? I ask that because I recently replaced one on a P3S, yaw arm, motor mount, yada yada yada... Ribbon cable came with aftermarket kit. Didnt work. I've been told numerous times of this. Waiting on OEM now...
Never mind on drone you're flying. I see now you're in the Standard, so I deduced, amazingly, that you have a P3S. Gettin smarter ever' day...

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I replaces all new motors on the gimbal and a DJI ribbon cable. What does the WiFi board in the top of the gimbal control ? DRONE drone doesn't fly either.wifi board cause?
I have to admit that this one is different. Usually it's just the opposite everything works great but no video. the Wi-Fi board should be supplying that video. Somehow you're still not connecting the RC to the AC only your phone or pad is linking to the camera. Sorry that does not solve your problem. Does your remote light ever turn green? Showing connection? Relink?
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Yes it turns green,but the red/green button light on the bottom of the drone stay's red and the controller shows green!
Yes it turns green,but the red/green button light on the bottom of the drone stay's red and the controller shows green!
I hope someone here can solve your problems as I am new to the P3 series. I fly P4’s so I’m anxious to learn and pass on what I learned of P3’s. I learn everything the hard way, through mistakes but better yet this forum. Good luck
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Hum, I read this yesterday.

This has me thinking....

"Yes it turns green,but the red/green button light on the bottom of the drone stay's red and the controller shows green! "

Remote sees the Phantom, Phantom doesn't see the remote.

I assume, you tried re-linking, I have the feeling it didn't work?


Your statement...
"DRONE drone doesn't fly either"
Are you stating you can't start the motors?

People can fly there Phantom with out the gimbal and camera even installed, but it had to have a link before the gimbal was removed, (Both Lights Would Have Been Green)

Basically what I'm saying the WiFi board is not needed to fly the Phantom.

Take a look see at this thread.

Its all I got so far.... :) ;)

Well Here's what I did . I down loaded the update 1.05.007 and re loaded the drone and the controller and now everything works except the gimbal,so I am now waiting on the ome ribbon cable.
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