Has anybody got their pre ordered Flytrex yet?

I had mine on for a week now. I noticed the speed is not registering correctly in the flight logs. There could be other stuff off as well but the speed is all I was paying attention for that flight as a comparison to DJI's flight log. Actually I saw that the flight logger has been setup to only read data 1 time per second. The last two years it was at 500ms, 750ms, 1000ms, and sometimes higher.

For those that don't know, our P3's report data 10 times a second. Once every 100 milliseconds. Now the current Flytrex Live is technically more advanced then all past Live devices. The CanBus addition last alone was steps in the right direction. Why these current issues exist is unknown. One of the reason we were to have had to wait was due to this product going through Beta Stage.

The Flytrex company is one of the best out there when all props are spinning so to speak. But when they drop the ball, they really drop the ball. It doesn't matter how great any company is if the don't have top notch communication and good public relations. I believe if Mr. Amit Regev would delegate some of his commitments, he would have much better health. But for whatever his reason he obviously likes to function with too many irons in the fire, thus the reason for these current predicaments.

I done business with Mr. Amit Regev for almost 2 years and I guarantee he is no Scam Artist. He actually dedicates 100 percent of his time to our sport and does things the best he knows how. I might break a few off in his back side from time to time but he really is an extremely nice guy. I consider him part of the community here and the last thing anyone should be doing is referencing him as a crook. :(
Thats awesome man I guess I am going to have to figure another way to mount the thing I am going to run dual tray batteries so I wont be able to use the bracket.

I believe the cable and bracket is not a bundled deal. You have to order them extra. So unless you asked or selected to include them you wont have to worry about them if you are going to with duel batteries. Btw, I'll check but they could have changed things and might include these parts now?
The Live 3G is $189
Installation adapter cables $19
Phantom 3 Live Mount $19

Total= $227 + shipping

EDIT: In case anyone is wondering, the installation adapter cable is a must buy item. You will not be able to use the Live 3G without it!
*Note: The cable wires and connectors are of good quality. They are much better then those of the past.
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Thats awesome man I guess I am going to have to figure another way to mount the thing I am going to run dual tray batteries so I wont be able to use the bracket.

What company u buying battery mod from, or you DIY? Can it be a DIY mod? Got any links to research. I've searched but havent seen a lot about them! After going 4.4 miles and coming back 5 percent bat. (P2) Its clear thats my next move
WhAT does this flytex thing do? I load files up to them currently... They have a product??
I had mine on for a week now. I noticed the speed is not registering correctly in the flight logs. There could be other stuff off as well but the speed is all I was paying attention for that flight as a comparison to DJI's flight log. Actually I saw that the flight logger has been setup to only read data 1 time per second. The last two years it was at 500ms, 750ms, 1000ms, and sometimes higher.

Mine is on the way. I can't believe it doesn't work well as you reported. I was waiting for this as the built in P3 logs don't work well when you lose connection with the drone (eg when you fly too far). Then "gaps" appear in the log and you can't match it perfectly anymore to the video. I thought the Flytrex would fix this but what you report doesn't sound good at all.
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I received my P3 Live 3G plus 3 days ago (UK) - paid ages ago (16 July)
I guess I am going to wait till I see everything is running good before buying.
Got mine this morning for my P3... and they didn't include the white mount. It's also not an option when ordering (just checked), so I don't understand why they didn't include it. ****!
So does it work well mohan?

Haven't installed it yet as I got my battery mods installed. Paid extra for the mounts at the time.
The adaptor is listed on the website at present - maybe wasn't available at the time of ordering?

Flytrex Live 3G

Flytrex Live Installation Adapter for Phantom 3 Professional
Haven't installed it yet as I got my battery mods installed. Paid extra for the mounts at the time.
Tell me about bat mod. Is that something i can do myself? Can you use em when u want take em off when u dont want?how much xtra time do they offer? Do see the xtra time in telemetry reading on app(you r talkin p3)
Maybe create a bat mod post!
Tell me about bat mod. Is that something i can do myself? Can you use em when u want take em off when u dont want?how much xtra time do they offer? Do see the xtra time in telemetry reading on app(you r talkin p3)
Maybe create a bat mod post!

Might not be the best thread to talk about the battery mod. Have a look at other threads.. you can pm if you need more info
The adaptor is listed on the website at present - maybe wasn't available at the time of ordering?

Flytrex Live 3G

Flytrex Live Installation Adapter for Phantom 3 Professional

The adapter is not the mount. It's the extra cabling. That's different! The mount still isn't listed. Did you get the mount, Mohan?
The adapter is not the mount. It's the extra cabling. That's different! The mount still isn't listed. Did you get the mount, Mohan?
Ok you are right - my mistake. I got the white piece of plastic with wings

on the 25th of april I ordered the following (2 of each)

Flytrex Live Installation Adapter for Phantom 3 Professional
$19.99 USD 2 $39.98 USD

Flytrex Live Phantom 3 Mount
$18.99 USD 2 $37.98 USD
yes I have mine as well. works perfect. these guys are slow but do a great job for a good price.
This unit is much more complex thatn the last 3g model. I have purchased the original core. 2 3gs and this latest one for the P3.
All work as described. I'm also on the list for the Flytrex Sky.

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