Help! Problems with Power Cables

Jun 20, 2014
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Hi There,

This is my first post on the forum so i'd just like to say hello and thanks to anyone who can help us out. We have been doing some test flights in different types of areas and the reason for purchasing the Phantom 2 is mainly to allow us to get up close to different types of building in different types of areas. The main problem we have had on three seperate occasions is that as soon as the phantom gets anywhere near any power lines we loose all connection with the Phantom and it decides that it wants to land in awkward areas. Yesterday it landed in a tree next to the building we were surveying. I understand from doing a bit of research that is is not advisable to fly the Phantom in the vecinity of power cables, but which ever building we go to there is more than likely going to be cables to interfere with the signal. Does anyone know if there is a way we can fly the Phantom without interuptions from the cables? I read somewhere that there is a complete manual mode, would this be an option?

When the phantom gets an interupted signal it automatically goes into 'return to home' mode and it has landed on a roof of our building and in a tree, is this the normal process for it to go into if the signal is lost between the Phantom and the controller? No matter what we have tried, once in the 'return to home' mode nothing we try seems to allow us to regain the control of the phantom, does anyone have any suggestions? I've read up on Home/Course Lock today and will be ensuring that, that is set up before the next flight, does anyone think this is advisable?

I know we still have a lot to learn but anyones help or suggestions will be gratefully received
AtomAerial said:
Hi There,

This is my first post on the forum so i'd just like to say hello and thanks to anyone who can help us out. We have been doing some test flights in different types of areas and the reason for purchasing the Phantom 2 is mainly to allow us to get up close to different types of building in different types of areas. The main problem we have had on three seperate occasions is that as soon as the phantom gets anywhere near any power lines we loose all connection with the Phantom and it decides that it wants to land in awkward areas. Yesterday it landed in a tree next to the building we were surveying. I understand from doing a bit of research that is is not advisable to fly the Phantom in the vecinity of power cables, but which ever building we go to there is more than likely going to be cables to interfere with the signal. Does anyone know if there is a way we can fly the Phantom without interuptions from the cables? I read somewhere that there is a complete manual mode, would this be an option?

When the phantom gets an interupted signal it automatically goes into 'return to home' mode and it has landed on a roof of our building and in a tree, is this the normal process for it to go into if the signal is lost between the Phantom and the controller? No matter what we have tried, once in the 'return to home' mode nothing we try seems to allow us to regain the control of the phantom, does anyone have any suggestions? I've read up on Home/Course Lock today and will be ensuring that, that is set up before the next flight, does anyone think this is advisable?

I know we still have a lot to learn but anyones help or suggestions will be gratefully received


Generally, power lines won't give of enough electromagnetic interference to cause the problems you're describing. The really larges ones could possibly but if you're flying in and around buildings the interference you're most likely seeing is actually down to Wi-Fi

You don't say which model of Phantom you are flying.

There are 3 actual modes you can use. GPS, ATTI & Manual

GPS is (by the sounds of it) the one you're flying in.

ATTI will hold altitude but NOT position using the GPS it will go where the wind takes it unless you take a more hands on approach.

Manual is full on flying. Take your eyes and hands off it and it will crash. Unless you've a lot of practice flying manually, I personally wouldn't recommend you fly in this mode.

You can enable these modes from within the assistant software. Switching from Phantom to NAZA. Depending upon the firmware revision also adds/subtracts potential features.

If the signal between the controller and the airframe is lost then it will initiate a return to home. It pops up and then fly's back to the home point you previously registered (if indeed you did). You can reset this home point whilst flying but like everything, it's a learned process.

To regain control whilst it's in return to home mode you have to have previously enabled the NAZA mode, within the assistant software. Sounds to me like you're flying in Phantom mode rather than NAZA mode.

What I would suggest (and it's not a criticism) is that you read the manual and posts herein a few more times. Get it sorted in your own head what you're trying to do and understand the modes and how they would apply to you. Then go to a really big open field and try to get your flying skills sorted before you try close proximity flying.

It's all a learning curve and this isn't a toy you've bought, especially if you're hoping to profit financially out of it.

Hi Bmews,

Thanks so much for getting back to me, the phantom we are using is the Phantom 2 vision. There is still a lot we need to learn and the information I have found today has been a great help. The only thing i can say about the building we were flying round is that it's a derelict building so there is no Wifi present although the are houses around this building that will more than likely have wifi. Do you think there would be any more interference from a telephone cable?

I will definately take all your advice and go through it with my brother who is flying the phantom to ensure we are going about things in the right way. I think you may be right about us flying in Phantom mode and not Naza but we will sit down and go through all the extra setup that needs to be carried out before going any further.

I will definately be going through the manual to see if there are things that I can pick up on that my brother hasn't.
Thanks again for your help, this forum looks like it will be a great help, it's a great way to learn.

AtomAerial said:
Hi Bmews,

Thanks so much for getting back to me, the phantom we are using is the Phantom 2 vision. There is still a lot we need to learn and the information I have found today has been a great help. The only thing i can say about the building we were flying round is that it's a derelict building so there is no Wifi present although the are houses around this building that will more than likely have wifi. Do you think there would be any more interference from a telephone cable?

I will definately take all your advice and go through it with my brother who is flying the phantom to ensure we are going about things in the right way. I think you may be right about us flying in Phantom mode and not Naza but we will sit down and go through all the extra setup that needs to be carried out before going any further.

I will definately be going through the manual to see if there are things that I can pick up on that my brother hasn't.
Thanks again for your help, this forum looks like it will be a great help, it's a great way to learn.


Hi Lyndsey-Jane,

you've also not mentioned where you're flying (what country etc) as this can help others point you in the right direction in terms of the potential legal minefield you may fly into.

Wi-Fi signals from other buildings are pretty common. This may have a bearing on your observations. Telephone cables shouldn't have any bearing on the control systems for your Phantom other than if you physically fly into them. ;)

Learn to fly, understand what it's doing and how it may respond and then make sure you plan, plan and do a bit more planning in relation to the area you find yourself flying in. As you seem to be venturing near others property, you may want to ensure that you are indeed insured for at least 3rd party liability.

the more you practice, the more confidence you'll get.

enjoy your flights


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