Drone Rescue Operator Needed- Reward$$

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Sep 7, 2020
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Good evening,

Were looking for a group with experience going into the woods. The resort we were staying at lost our dog and he ran off into the woods near the Kissimmee area by Encore Resort at Reunion. We are trying to put together a search party for tomorrow 09/08 to try and find him. If you can help in any way, please let me know. There is a $2,000 reward for finding the lost dog. I’m also looking for a Drone Rescue Operator that can fly a drone into the woods (below tree line) and help search for the dog in areas where we cannot access.

Thank you
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Hope you find the dog. I will post this in our other forum and
maybe one of them can help you.
I will direct it back here.
Good luck.?
I use to live and work in the area. I can't help because I'm out of state. I hope you get the help you need. Drones have a nearly impossible time flying in the woods. One twig and the drone is history. Drones can look across the big cattle ranges in the area. There is a lot of open area there.
Sorry, but if your dog is in the woods, It will be something for it to make it to daylight. Many dogs end up as missing, because of gators. When I lived at Hilton Head, they had to remove a gator near a resort because of all the dogs he was eating. People just don't understand, you don't let your dog run around, than go to the water to get a drink, even at a golf course. Gators are waiting when they hear a dog. Illegal gator hunters use dogs as bait. I know that wasn't your case. Sorry again. I'm being honest with you so you know the facts. Just prepare yourself if he isn't found. I do wish you the best. Prove me wrong.
A Mini with the cage on if it wasn’t to dence With the right pilot
might could maneuver through the trees ok.
No idea if for a dog doing a SAR you would have to have a 107 .?‍♂️.
Infrared at night from above the trees can spot animals clearly by heat. Even identify what kind. Some drone search and rescue teams have them. Good luck.
...No idea if for a dog doing a SAR you would have to have a 107...

Yes sir absolutely Part 107 to be legal.

Infrared at night from above the trees can spot animals clearly by heat. Even identify what kind. Some drone search and rescue teams have them. Good luck.

In theory yes but in reality, with the sensors we have right now not at all. It takes the least amount of canopy to completely block the heat signature from the sensors. We've done practice searches with many "Searches" in the woods and we knew where they were exactly and unless there was an opening in the canopy the camera wouldn't pick up the signature.

It's possible there are better, more capable solutions the ones we have tried but in our searches are very easily "blinded" by thick canopy and anything that blocks the heat signature.
Here's an old hunter trick that's been around.
Leave a well worn jacket and/or other pieces of clothing with your scent on them on the ground, maybe at trail intersections and hill tops. Animals usually choose the path of least resistance, so trails and clear areas are best. Make sure these points of clothing are upwind, maybe several points wide apart in a straight line so the scent covers a wide swath. Leave them overnight or over several days and check them at least daily. If he can smell it, he'll come back to the area and possibly be sitting on one of the items when you get there. Check for fresh tracks. Look around watering holes and soft dirt. The sharper the edges of the track, the more recent it is.
Also, one rule that applies to children which maybe applies to domestic animals as well is, the children will always walk in the opposite direction of direct sunlight. It's unpleasant to the eyes and face, so naturally walking with the sun to your back just feels better.
If the dog is chipped, check the data bases for reported dogs. If it's not chipped, get it done!
Hope it helps, good luck from one dog lover to another.
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I think if he was serious he would have checked back in by now.......since the search was listed as today.

But hey, I'm an old fart......and I'm skeptical and question 'everything'. [emoji848]

And @Super Dave, you are right. The pooch needs to be chipped. My adult GSD is chipped, and often carries the same Marco Polo tracker on her harness as my drones carry.

You never know when the drone, or the dog, takes off like a rocket exploring on their own.
If you haven't found some one to help you let me know i can be there tomorrow if needed .hope you find your dog God bless stay safe.
He hasn’t logged back in since he started the thread though he might just be looking in.
If I was trying to help him I would try and find a contact # at that resort. He did not leave one here. I bet they would have his #.
Thanks. ?
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We have a member from the Mavic forum going there tomorrow .
Its a toy poodle .I hope one of those big snakes hasn’t got it or
anything else.
" Its a toy poodle "
not a good size, I been down for the past 5yrs, love swamp fishing, the gators ALWAYS catch the biggest fish n birds. found some really big snakes also, but they tend to stay pretty far south of the area he's in, gators though...
hopefully all is well
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