FPV Booster App DOUBLE Vision+ FPV Range

Re: FPV Booster app DOUBLE FPV Range

cougar said:
ToddSmi said:
Cocoa Beach Kiter said:
I did some testing tonight to see how mine would work. After watching the video that PVFlyer recommend twice (unfortunately it's 38 minutes long) and read the threads I can report...

Using the hack software and then opening the assistant you are able to calibrate and use channel 7. However once you power cycle the Phantom, if you open the assistant the calibration for X1 is gone. However the camera will continue to respond to channel 7 and appears to stay calibrated. I attempted to power cycle multiple times and channel 7 control is still there however calibration capability in the assistant is gone. If you re- run the hack software, and then reopen the assistant software, calibration for X1 is back. And appears to be at the same values as it was before. it appears to stay there as long as you do not power cycle the phantom.

I guess the bottom line is this, you can use the hack software to initialize and then the assistant to calibrate, you could then continue to use the channel 7 to control camera tilt and it appears to stay calibrated. If you ever needed to recalibrate, then you could just rerun the hack software.

Hope this helps

Thanks for testing...sounds like we are in good shape then. :D No biggie if we can't see X1 in current version of Assistant as long as it stays calibrated. The next hurdle is to find out if PVFlyer is able to slow down the rate of tilt with X1 as it looked pretty fast in the proof of concept demo, possibly due to not being calibrated at the time??

FWIW. It looks to me that all the "hack" is doing is allowing to calibrate the movement as long as it is active. After power cycle the X1 is no longer there and the phantom reverts to the normal phantom vision + mode. If so, then the 'Booster hack" might not be able to work.

Vision + has always been able to move the camera with the lever as long as the vision app was not open. Once opening the app this function is disabled so I don't understand how the "booster app" can activate the function if it is not there? My understanding is that the "booster hack" would disable the screen-control and let the lever take over control, but for that to happen it has to be active?

I am not familiar if the "channel 7 hack" stayed active in the previous phantom vision, that would to me be the big question.

When you say the phantom reverts to the normal phantom vision + mode are you referring to the assistant software not showing X1 calibration or ? I can say for sure that after power cycle I still had control of the camera tilt using the lever. I did not open the app however ...
Re: FPV Booster app DOUBLE FPV Range

Cocoa Beach Kiter said:
cougar said:
Cocoa Beach Kiter said:
FWIW. It looks to me that all the "hack" is doing is allowing to calibrate the movement as long as it is active. After power cycle the X1 is no longer there and the phantom reverts to the normal phantom vision + mode. If so, then the 'Booster hack" might not be able to work.

Vision + has always been able to move the camera with the lever as long as the vision app was not open. Once opening the app this function is disabled so I don't understand how the "booster app" can activate the function if it is not there? My understanding is that the "booster hack" would disable the screen-control and let the lever take over control, but for that to happen it has to be active?

I am not familiar if the "channel 7 hack" stayed active in the previous phantom vision, that would to me be the big question.

When you say the phantom reverts to the normal phantom vision + mode are you referring to the assistant software not showing X1 calibration or ? I can say for sure that after power cycle I still had control of the camera tilt using the lever. I did not open the app however ...

That is exactly my point, this function has been there since day 1, nothing new. As long as the vision app is not open you can control the camera with the lever.

The hack has not made this happen, all what seems to happen is that you can calibrate the lever. Once you power cycle you are back to normal and the X1. is no longer visible so no change at all.

Again, the big question: how did phantom Vision (not +) behave using the channel 7 hack? Did it stay visible after power cycle?
Re: FPV Booster app DOUBLE FPV Range

So I guess it's going to be awhile before we have a working channel 7 app ?
Re: FPV Booster app DOUBLE FPV Range

Mori55 said:
So I guess it's going to be awhile before we have a working channel 7 app ?

Only time will tell what will happen I guess. If we are very lucky the "Booster hack" will be able to deactivate the screen commands and instead let the lever take control, but will it stay calibrated and functioning without the Assistant showing the correct info?

Guess all we can do is wait, and hope for the best.
Re: FPV Booster app DOUBLE FPV Range

The hack has not made this happen, all what seems to happen is that you can calibrate the lever. Once you power cycle you are back to normal and the X1. is no longer visible so no change at all.

I don't think this is the case. After I power cycled, movement on the lever seemed to be within the ranges of how I calibrated it. I noticed before it would take a full range of motion from using a screwdriver on the pot to get the camera go full up and full-down. After calibration I am only moving the lever approximately half of the full range of the pot to get full up and full-down. And after power cycle this remained the same, although when you go to the assistant you do not see X1 calibration ...

I will test it again tonight by returning everything to normal, then using the hack software and recalibrating to very small movement of the pot for up-and-down limits. After power cycle a few times it will be obvious if it is reverting back to normal or remaining calibrated.....
Re: FPV Booster app DOUBLE FPV Range

Cocoa Beach Kiter said:
The hack has not made this happen, all what seems to happen is that you can calibrate the lever. Once you power cycle you are back to normal and the X1. is no longer visible so no change at all.

I don't think this is the case. After I power cycled, movement on the lever seemed to be within the ranges of how I calibrated it. I noticed before it would take a full range of motion from using a screwdriver on the pot to get the camera go full up and full-down. After calibration I am only moving the lever approximately half of the full range of the pot to get full up and full-down. And after power cycle this remained the same, although when you go to the assistant you do not see X1 calibration ...

I will test it again tonight by returning everything to normal, then using the hack software and recalibrating to very small movement of the pot for up-and-down limits. After power cycle a few times it will be obvious if it is reverting back to normal or remaining calibrated.....

Hope you have success but will still wait for results once the app gets out, we will see.

btw. I have a potentiometer installed with a longer range the the pot original in the TX and have no problem moving the camera as long as the vision app is not open. As you say, will it stay calibrated or not and will this be successful only time will tell.
Re: FPV Booster for Vision+ V2 Available in App Store

PVFlyer said:
I'm glad to let you know that FPV Booster for Vision+ (AKA V+ Booster) V2 for iOS is approved by Apple and available in App Store.

What's new in Version 2.0:
- Further improved FPV range
- Better FPV performance in urban area

Any idea on availability for android?
Re: FPV Booster for Vision+ V2 Available in App Store

flyNfrank said:
PVFlyer said:
I'm glad to let you know that FPV Booster for Vision+ (AKA V+ Booster) V2 for iOS is approved by Apple and available in App Store.

What's new in Version 2.0:
- Further improved FPV range
- Better FPV performance in urban area

Any idea on availability for android?
We plan to start V2 Android coding after we complete CH-7 enabler. I estimate to take a few more weeks on CH-7 enabler development.
Comments on tilt function.

Just thought I'd weigh in on the tilt. The Vision Classic had some gimbal tilt control in the assistant, limits etc. This was for the tilt servo.

The Phantom2 and Vision+ just respond to the 7th channel signal from the TX and have no limit adjustments. The stock 7th channel pot can physically be rotated more than 180 degrees with a screw driver, however, with the tilt lever kit this travel is limited to about 30 degrees. This is why calibration is needed.

I have modified a few TX's with both 3-Turn precision pots and Linear sliders with great success.

There are two calibrations that should be done.

1- Use the RC Assistant software and connect the TX to the PC. Calibrate all stick movements including the 7th channel. This ensures that the TX is calibrated to the actual range of the pot that you used and sends the full range signal for X1.

2- Then use the Phantom Assistant software to calibrate the model to accept the X1 signal range.

These calibrations stay until you change something so you don't need to see them in the assistant any longer once done.

The Current Vision+ software app was written to currently ignore the X1 signal coming from the transmitter. This is why the TX can control the camera until the app runs. The X1 signal is still being received, just ignored. The DroneExpert folks made a hardware mixer to get the X1 signal and feed it to the gimbal tilt channel along with the app, nice but expensive and currently being re-worked due to a conflict with the latest ground station part of the Vision App.

The Booster Pro app will basically use software commands to stop the Vision+ App from "stealing"/ignoring the X1 signal and allow X1 to control the tilt like it did before the app began running. If it works as PVFlyer has described you will be able to toggle this function when needed. So unlike the DroneExpert solution this will be an Either/Or function, not a mix, either the app will control tilt or the Tx lever will control tilt which is fine by me!

Here's some of the mods I did;

Vision+ Mods with Linear Pot;
http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showpost ... count=3383

Phantom 2 Mods with 3-Turn Pot;
http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showpost ... count=2990

The 3-turn pot really allows for ultra fine control of tilt, I like it a lot.

But the Vision is SCREAMING for any TX tilt control, it annoys me every time I fly mine that I have to use the app to tilt. Sending Godspeed wishes to PVFlyer and his friend that they get this out soon.
Re: Comments on tilt function.

RemE said:
Phantom 2 Mods with 3-Turn Pot;
http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showpost ... count=2990

The 3-turn pot really allows for ultra fine control of tilt, I like it a lot.

But the Vision is SCREAMING for any TX tilt control, it annoys me every time I fly mine that I have to use the app to tilt. Sending Godspeed wishes to PVFlyer and his friend that they get this out soon.

Thanks a lot RemE for this recap.
Just a question about the 3-turn pot mod : there is a serial 4.7k in the cursor wire. I guess that it's to avoid potential shortcuts (if cursor is at the upper or lower position) when using the "position swith". But, when in "variable control", do you still have the full tilt range over the pot ?
For doing that, current thru the resistance must be very low not to affect the voltage value on the white wire at the main board connection.

If the switch is not required, the 4.7k is not necessary ... but I agree that it must be very convenient to get the switch in addition to the pot.
Re: FPV Booster app DOUBLE FPV Range

When I had the channel 7 hack on my pv2 you did the hack , calibrated it , then you could enter different values to adjust how much it moved up or down.
The on screen tilt was disabled.
Re: Comments on tilt function.

RemE said:
Just thought I'd weigh in on the tilt. The Vision Classic had some gimbal tilt control in the assistant, limits etc. This was for the tilt servo.

The Phantom2 and Vision+ just respond to the 7th channel signal from the TX and have no limit adjustments. The stock 7th channel pot can physically be rotated more than 180 degrees with a screw driver, however, with the tilt lever kit this travel is limited to about 30 degrees. This is why calibration is needed.

I have modified a few TX's with both 3-Turn precision pots and Linear sliders with great success.

There are two calibrations that should be done.

1- Use the RC Assistant software and connect the TX to the PC. Calibrate all stick movements including the 7th channel. This ensures that the TX is calibrated to the actual range of the pot that you used and sends the full range signal for X1.

2- Then use the Phantom Assistant software to calibrate the model to accept the X1 signal range.

These calibrations stay until you change something so you don't need to see them in the assistant any longer once done.

The Current Vision+ software app was written to currently ignore the X1 signal coming from the transmitter. This is why the TX can control the camera until the app runs. The X1 signal is still being received, just ignored. The DroneExpert folks made a hardware mixer to get the X1 signal and feed it to the gimbal tilt channel along with the app, nice but expensive and currently being re-worked due to a conflict with the latest ground station part of the Vision App.

The Booster Pro app will basically use software commands to stop the Vision+ App from "stealing"/ignoring the X1 signal and allow X1 to control the tilt like it did before the app began running. If it works as PVFlyer has described you will be able to toggle this function when needed. So unlike the DroneExpert solution this will be an Either/Or function, not a mix, either the app will control tilt or the Tx lever will control tilt which is fine by me!

Here's some of the mods I did;

Vision+ Mods with Linear Pot;
http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showpost ... count=3383

Phantom 2 Mods with 3-Turn Pot;
http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showpost ... count=2990

The 3-turn pot really allows for ultra fine control of tilt, I like it a lot.

But the Vision is SCREAMING for any TX tilt control, it annoys me every time I fly mine that I have to use the app to tilt. Sending Godspeed wishes to PVFlyer and his friend that they get this out soon.

Thanx for the great write-up and explanation RemE.
Now we wait and hope for a great result. :)
Re: Comments on tilt function.

philarvropagan said:
RemE said:
Phantom 2 Mods with 3-Turn Pot;
http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showpost ... count=2990

The 3-turn pot really allows for ultra fine control of tilt, I like it a lot.

But the Vision is SCREAMING for any TX tilt control, it annoys me every time I fly mine that I have to use the app to tilt. Sending Godspeed wishes to PVFlyer and his friend that they get this out soon.

Thanks a lot RemE for this recap.
Just a question about the 3-turn pot mod : there is a serial 4.7k in the cursor wire. I guess that it's to avoid potential shortcuts (if cursor is at the upper or lower position) when using the "position swith". But, when in "variable control", do you still have the full tilt range over the pot ?
For doing that, current thru the resistance must be very low not to affect the voltage value on the white wire at the main board connection.

If the switch is not required, the 4.7k is not necessary ... but I agree that it must be very convenient to get the switch in addition to the pot.

Correct! The 4.7k resistor is there to prevent a short when the switch is flipped to up or down and the pot is turned to one end or the other. In Var mode, the pot has full range (the encoder has very high impedance). If the switch is not installed, the 4.7k resistor is not needed. The switch was just a nice to have feature.
Re: Comments on tilt function.

RemE said:
Here's some of the mods I did;

Vision+ Mods with Linear Pot;
http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showpost ... count=3383

Phantom 2 Mods with 3-Turn Pot;
http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showpost ... count=2990

The 3-turn pot really allows for ultra fine control of tilt, I like it a lot.

But the Vision is SCREAMING for any TX tilt control, it annoys me every time I fly mine that I have to use the app to tilt. Sending Godspeed wishes to PVFlyer and his friend that they get this out soon.
Thanks a lot for the great inspiration. I like your P2 3-turn pot, but I think 1-turn (maybe 3-quarter 270-degree) VR is good enough for me.
Re: FPV Booster app DOUBLE FPV Range

I guess were on hold ! Will you be making any progress while your away ?
Re: FPV Booster app DOUBLE FPV Range


Used the app today (sadly before I realised v2.0 was out) but something weird happened on the way back. I got out to 3,000 feet away and started coming back as I reckoned that was quite far enough for today. Although the WiFi had been rock solid all the way outbound, it dropped out as soon as I turned towards home and the dreaded "Phantom Connection Broken" message appeared. It reconnected after a tense few seconds so I resumed my journey home, using the sporadic video link to head exactly towards my location. The WiFi was a bit more laggy than usual but was still connected until I reached 2,000 feet away at which point it dropped and never came back until I was 400 feet away.

Is the Phantom V+'s WiFi antenna weaker from the front or is their something going on with this app as I've read of someone else having the same experience with Vision + Booster app causing reconnection to be worryingly slow, even when within visual range?

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