GPS Compass Error whilst in flight

May 10, 2014
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Couple of weeks ago with my P3A I had whilst airborne at about 50 m high a compass error flash up for about 5 seconds.

Flown several times since no problem

Today at about 80 high same thing happened, this time for about 2 minutes.

Then it cleared and all was normal, did a flight afterwards no issues.

Both time it went into atti mode
Both time 15 or more satellites
Different locations
Middle of country side.
No rf transmitters for miles.

Only couple of houses for several miles.

I did do calibration today after warning, I dont do it every flight.

Any thoughts on this warning ?
The same thing has happened to me on different occasions and locations. Looking forward to replies.
Just to add the drone is about 6 months old and flown hundreds of times with no issues, never crashed, hard landed etc.
I've had a couple and usually they are caused by metal in or on the ground. Simply moving myself and the bird a few meters has worked. Once I re-calibrated but that's not a related issue. The first was right after take off and the other was during the initial hover when checking the go-app maybe a minute into the flight. After moving the start point, the problem was solved both times. Both times I brought them down immediately.
I've had a couple and usually they are caused by metal in or on the ground. Simply moving myself and the bird a few meters has worked. Once I re-calibrated but that's not a related issue. The first was right after take off and the other was during the initial hover when checking the go-app maybe a minute into the flight. After moving the start point, the problem was solved both times. Both times I brought them down immediately.
Same here, moved 25 metres and problem gone....
Yes had it on ground once but not when in the air
The second one I had in the air was definitely a little unnerving I actually still have it recorded with my DSLR but I never posted it. I was hovering about 5 meters up :)
This is possible if you are in lower altitude and have thick clouds over head. Generally this only happens when there is less then 6 satellite connections. If you do have this happen again during future flights, I suggest you move the Yaw Stick and have the Aircraft do 3-4 360 rotations. Allow it 10-15sec to return to P-mode. If no change, then of course fly home and prepare for a compass calibration.

Btw, the 360 rotations are of self diagnostics repair that the compass has.
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Bright blue cloudless sky
15 sats
I was almost back home when it cleared.
mine was 80 m up and about 700m away from me.
At that height, you are not going to notice any effect from any amount of steel on or in the ground.
You are much too far away for it to have any effect.
I'd wonder if there was any real error and maybe it was just a false alarm in the app (which happens sometimes).
If you haven't updated your app to the latest version you could go to
Follow the instructions to upload your flight record and see what shows up in the flight data.
I had the same thing happen. Latest firmware, compass calibration before flight. Take off, when i was about 1500ft away 'aircraft compass error' warning came up and a few seconds latter the aircraft went into atti mode. I manually flew it back to home point and landed. Did another compass calibration and few again with no issue.
First time i have ever had this compass error warning.

Sent from my D6653 using PhantomPilots mobile app
I pulled the records of my tablet but its only showing old flight data, has something happened on flight records ? How about the records on drone ?
I pulled the records of my tablet but its only showing old flight data, has something happened on flight records ? How about the records on drone ?
I have my records and uploaded them to healthy drones. I can see the data, however I can't figure out what actually went wrong.

Sent from my D6653 using PhantomPilots mobile app
I pulled the records of my tablet but its only showing old flight data, has something happened on flight records ? How about the records on drone ?
The records on the drone are the .DAT files. They have a lot more info and sometimes yield the cause in this type of incident. For info on how to retrieve a .DAT go here That page also contains info on picking the right .DAT. It will be large and can't be uploaded here. Instead, you'll need to create a Dropbox link (or equivalent) and post that here.

If the other pilots in this thread with a similar incident would like to post their .DAT I'd be glad to take a look those as well.

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