DJI Phantom 2 Vision FC200 EGG camera - Black video FPV solution to fix

maybe I have to create a script that will kill one right after another?

You can give 'kill' multiple args, ie. 'kill 123 345 567'.
also, if there's no 'pkill', maybe there is 'pidof'? if it is there, you could do 'kill `pidof server`'. Note the quotes needed - you get them from the key below ESC.

For the password - it's stored in /etc/passw*, but not in clear text.
ha, looks like I found message filter on the forum - I can't post the full filename above.
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So I’m actually using a bench power supply to power the board with 5v (yes it needs 5v and powering it from your usb post is probably fine here) 3.3v to bsel also comes from my power supply (the 3.3v on tp10 isn’t very accurate. Mine was something like 2.6v and would continue to loop.) I think this is what is causing your/our hang issue.
no special wizardry with the process. You will have to terminate the loop once and rerun the script. To my knowledge the bootloader posted for similar dm36x chips works just fine and is not causing any issues.

Thank you Habb!
Yes i have 3.3V to BSEL me too because also my TP10 has voltage lower than 2.8V; but if i put 5V instead of 3.3V to TP8 the ExtraPutty don't connects to the board at all;

Maintaining BSEL connected to 3.3V, my bootloader reflashing process never go to end;
disconnecting BSEL after joinig BOOTME status and then launching the reflash twice it goes to [ICODE[Operation completed successfully[/ICODE], but then:

- flashing quaddamage's .img files, i only have in Putty "DDDDDDDDDDDD" or "DMDMDMDMDMDM" continuous text

- flashing gaucho's .img files, i have in Putty tihis loop:
DM36x initialization passed! UBL Product Vesion : DJI-GSP-UBL-1.0-rc10(2014-08-15) Dji UBL Version: 1.51(Aug 15 2014 - 17:05:12) Booting Catalog Boot Loader BootMode = NAND Starting NAND Copy... Valid magicnum, 0xA1ACED66, found in block 0x00000019. Uboot Checksum:0x7E25B44B DM36x initialization passed! UBL Product Vesion : DJI-GSP-UBL-1.0-rc10(2014-08-15) Dji UBL Version: 1.51(Aug 15 2014 - 17:05:12) Booting Catalog Boot Loader BootMode = NAND Starting NAND Copy... Valid magicnum, 0xA1ACED66, found in block 0x00000019. Uboot Checksum:0x7E25B44B
similar to the loop i seen the first time i connected the board to Putty...

Which pad do you feed 5V? TP8 or other?
To reflash the bootloader do you keep BSEL always connected or not?

Thank you again
You can give 'kill' multiple args, ie. 'kill 123 345 567
I typed 'kill -9 1105 1106
 0 fps Video bit rate: 0 kbps Sound bit rate: 0 kbps Time: 00:01:20 Demo: Encode Display: D1 NTSC Video Codec: H.264 HP Resolution: 320x240 Sound Codec: N/A Sampling Freq: N/A

*************************************************************6**************************************************************************************************************************************************** pid of Xorg :1105 ==1106
***root@Dji-weifs:~# killall: server: no process killed
killall: encode: no process killed
cmemk unregistered
irqk unregistered
CMEMK module: built on Mar 24 2011 at 16:58:03
  Reference Linux version 2.6.32
  File /sdk/build/DVSDK_4_02/4_02_00_06/arago-install/arago-tmp/work/dm368-evm-none-linux-gnueabi/ti-linuxutils-1_2_26_01_02-r52d/linuxutils_2_26_01_02/packages/ti/sdo/linuxutils/cmem/src/module/cmemk.c
allocated heap buffer 0xc7000000 of size 0x4400000
No, I just looked at what you typed as a content of a stop script, where there were only encode and server.
I spotted a momment where script pauses for a moment and it is after a stage you stated a few posts above. So everything should be loaded by then.

Silly question where teraterm stores ymodem received files??? :|

EDMAK module: built on Mar 24 2011 at 16:58:11
  Reference Linux version 2.6.32
  File /sdk/build/DVSDK_4_02/4_02_00_06/arago-install/arago-tmp/work/dm368-evm-none-linux-gnueabi/ti-linuxutils-1_2_26_01_02-r52d/linuxutils_2_26_01_02/packages/ti/sdo/linuxutils/edma/src/module/edmak.c
NET: Registered protocol family 10
ok, defaut folder was teraterm in programfiles, files did not show up there. i changed it - now it looks fine.
kill -9 1066 1105 1106 did the job, now I am copying the first part :|
I am at part 6 and here I encountered something that puzzled me. If it is one before last part, why is this smaller that 16MB? Is it normal? Or maybe the partition is in fact smaller?

root@Dji-weifs:~# dd if=/dev/mtd3 of=/mnt/mtd_part5 bs=1048576 count=16 skip=80
16+0 records in
16+0 records out
root@Dji-weifs:~# lsz --ymodem -b -8 /mnt/mtd_part5
root@Dji-weifs:~# rm /mnt/mtd_part5
root@Dji-weifs:~# dd if=/dev/mtd3 of=/mnt/mtd_part6 bs=1048576 count=16 skip=96
13+1 records in
13+1 records out
root@Dji-weifs:~# dd if=/dev/mtd3 of=/mnt/mtd_part6 bs=1048576 count=16 skip=96
13+1 records in
13+1 records out
I am at part 6 and here I encountered something that puzzled me. If it is one before last part, why is this smaller that 16MB? Is it normal? Or maybe the partition is in fact smaller?

If it's smaller, it probably doesn't contain the whole NAND, only the root filesystem.
In this case, you should get previous partitions as well, especially the kernel.
Here is mtd3 in parts.
I am downloading kernels (MTD2), it is 12 MB
Do we need bootloader and parameters (mtd0 and 1)?
kernels and parameters are done, I am transferring 6MB of the bootloader.
Can you somehow check the integrity of these partitions? There should be some CRC implemented, and I did not get any error, but I am wondering how we can be sure if everything went well.

Here is kernel and parameters
Can you somehow check the integrity of these partitions? There should be some CRC implemented, and I did not get any error, but I am wondering how we can be sure if everything went well.

The data seem OK.
You can't produce non-damaged UBIFS partitons by dumping them when they're live, that was not the goal. Important thing is - from the data, you can re-create a partition that is valid.
I would not like to break down current board if something goes wrong - giving that I have to give it back soon...
For the time being I have another camera with corrupted uboot I think, (shows no valid boot image found. If we fix bootloader here, it might be feasible to get ubifs for instance.
Guys in this tread tried P2V+ bootloader and had some issues, right?
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If UbiFS won't be damaged, I wouldn't risk overwriting it. I'm sure there are people who can test it without risking anything.

Do we have u-boot from P2V+? I think we only have one form Lightbridge.. They're probably all the same anyway, that's just a bootloader. I can verify that later with your dump.
I do not have any p2v+ board with original u-boot for dumping - all reflashed
You stated before that the reason of my current board is sometimes starting sometimes not is a damaged ubifs? So it is "quasi functional" at the time being, however it still can be worse or better, right? :)
what to do next? Will you proceed with dumps or contact some other people?

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