DJI Phantom 3 Gimbal Repair Kit

So is the consensus that the FSTOP aluminum parts are great and reasonably priced, but I should avoid their ribbon cable and buy instead from DJI?
I have had NO problems with their ribbon cables. Their Aluminum parts are as good as anyones. T Bock makes great parts too. You can't go wrong with either.
I have bought two tony brook gamble repair they didn't work I had such high hopes too Maby I did something wrong I ended up buying a new one from Dji works fine I go though a lot of them now I have paint stern sticks around my camra
I have bought two tony brook gamble repair they didn't work I had such high hopes too Maby I did something wrong I ended up buying a new one from Dji works fine I go though a lot of them now I have paint stern sticks around my camra
Stir sticks
Sometimes they are just not repairable. If the main gimbal board gets hit hard enough it is no good. Nobody that I know of can fix them. The yaw ,pitch or roll motor can also be damaged. Then there are the boards on the roll and pitch. If any of these are damaged you need more help than just the kits. These kits are for minor crashes not for the really bad crash. You can purchase a lot of these parts but it takes some searching. DJI does not offer much in the way of replacement parts other than their over priced ribbon cable.
Sometimes they are just not repairable. If the main gimbal board gets hit hard enough it is no good. Nobody that I know of can fix them. The yaw ,pitch or roll motor can also be damaged. Then there are the boards on the roll and pitch. If any of these are damaged you need more help than just the kits. These kits are for minor crashes not for the really bad crash. You can purchase a lot of these parts but it takes some searching. DJI does not offer much in the way of replacement parts other than their over priced ribbon cable.
I agree I ended up retiring that drone after buying 2.000 in parts
I am new to the drone world myself. It is sad Dji can make such a good drone with little to no support , parts as well as tech. I broke my gimbal cable and it was a big headache trying to figure out which cable I needed for the P3 4K. Finally took the dive and ordered the same cable the Pro and advance use . Mainly because the part number on my cable matched the part numbers of these two . Contacted two different distributors via e-mail with the question "are these the same" .... never heard back from them , even offered to purchase from them if they could find out for sure from Dji. I know Dji is a big and successful company who needs to work on customer support. They could find themselves finding a drop in sales if a new and good competitor should arive on the drone scene.Which I see in the future , given how popular drones have become Thank you Ted4797 for your support and work on this project. I have purchased one 3D part for my 4K . The part was a tablet extender which clips on top of the existing holding fixture . I was very happy with the product. Bought off Amazon for around $8.xx. Keep the parts coming and I'll be a customer. Thanks Jimmy
Thanks for the great item. you're right, at 500$ USD for a camera and gimbal. It would be so great from them to supply the GIMBAL ***'y ONLY. I feel that it is way too much. One question though, there is a magnet structure inside the gimbal articulating motor and I was wondering If you supply this item, you salvage it from the old broken gimbal or we can get one somewhere ??
Great question. You can buy the motor from FStop Labs but it has no magnet. It is really difficult to get the magnet off an old motor. You have to heat the shaft above the magnet to free it. Before you do that you have to mark the magnet so you can put it back exactly where it was. If you don't the yaw will swing to one side or the other. It has to be set with red Loctite. I have done it and it is not easy. It is best if you can find a good yaw motor with the magnet already on. Or send the gimbal to a shop that can do it. "Hunch" on here can do it and so can I. He may have the motor so contact him. Or contact me. LOL
euhhhhhh ok !! What I am talking about is the black material on the other part of the arm about 1/8th of an inche wide. mine could be reused but I am not enthousiast to use it because of a partial destruction. picture will come tomorrow.
Although I'm new to this forum, I've been an active member on RCgroups for a while now. I fell in love with this hobby a couple a years ago and am always looking for ways to support my hobby habit by making products for other hobbyists. The latest project I've been working on should fit in great with this group!

If you're like me, you've just realized that your shiny new DJI Phantom 3 is far from indestructible. Even a "rough landing" can cause enough damage to your camera gimbal that your only option may be to completely replace the whole camera/gimbal assembly!

Every once in a while, there's an "Option B": Buy someone else's broken gimbal and hope that you can piece together one working gimbal out of the two. You might be upset with DJI for making such a fragile gimbal, but that's the price you pay for the great flight time.

I'm here to offer a third option, and I truly believe that it should be considered "Option A". I've spent weeks testing and refining a 3D printed alternative for DJIs aluminum Phantom 3 gimbal arms. I've assembled a gimbal repair kit that includes the yaw arm, roll arm, specialized tools, and video instruction on how to perform the repair. I also offer email and phone support to anyone who buys my kit.

I know many of you are skeptical about a 3D printed part being strong enough to replace the stock aluminum arms. It's a justified concern, but not all 3D printed parts are created equal. There are many people out there selling parts who don't have the necessary skills or experience to print quality parts. About 80% of parts being sold aren't even designed by the people who print them. I'd like the chance to prove to you that the "average" 3D printed part doesn't even come close to showing the full potential of what is possible with 3D printing technology. 3D printing is as much an art as it is a skill. The best comparison to working with a 3D printer is woodworking. When you print with plastic, you need to consider the "grain" of your part the same as if it were made of wood. Your print is going to be stronger in one direction than another, this needs to be considered in the design phase. A good designer can use these characteristics to their advantage to turn weakness into strength and impossible into incredible.

I'm not going to try to convince you that these parts will hold up better than the stock DJI parts because that might not be true. These parts will likely break in the same conditions that break the DJI parts. I could make them stronger than DJIs parts, but that would do more harm than good in a crash. If the arms don't break in a crash, the motor shafts will. If the arms are the weak spot, good! That is the cheapest repair. I can say with confidence that the parts I'm selling are strong enough to be a solid and reliable replacement for the stock DJI parts. Some extra care is needed during assembly because of the small screws, but that's common sense stuff and is covered in the instruction video. Once your gimbal is assembled, the replacement parts are very sturdy and don't require any special treatment. This kit is designed to use all original screws. If your yaw arm broke at the motor shaft, you may need to buy a new M3x4 set screw to use with the new yaw arm.

This kit includes:

•Yaw Arm
•Roll Arm
•Roll motor alignment tool
•Hardware layout sheet
•Video instruction guide (link to my YouTube videos)
•Email and phone support

Things you will need:

•Philips screwdriver #PH0
•Allen driver 1.5mm
•Torks driver #T6
•Hobby knife or small pick
•All original screws

I chose not to include a new ribbon cable (DJI Phantom 3 Part 49) in this kit because not everyone will need one. You can salvage the original if it's not damaged. Just be careful, a replacement will cost you about $50.

Here's the videos I've made to help with the repair.

Video #1 shows disassembly:

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Video #2 shows assembly:

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Video #3 shows yaw arm replacement only:

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Video #4 shows a powered test of gimbal movement.

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Video #5 shows test flight footage.

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I made a few small changes to the design of the roll arm since the assembly video. The parts in the photos and powered tests are the final version.

*There is no guarantee that this kit will fix everything that's wrong with your gimbal. This will only replace the bent or broken arms.

I'm selling these kits for $45 shipped or you can buy one arm for $25 shipped. Contact me for details.
Hi there ,just wondering can you help me,saw your video fantastic,my problem is that I bought the phantom 3advanced and hit a tree with the prick of a thing,when I went over the camera was snapped off and the flat black cable too,sent it off to Holland Dji repairs from Ireland where I'm from,the damage to the drone was the exact part you replaced ,the arm and nothing else,the wankers sent me an invoice saying that this that and the other was broke,ie landing gear damage and stupid things like that that I couldn't give two f**ks about,in the invoice summery the remark was"cheaper to buy new 430euro plus 90 vat and 50e labour,I'm livid, ha ha,it's a disgrace how they think I came down in the last shower of rain,anyway your fix looks brilliant and wondering can I buy the parts off you or can you advise me how do I go about it ,pay you etc im not computer wavy and my first time ever in a forum,because I'm after telling the wankers at Dji to send it back to me lively..thanks in advance
Is this thread stil active? If so can someone direct me to where I can obtain the plate which attaches the gimble to the P3S body?
LOL, these threads are always active because I sit here waiting for you. I will check to see where you can get it. Give me a few minutes.
I am looking for a replacement part for a P3S 2K camera. - it is the larger plate that covers the main circuit board. It has mounting "ears" for the four white rubber shock absorber balls (one at each corner) that go between this plate and the vibration dampener plate that attaches the gimbal to the drone body. I'm repairing a gimbal that has one of the shock absorber "ears" broken off and cannot find this plate anywhere on the internet.

I would post a photo of it but can't seem to get one to link up with this message.
I would have that plate. It is in Florida. I am in NY for a couple of weeks so i can't get to it
Do you still have one of these plates? I thought I ordered one from an eBay seller and have been waiting for it to arrive for weeks, but just last evening I found out my order didn't go through and now I can't find one of these anywhere! Bummer! I've got some Delrin industrial plastic that I could possibly make one out of but, man, that's a LOT of intricate millwork to do and all I have is a Dremel tool to work with!

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