darkened view

Jun 6, 2017
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my LG tablet shows a darkened screen when flying my drone PS3 . iS IT MY LENS ON MY GIMBAL CAMERA OR ?
You might want to articulate... what do you mean with "darkened screen"? If you're talking about the video feed, then it could be as simple as you having accidentally switched the camera to manual mode. You also mention "my lens"... do you fly with some ND filter?
You might want to articulate... what do you mean with "darkened screen"? If you're talking about the video feed, then it could be as simple as you having accidentally switched the camera to manual mode. You also mention "my lens"... do you fly with some ND filter?
my screen on my tablet is dark cant see good enough on the screen to tell what the camera is showing not in video but just regular viewing i dont know what kind of lens is on the camera just new at this drone stuff
Having similar issue with ipad mini 2...when you say switched camera to manual mode can you please elaborate?

If you accidentally put the camera in Manual mode (in the camera settings, you can switch between Auto and Manual mode) and the manual settings are incorrect for the current light conditions (e.g. low ISO and fast shutter), you end up with a dark video. This does not seem to be the case with the OP, though (see below).

my screen on my tablet is dark cant see good enough on the screen to tell what the camera is showing not in video but just regular viewing i dont know what kind of lens is on the camera just new at this drone stuff

Ok, if you are certain that the actual videos are not dark, then the problem likely is with the app or your device, not the camera. I asked about the lens only because in your original post you referred to it as "my lens", as if you had something different than stock. You just confirmed everything is stock, so we know the lens has nothing to do with this. More importantly, as I just said, if the videos on the SD card are not dark, then we know the camera is working properly.

Going back to your issue: is the entire DJI GO app that looks dark, or just the video feed? Look at the various menus, do they seem dark as well?
If you have another device, it would be very useful if you could post a photo of your LG tablet with the "darkened screen", so we see exactly what you mean. Another quick test you can run is to try another phone/tablet and see how it goes.
ARE you out in the bright sun light? your screen will be hard to see without a sun shade if you are. you can ramp up the contrast to help a bit if this is the issue, but a sunshade will be ideal.
Also, take off your sunglasses! Assuming your wearing any. I found out the hard way.
same here lol didn't even think about it because My regular outdoor glasses auto darken into sunglasses when outdoors. I had to pull out my old set of glasses to be able to see anything let alone my screen stinks getting old.

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