Has anyone else seen the video of the person that flew his p3s under a blue angles flight....

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Sorry thought it was in the first post... it's just so wrong..... what a moron this guy is..
WOW! What a chance shot! Nothing wrong though. If anything, those planes were too low.
Hello, I am the one who flew the drone and posted the linked video..

Hi Zack and welcome :) You always need to take the good with the bad, especially on the net... There are going to be haters everywhere you go in life, you just have to put up with them. It was a nice video and I personally would have loved to have been above the jets myself, but you were fine. For those of us that are not from the Pensacola area, it looks like the entire island is marked in green, which is a national park. So, it's funny that it wasn't mentioned in the title of this thread that was started and most of us saw no problem with the video, it was just posted as a click bait hate video. Some people just do this for attention, who knows. Respect is always earned, nothing comes for free in this life. Just keep your chin up and keep smiling. Good video :) The water tower is dead center of where it says Pensacola Beach on the map, so if it's not a National park then only a local would know because it's marked as a national park here on the map along with the entire island but there is no problem with airports like was stated by the op.
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Hello, I am the one who flew the drone and posted the linked video. After seeing all the discussion on the legality of this video, I feel there is a lot more work to be done on the laws and information about our great hobby.

When the Blue Angels flew over I was 50 feet above the ground on casino beach. Casino beach is a public beach and not inside the National Park. I was also over 5 miles away from any airport.

Aircraft fly above, and below each other everyday without chaos. That is why we fly below 400 feet. I will admit I would have preferred to be further back from their flight to ensure absolutely no problems. I did not know exactly where they were going to be.

Being a new drone pilot I was shocked to see the amount of anger and outrage I received from this video. Instead of providing information and ways to help me become more knowledgeable, I received hate. I will continue to fly my drone in a safe manner, but I will stop being a part of a community that does not treat others with respect.

Thank you for clearing this up Zack. Since well have gotten "the rest of the story" I am going to close this thing up.

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