Flying from inside house or car anyone?

one phrase "Fresnel zones"

btw the ARRL has some excellent books on antenna design/propagation I suggest you read before passing off the below as "engineering knowledge"

hzl(who actually has been a ham/rf experimeter since the 60's)

People are getting excited because of the potential for increased range using this huge car mounted antenna, but its usefulness is questionable if not limited.

Antennas do not amplify the signal. They just focus the energy in a particular direction. So an omnidirectional antenna like this will achieve a much longer range, but at a much reduced vertical angle of coverage.
Best is to look at the following image to get an idea:

View attachment 52343

The 9dbi antenna has a much bigger horizontal reach, but at a 100 ft distance, it can fly only at an altitude of max 22 ft! If the antenna is angled backwards 12.5 degrees, then the max altitude is 44ft. Anything above that, it will get outside the radiation zone and lose connectivity. Since the car antenna is mounted in a fixed position, hence cannot be aimed, the phantom will be able to maintain connectivity only within the 25 degree cone.

In that sense, a flat antenna, or a windsurfer is better because it does not have any radiation going the opposite direction of the phantom and has an increased cone of transmission. (BTW, the 2dbi antenna radiation pattern, is incorrect. It is not a full 360 degrees. It does dip at the poles. All omnidirectional antennas do. The actual 3D shape is of a doughnut.)
Hi Jeremiah,

You can get the stuff to mod remote at maxxuav. there is a video tutorial here.
DJI - Clean Install Kit

yes Jake got our EVO order shipped out this morning..

looking at different omni designs such as stacked j poles and slotted waveguides as omnis
at 2.4ghz everything(radiators/reflectors and wavelenght(12.5 cm wow) is so tiny compared to 433mhz :)

I MAY wind up building antennas instead of buying as I have been slicing a LOT of commercial antennas apart to find out NOT the designs I would have preferred..:(

depends on what I can find actually

hzl(who will be going EVO with DBS-02 or 2x 9-14db omnis soon as the EVO arrives)
no I actually did.. you are indeed quite mistaken on both radiation patterns and the actual math, I suggest you study for a tech FCC ticket and come back when you have managed to pass that..

this will be the last time I comment on your ignorance as I don't have time to educate you and it obvious you DON'T know that much about the subject of antenna propagation patterns in real life..


What math? Didn't even have one formula here.
I am glad you will not comment anymore. We don't need a troll in this forum littering the threads.
I would say that you should apply your recommendations to yourself, but obviously trolling does not require knowledge.. Good riddance!
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doesnt matter.. some folks get results.. you seem to fail.. guess that is the difference

as for trolling??
yep feeding the troll in front of me long enough for him to get the clue that ALL regard him as at best an incompetent fool


come back when you have the basic knowledge any tech ticket is required to have...
Foosy I don't know what your deal is. I posted results of my setup with pics and vids to back it up. I am sure it can be improved. Do you have anything to contribute because you have used the word troll in almost every post but your character here is the very definition of a troll

I didn't say that you could not achieve that distance, nor did I say that your videos are a fabrication. I do believe all your setup and your results, other than the flying on top of an omnidirectional antenna. If it worked, you may have had signals reflected from other objects, or your antenna was tilted.

However various people such as hzl are trying to twist what I said into something I didn't. That's trolling.

My original contributions, which I stand by, are:
A) antennas do not amplify signals, they distribute energy.
B) a taller omnidirectional antenna has a narrower vertical radiation pattern, and a further horizontal radiation pattern.

If you or anyone claims that they can, by changing an antenna , increase coverage in a direction without reducing coverage in another direction or axis, than they are claiming that they can create energy out of nothing. This, if can be achieved deserves more than a Nobel prize..
I suggest a trolling prize to begin with.
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again troll

Fresnel Zones.. hint even and odd numbered..

ps you have been wrong in pretty much all you have said so far...
small hint antennas exhibit gain and radiation patterns are by no means perfect.. fresnel zones are just part of how we calculate such effects ..

your BIG problem is you quote items without having ANY idea of the math involved making it painfully obvious you are a simple consumer and NOT contributing to the discussion at hand in any constructive form..

I didn't say that you could not achieve that distance, nor did I say that your videos are a fabrication. I do believe all your setup and your results, other than the flying on top of an omnidirectional antenna. If it worked, you may have had signals reflected from other objects, or your antenna was tilted.

However various people such as hzl are trying to twist what I said into something I didn't. That's trolling.

My original contributions, which I stand by, are:
A) antennas do not amplify signals, they distribute energy.
B) a taller omnidirectional antenna has a narrower vertical radiation pattern, and a further horizontal radiation pattern.
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I actually agree with all you said. I should have just stuck to facts and let others reach their own conclusions.

As to the facts: regardless of the technology, there needs to be a wave emanating from the controller that will reach the bird. If it does not reach it, the handshake is irrelevant. I have to reemphasize: I am not debating his range. Being at 1000ft high, when you are at 20,000 ft distance, is definitely within the radiation cone.

As to me calling his BS, use whatever better term you want but look at his roof and tell me if that is a 50ft antenna. For comparison purposes the following is a real 50ft antenna tower:
View attachment 52423
Please learn to read before posting . Wow you are clueless . Now exit this thread and let the experts with real experience chat.

Sent from my iPad using PhantomPilots mobile app
again troll

Fresnel Zones.. hint even and odd numbered..

ps you have been wrong in pretty much all you have said so far...
small hint antennas exhibit gain and radiation patterns are by no means perfect.. fresnel zones are just part of how we calculate such effects ..

your BIG problem is you quote items without having ANY idea of the math involved making it painfully obvious you are a simple consumer and NOT contributing to the discussion at hand in any constructive form..

Again you post without a single contribution.
Constantly repeating that what I said was wrong, is not going to substantiate your claim. If you can prove a sentence I said is incorrect, go ahead and do it. Otherwise take your ego and your fanboys and find another thread.
Jeremiah Nelson, on behalf of all of the people in this thread who are genuinely interested in your setup and your results (since you are the lone hero out there doing this kind of thing and posting about it) I want to apologize for all the thread derailing, trolling, and unnecessary criticism. The fact that you stuck around still answering questions and posting videos, despite the nonsense, shows your true character and that you are just here to inform and help out fellow hobbyists who share your interest. We salute you and want to let you know how truly and greatly appreciated you are. Thank you!
And I wish to second that.. you have done a bang up job!

sorry the troll did NOT take high school/college level math for tech students(this was covered in the courses I took beginning RF engineering classes on propagation in the mid 60's)

unfortunately the TROLL appears to suffer from
"Dunning–Kruger syndrome"

and is beyond help..

Jeremiah Nelson, on behalf of all of the people in this thread who are genuinely interested in your setup and your results (since you are the lone hero out there doing this kind of thing and posting about it) I want to apologize for all the thread derailing, trolling, and unnecessary criticism. The fact that you stuck around still answering questions and posting videos, despite the nonsense, shows your true character and that you are just here to inform and help out fellow hobbyists who share your interest. We salute you and want to let you know how truly and greatly appreciated you are. Thank you!
Actually I am now going to suggest that the actual participants to this thread report your repeated trolling in the hopes YOU can be encouraged to find a thread where you can make a positive contribution to the thread instead of showing your profound ignorance and detracting from the thread
.. again we are NOT here to educate you..
just to simply ask you to leave..
you have made your self unwelcome..
that is why this is happening from all concerned aimed at you..


Again you post without a single contribution.
Constantly repeating that what I said was wrong, is not going to substantiate your claim. If you can prove a sentence I said is incorrect, go ahead and do it. Otherwise take your ego and your fanboys and find another thread.

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