Does anyone else feel lost here?

You want "lost" try joining a drummers forum.
ianwood said:
Soooooo... I'm gonna throw out a question... Do any of the mods for the P2NV forum actually have a P2NV? I'm not seeing a high frequency of posts there.

Not sure what the frequency of post have to do with the mods at this point, but I am a mod for the P2 NV and thats what I fly (among other RC aircraft). ;)
You'll find the full moderator list here -
I just posted this morning that I need help with my iosd mini and I know there are knowledgable people on here and I would prefer to search but even then that doesn't get what you want. You get so many results it's hard to sift through them all. Seems like everyone is doing the same mods so stickies would be great.
LuvMyTJ said:
ianwood said:
Soooooo... I'm gonna throw out a question... Do any of the mods for the P2NV forum actually have a P2NV? I'm not seeing a high frequency of posts there.

Not sure what the frequency of post have to do with the mods at this point, but I am a mod for the P2 NV and thats what I fly (among other RC aircraft). ;)
You'll find the full moderator list here -
Thanks for stepping up! Been there and it can be a tough thankless job. :eek:
I really appreciate that you guys stepped up to do the moderation role. I didn't think this place was all that bad, but some organisation and stickying would be great.

Good luck new mods! :D
mrand said:
I just posted this morning that I need help with my iosd mini and I know there are knowledgable people on here and I would prefer to search but even then that doesn't get what you want. You get so many results it's hard to sift through them all. Seems like everyone is doing the same mods so stickies would be great.

Agreed. That will be the most important step. I outlined a bunch of sticky (FAQ is more appropriate actually) topics a few posts back including your OSD question. Let's hope there's a plan for those as that is really what is needed more than anything.

pault said:
Good to see you are still actively involved here :)
(as well as there ;))

+1 to the here part.
I will be active here for some time to come. I just will not be maintaining my core subject areas. The biggest problem this place still faces is the sheer number of posts per day.

The FAQ's are needed now so that people can be referred to them. New posts on the same subject that already exists as a sticky should not be answered other than by a simple 'check FAQ'.

Rather than create new stickies from scratch the mods could identify (with the help of members) suitable posts that may have dropped off the radar which have already garnered the majority of advice. They could be made stickies immediately which will do a huge amount to reduce the clutter and help the new pilots.

This will take a little pain and perseverance to pull users into the new way of doing things but that has to be done otherwise the new mods will have a miserable time.
ianwood said:
mrand said:
I just posted this morning that I need help with my iosd mini and I know there are knowledgable people on here and I would prefer to search but even then that doesn't get what you want. You get so many results it's hard to sift through them all. Seems like everyone is doing the same mods so stickies would be great.

Agreed. That will be the most important step. I outlined a bunch of sticky (FAQ is more appropriate actually) topics a few posts back including your OSD question. Let's hope there's a plan for those as that is really what is needed more than anything.

Now that we know who's tasked with mod duties, that's among the first things we're working on...getting the existing info base in the forum to the point where it's more accessible and more efficient for everyone. Stickies/FAQ's will definitely be a big part of this, and the input in this thread (esp the great list you provided, Ian) will definitely be factored in.

We're trying to make all the good ideas happen as quickly as possible, while still insuring they're done in the best way possible the first time, and with a unified approach/structure. Hopefully it will all bear some fruit very soon here :)
OI Photography said:
ianwood said:
mrand said:
I just posted this morning that I need help with my iosd mini and I know there are knowledgable people on here and I would prefer to search but even then that doesn't get what you want. You get so many results it's hard to sift through them all. Seems like everyone is doing the same mods so stickies would be great.

Agreed. That will be the most important step. I outlined a bunch of sticky (FAQ is more appropriate actually) topics a few posts back including your OSD question. Let's hope there's a plan for those as that is really what is needed more than anything.

Now that we know who's tasked with mod duties, that's among the first things we're working on...getting the existing info base in the forum to the point where it's more accessible and more efficient for everyone. Stickies/FAQ's will definitely be a big part of this, and the input in this thread (esp the great list you provided, Ian) will definitely be factored in.

We're trying to make all the good ideas happen as quickly as possible, while still insuring they're done in the best way possible the first time, and with a unified approach/structure. Hopefully it will all bear some fruit very soon here :)

Sounds good. Let me know if I can help.
Shrimpfarmer said:
This will take a little pain and perseverance to pull users into the new way of doing things but that has to be done otherwise the new mods will have a miserable time.

I'm not really keen on the idea of being told how to post. I quite like the discussion that follows when someone asks a question, and someone else gives an answer that I haven't read before. This tech is still evolving and changing, and I don't think there are many "answers" that stay the same even from one week to the next. Also sometimes it's just nice to ask the specific question that you might have even though a sticky may (or may not) appear to cover your topic.

What I think may be a better solution is to have a "Newbie help" section where people can feel free to ask questions without some "experienced pilot" getting upset about stickies. Then move anything from the general section that are newbie questions.

And I've give my left nad for a Phantom 1 section.

Right now General = Phantom 1 questions, Newbie questions and random P2 stuff that should really be in one of the P2 forums. It is a bit of a mess, but I'd hate to see newer pilots feel like they've come to a library and told to shush rather than enjoy some good discussions.
DanCH said:
Right now General = Phantom 1 questions, Newbie questions and random P2 stuff that should really be in one of the P2 forums. It is a bit of a mess, but I'd hate to see newer pilots feel like they've come to a library and told to shush rather than enjoy some good discussions.

Agreed, and I think splitting out a separate section for P1's would make a lot of sense, we'll be looking at the overall arrangement of current sections to optimize it where possible + logical.

To address your other concern, one of the things we do NOT want to do (or better yet, specifically want to NOT do...) is to stifle or inhibit any useful, or even potentially useful, discussion. Or even most things that aren't. What we DO want to do is to make sure that the valuable information that ends up in various threads doesn't easily get missed by whoever (noob or otherwise) may look for it in the future.

Also, as soon as we get some sorely-needed initial tidying up and organizing done, I think I speak for all the mods when I say we want to be as hands-off as we possibly can be while still handling basic custodial stuffs. :cool:
All sounds good, and having a few eyes on the "report thread" incomings will help to stave off any future troll invasions quickly before they set off grenades in various places again.

I'm off on a ramble here but regards sticky/faq posts... There's an argument that they should be locked for replies, and curated and amended as required by the mods because by definition the information in those should be static, up to date and easily accessed. Having said that, if each sticky had a "discussion thread" related to it you then get the free-flow of ideas and debate and extra info that could then be distilled out and added to the original sticky or the existing info corrected/amended.

A forum in an unrelated field I used to frequent years ago did this and it worked well, and meant that the latest and greatest information was always the first thing any newcomer saw, and if they disagreed with it they could click on a link to the discussion thread where the bar brawls and p!ssing contests happened and add their 2 pence to the debate. If a consensus appeared then the new information would make its way into the locked sticky thread/FAQ thread.

Apologies if I'm waffling, I might have had a beer this evening whilst losing at skittles (again) with my team - "Dads' Night Out". ;)
Thought I'd dip a toe in here to further O.I's comments.

It won't be an instant process but it is a good start. Good bunch of guys in the mod group and first port of call will be discussing lots of the things mentioned in here and other places jointly so we are all singing from a similar hyme sheet.

Personally I think this forum is still, pound for pound, the 'nicest' (for want of a better word) forum I've ever been involved in. There is a much higher percentage of respectful and helpful people here compared to any other forums I've been involved with. Hopefully we can stave off the frustations of 'read f@cking manual!' posts by catching new comers early and pushing them in the right direction of stickys. It is (and always will be) a frustration when people ask obvious questions but I am always of the opinion that, while frustrating, those who take the time to create a login and ask are a likely a lot more responsible flyers than those that just try and fly. For that reason I think it will be great if we can show them a 'see the stickys please' (and rip their head off after if they don't bother.... JOKE!!) :lol:

Anyway its 1.30am here so I'm getting some sleep ;) Happy flying for those with light left in the day!
neoneo said:
can anyone here please tell me what NAZA is. i've been google searching it and it's described to be what brings you home in failsafe mode. so should i be flying in naza-m mode or normal RTF
I would create a new thread with your question if I were you so more people will have an opportunity to respond to you. Its just a tad off topic for this thread.

Sent from my Galaxy Note 8
Pull_Up said:
Having said that, if each sticky had a "discussion thread" related to it you then get the free-flow of ideas and debate and extra info that could then be distilled out and added to the original sticky or the existing info corrected/amended.

This is what I am advocating. An FAQ post with as many comments as you like. The person maintaining the FAQ can add things to it as they see fit. The comments are where people can discuss it.

Once those are in existence, the people who can't be bothered to read the FAQ and just ask the same question again should be pointed to the correct FAQ. Once a few people see that happening the rest will follow.
I like the idea of the FAQ having a discussion section. Part of the newbie's dilemma (and I am one) is to interpret the language and/or acronyms either in the manual or being tossed around in the thread topics. A person can read the manual and information posts many times and still not quite be able to apply this information real-time (I think the NAZA example is a good one). I think the discussion area would allow for some clarification of the terminology/technical application,etc.

I also benefitted from the "how to video's" that were provided (i.e. how to open the controller in order to access the mini-plug port for upgrades of the P2V, for example. Or the Helipad comparison of the P2V+ vs GoPro 3+ video to help address the many Q's about "which system should I buy?", etc). It would be good to gather these into the Stickies and/or FAQ's so that the newbie can watch and then ask more specific questions about what they have seen demonstrated,etc.

To improve the search feature would also help to cut down repetitive threads and information.

I also have valued the "problem-solving and show the evidence" stance of this forum. Whenever some topics become qualitative and subjective then there is a tendency to be "opinionated" and sometimes "alienating". Perhaps the mods can continue to encourage folks supplying the data/facts associated with their question as opposed to their opinion or their own interpretation so that others can contribute their expertise in problem solving. It also is not helpful to just send a person to the manual for the answer because it may be that they misinterpreted the language in the manual in the first place and need a real-world application of their issue (and I believe the manuals are very poorly done for someone new to this hobby). Checking their understanding of what they are doing is very helpful in case some step has been missed,etc.

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