EZ DBSMODS Antenna Installation

Jun 17, 2015
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Guys and Gals,

I'm posting this to encourage anyone who is on the fence about getting their DBS ITELITE antenna because:

1. I'm scared I'll screw something up -or-

2. The DBS installation service is too much for my budget right now

My DBS antenna arrived yesterday and I had some time last night so I decided to just "git 'er done" as they say.

Since I had already installed the HDMI board I was familiar with working with the ribbon cables, which is the only part of the process where you can get into trouble.

Here are my tips / observations:

First, look at all the videos associated with opening up the P3 controller and doing any antenna mod.

Tools: You don't need much - small hex head driver to remove the USB cover on the back of the controller. Small phillips head screw driver for removing the screws holding the controller case together as well as to loosen the USB / HDMI board to more easily facilitate the removal / re-installation of the large ribbon cable. Hot glue gun (optional) to tack the new internal antenna cables in place where the cables clip onto the main controller board. A 1/4" drill bit and perhaps several smaller sizes to pilot drill the controller case for the RPSMA fittings. Hand held drill of some sort.

This might seem like a lot of tools, but if you've been messing with RC for any amount of time then these items are on your bench somewhere.

Tips: The new batch of DBS antennas ship with the shorter internal cables which makes the "over the gimbal" style installation very easy.

Loosen or remove the three screws holding the USB board in place Which will allow the board to float a little and makes the re-installation of the large ribbon cable much easier.

On one of the videos pulling apart the controller case looks somewhat difficult. Mine was actually no big deal to separate.

Clean your hands after you remove the rubber bumpers and screw covers on the controller to remove any sticky residue which you might pick up.

On the inside of my "A" model controller there is a small mold circle located on either side of the device mount. I used these as the locators for drilling the antenna fitting holes. Worked great.

I pushed a short length of heat shrink tubing over the ends of the native antenna leads after removing them from the main board. The tubing was small enough that I did not need to shrink it. After pushing the tubing over the antenna fittings I just tucked them away before I installed the new set of antenna wires.

I chose not to remove the original antennas in case I ever wanted to revert to the stock set up.

My total set up and installation time was less than an hour. If I were doing it again with the tools already set out I'm pretty sure that you could complete this in about 30 minutes or less.

:harry L1060563.JPG

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