FPV distance loss with RotorPixel Gimbal

Don't give up buddy, you'll get it;)
It will and lots have had to wait a lot longer than you . Killing ya ain't it ! Did me and got it and within a week I dropped it from 250' and had to send it back in to be fixed :)
Naza mode is the only way to go IMO and use HL every time I go up just to check if my HP is set right . I also use HL to just bring it back to me when I go long if I lose FPV . Makes me way more confident on BLOS trips out :)
+1 dirk;)
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I tried emailing when I was waiting for mine too but never got a response back but i did get it evetually.... I tjink hes just a busy man hes into scuba diving lots to he became a sort of celebrity by taking some photos of some sperm whales taking a poo lol and it became a very big deal in the under water world photography any ways type in his name in google and you can read up all about it and you will see why hes so busy kerry wilk is the full name i believe
Hey Squid how's it going?
I have seen some of his videos and they are really cool. I googled him a few weeks ago because I thought I saw in a post somewhere that someone had called him at RotorPixel but no luck finding a phone number on google or finding the post either. Must of been dreaming:confused:

That sperm whale pooing on him expressed my feelings for Keri right about now LOL;)

Give me a sec and I'll find the eBay link for the snap on leg extensions.
He takes folks on Photo expeditions where ever that is . Is interesting . His # is in that long RPG thread .
Cool thanks Dirk!
Hey where did you get your snap on leg extensions from id like to get a set for mine
Here's the link but it looks like he's out of them. http://www.ebay.com/itm/251925670435?_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT

He does custom 3D printing too so maybe he will be making more of them. They are really nice snap on and off and you don't have to worry about your P2V fitting in your case like with the wide and tall landing gear that a few people are selling on eBay. I tried those on my Syma X8C which is exactly the same size as a Phantom and didn't really like them. Wider and taller yes but front to back they made the quad tip over pretty easy.
No problem bro I hope he makes more they are really a great simple solution to get more ground clearance. Looking through the other RPG for a phone number that Dirk mentioned. Probably not a working number after all the searching with my luck LOL.
I did find his phone number somewhere when I was trying to contact him but don't remember where, I think it had something to do with his scuba diving site where I found it, if I find it I will message you with it....
Great thank you!
Thanks can't hurt trying him there. Maybe he actually reads that email account!
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Hey Dirk how's it going down south? Still shaking a bit here LOL the reason follows below.

The new Tx and range extender didn't come today:( and I was kinda bored with flying around the neighborhood and wanted to try some distance flying without all the trees around here. That and I wanted to mess with home lock in an open area. So I went out to the athletic fields at the local high school and fooled around with home lock for a while and I gotta say that is an awesome feature. Anyway on to the distance flying. I was up 200 feet and out about 900 feet and all was good yawing around and checking out the scenery so I took it a little further and bam lost the FPV connection. Well that was a first for me and I was about to panic cause I couldn't see the P2V but I took a deep breath put it in home lock, said a little prayer and pulled the stick back. Well it took about 20 seconds or so of total dread before I could see it again making a bee line right back at me and the FPV signal also kicked back in. Back home now having a beer to calm my nerves (after I changed my shorts LOL) and figured I'd share my first holly crap experience (not counting the wobble of death vortex I lucked out and pulled out of). Hope you get a kick out of it cause I'm sure you've lost FPV a few times going long:D That RE700 can't get here quick enough for me:) Sorry for the long winded post but it has helped me calm down LOL.
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Hey Dirk how's it going down south? Still shaking a bit here LOL the reason follows below.

The new Tx and range extender didn't come today:( and I was kinda bored with flying around the neighborhood and wanted to try some distance flying without all the trees around here. That and I wanted to mess with home lock in an open area. So I went out to the athletic fields at the local high school and fooled around with home lock for a while and I gotta say that is an awesome feature. Anyway on to the distance flying. I was up 200 feet and out about 900 feet and all was good yawing around and checking out the scenery so I took it a little further and bam lost the FPV connection. Well that was a first for me and I was about to panic cause I couldn't see the P2V but I took a deep breath put it in home lock, said a little prayer and pulled the stick back. Well it took about 20 seconds or so of total dread before I could see it again making a bee line right back at me and the FPV signal also kicked back in. Back home now having a beer to calm my nerves (after I changed my shorts LOL) and figured I'd share my first holly crap experience (not counting the wobble of death vortex I lucked out and pulled out of). Hope you get a kick out of it cause I'm sure you've lost FPV a few times going long:D That RE700 can't get here quick enough for me:) Sorry for the long winded post but it has helped me calm down LOL.
:D I still get those moments but I hear it before I see it .Hate it didn't make it today but that's about my luck when I want something .
I just went out to get a sunset but just missed it .Fri.nite 88 001.JPG Is just a little hot down here but what's new .
After ya get used to using HL you will use it a lot or I do anyway .Never really messed with CL but have not had any desire to .
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Still a nice shot though. I took a bunch of shots over about 45 minutes from the same spot over my house of the blue moon rising last week but haven't had a chance to put them together in one montage yet. I get email alerts when the northern lights are visible at lower altitudes but haven't been able to catch one yet. Almost did a few weeks ago but they were really dim and the Phantom red LEDs washed out the picture. Next time I'm planning on going higher so I can have the camera pointing down a little and I put the matte black sticker you told me about on the camera too which should help.
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Oh and the home lock is my new friend for sure:D
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Still a nice shot though. I took a bunch of shots over about 45 minutes from the same spot over my house of the blue moon rising last week but haven't had a chance to put them together in one montage yet. I get email alerts when the northern lights are visible at lower altitudes but haven't been able to catch one yet. Almost did a few weeks ago but they were really dim and the Phantom red LEDs washed out the picture. Next time I'm planning on going higher so I can have the camera pointing down a little and I put the matte black sticker you told me about on the camera too which should help.
If ya shoot late and getting reflections from the LED's put some black tape over em and see if that helps . Never tried it but have read of some that do here .
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