Confusing dji article

I'm waiting for someone to ask the question "what happens when I fly into a NFZ that isn't a NFZ when I fly into it, but becomes one while I'm in it since NFZ's are now updated in real time...
And if it updates in real time that would mean you would have to be connected to the internet while you fly. Or maybe they will require you to be connected to the internet on start up to update it first and then you can fly. Either way will be a pain. And will stop you from using your wifi only tablet, or at the least make you tether your phone to it. Maybe that won't happen right away but I see this in the foreseeable future...
And if it updates in real time that would mean you would have to be connected to the internet while you fly. Or maybe they will require you to be connected to the internet on start up to update it first and then you can fly. Either way will be a pain. And will stop you from using your wifi only tablet, or at the least make you tether your phone to it. Maybe that won't happen right away but I see this in the foreseeable future...
Again this is why the silence from DJI is doing them absolutely zero favours at all
First time for me commenting on this issue. While I do have some reservations about the new ability to update NFZ's in real time, after giving it some thought I don't think anything drastic will happen like grounding everyone in Canada for example, or anything close to that actually.

Could you imagine if DJI really did something like this? Their profitable drone business would no doubt evaporate into thin air overnight if they pulled a move like that. Look how upset folks are about the possibility of it happening, if something like that really did happen DJI would go broke within a few weeks because nobody would buy their stuff.

I haven't updated yet, still feeling it out, but I probably will go ahead and update before too much longer.
And if it updates in real time that would mean you would have to be connected to the internet while you fly. Or maybe they will require you to be connected to the internet on start up to update it first and then you can fly. Either way will be a pain. And will stop you from using your wifi only tablet, or at the least make you tether your phone to it. Maybe that won't happen right away but I see this in the foreseeable future...

This does bring to light one question that I still have, which I'm almost certain that I read in a DJI release but I've done so much reading I don't remember where I saw it anymore or what context it was in…

But I seem to remember a mention made of the fact that once you have signed back into your DJI account, you need to maintain an Internet connection. There was no clarity over whether that meant for the update process, for the registration process, or a permanent Internet connection that needs to be available while flying. That is the one thing that stands out in my mind as unclear and a concern.

It's bad enough in Canada now that you are virtually restricted from flying anywhere other than remote locations, but it's those same remote locations but don't have Internet service.

Is anyone any more clear than I am over whether a permanent Internet connection needs to be maintained in order to fly?
This does bring to light one question that I still have, which I'm almost certain that I read in a DJI release but I've done so much reading I don't remember where I saw it anymore or what context it was in…

But I seem to remember a mention made of the fact that once you have signed back into your DJI account, you need to maintain an Internet connection. There was no clarity over whether that meant for the update process, for the registration process, or a permanent Internet connection that needs to be available while flying. That is the one thing that stands out in my mind as unclear and a concern.

It's bad enough in Canada now that you are virtually restricted from flying anywhere other than remote locations, but it's those same remote locations but don't have Internet service.

Is anyone any more clear than I am over whether a permanent Internet connection needs to be maintained in order to fly?
HI I'm sure it just the once otherwise flying would become near impossible for many people if Internet needed to fly,
HI I'm sure it just the once otherwise flying would become near impossible for many people if Internet needed to fly,

I agree that would make the most sense...

But... sense and reality don't always go hand in hand!

Either way, I should be fine. I don't go THAT remote. Still... if that's the case, they may need add "active internet connection " to the list of requirements to fly.

I do know a lot of people that don't have or use data on their phones.
From what I've read elsewhere, neither - it lands.

I had read in the change notes from the previous firmware that they modified the behavior when entering a no fly zone to RTH but I wonder what would happen if you were now stuck between two zones. I will be checking the zone map a little bit better before I fly now to make sure nothing is around me that does not show up on the regular map. Someone here had commented in another thread that if you were already in ATTI that you could just fly through the zones anyway like they weren't even there? Would that be only due to disabling your GPS? Or would the system try to land but then you still have control for direction?
I'm waiting for someone to ask the question "what happens when I fly into a NFZ that isn't a NFZ when I fly into it, but becomes one while I'm in it since NFZ's are now updated in real time...

I already did. I was assured by the peanut gallery that is was completely impossible that a system designed to update in real time might actually update in real time or that NFZs could ever possibly be different from what they are now despite this ststem being specifically designed to change them in real time.
First time for me commenting on this issue. While I do have some reservations about the new ability to update NFZ's in real time, after giving it some thought I don't think anything drastic will happen like grounding everyone in Canada for example, or anything close to that actually.

Could you imagine if DJI really did something like this? Their profitable drone business would no doubt evaporate into thin air overnight if they pulled a move like that. Look how upset folks are about the possibility of it happening, if something like that really did happen DJI would go broke within a few weeks because nobody would buy their stuff.

I haven't updated yet, still feeling it out, but I probably will go ahead and update before too much longer.

But what purpose is the geo system if not complying with local laws, mo matter how insane?
Someone here had commented in another thread that if you were already in ATTI that you could just fly through the zones anyway like they weren't even there? Would that be only due to disabling your GPS? Or would the system try to land but then you still have control for direction?

Really?? Think about it, I don't know, however NFZ are there for a reason (safety/security etc) so common sense to me suggests that simply putting AC into ATTI mode would not allow flight into or through a NFZ.. Don't believe what you read. I stated upfront I don't know, but until we get the details - take away is don't fly in or near No Fly Zones. I'll bet real - time updates means 'before one flies' or similar - not changing a zone whilst mid flight.
This is terrible...:(:(:(

Actually I disagree - if one is flying in a No Fly Zone for whatever reason I think it's perfectly reasonable to bring the bird down by whatever means. The slightest flexibility to this creates ambiguity for pilots, enforcement, and opportunity for the irresponsible. Clearly therefore 'surprise this is now a NFZ' whilst in flight situations I do not expect.
And if it updates in real time that would mean you would have to be connected to the internet while you fly. ...
Either way will be a pain. And will stop you from using your wifi only tablet, or at the least make you tether your phone to it. Maybe that won't happen right away but I see this in the foreseeable future...
But I seem to remember a mention made of the fact that once you have signed back into your DJI account, you need to maintain an Internet connection. There was no clarity over whether that meant for the update process, for the registration process, or a permanent Internet connection that needs to be available while flying. That is the one thing that stands out in my mind as unclear and a concern.
... Is anyone any more clear than I am over whether a permanent Internet connection needs to be maintained in order to fly?
You city dwellers might not realise it but most of the earth does not have cell service or internet available.
DJI know this and an internet connection has never been necessary to fly.
You can fly in the middle of the ocean, on top of remote mountains and deep in the desert.
I can't see any reason fro DJI to change that.
You city dwellers might not realise it but most of the earth does not have cell service or internet available.
DJI know this and an internet connection has never been necessary to fly.
You can fly in the middle of the ocean, on top of remote mountains and deep in the desert.
I can't see any reason fro DJI to change that.

I sure hope not but I don't see how they can update the NFZ in real time without being connected all the time while you fly...
You city dwellers might not realise it but most of the earth does not have cell service or internet available.
DJI know this and an internet connection has never been necessary to fly.
You can fly in the middle of the ocean, on top of remote mountains and deep in the desert.
I can't see any reason fro DJI to change that.

That would tend to make the most sense, but I thought I read it somewhere. I'm sure I could be confused from one of the 359 posts, half dozen press releases and handful of threads.

I sure hope not but I don't see how they can update the NFZ in real time without being connected all the time while you fly...

...and that too. I'm no slouch when I comes to tech but I'm no Tim Berners Lee either. If I'm not connected to anyone or anything, how does my AC update in real time?

I'm not actually asking... I'm just watching, waiting, updating and learning, because for every opinion, there is an equal and opposite opinion.
That would tend to make the most sense, but I thought I read it somewhere. I'm sure I could be confused from one of the 359 posts, half dozen press releases and handful of threads.

...and that too. I'm no slouch when I comes to tech but I'm no Tim Berners Lee either. If I'm not connected to anyone or anything, how does my AC update in real time?

I'm not actually asking... I'm just watching, waiting, updating and learning, because for every opinion, there is an equal and opposite opinion.

You are taking the term "real time" far too literally. Of course it's not real time in the sense of a permanent open socket listening for the DJI servers to make changes. It obviously refers to the ability to update the NFZ database without updating the firmware on the aircraft, just like your phone or computer intermittently checks for software updates when connected. And the release notes were quite clear that an internet connection was only required to connect and log in after updating, not permanently after that.
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You are taking the term "real time" far too literally. Of course it's not real time in the sense of a permanent open socket listening for the DJI servers to make changes. It obviously refers to the ability to update the NFZ database without updating the firmware on the aircraft, just like your phone or computer intermittently checks for software updates when connected. And the release notes were quite clear that an internet connection was only required to connect and log in after updating, not permanently after that.

Understood in more clear terms than I've read yet. Of course that makes sense... just this part alone:

"It obviously refers to the ability to update the NFZ database without updating the firmware on the aircraft"

In the mean time I also reread the release notes and did notice that an internet connection is only required at the time of reregistration.

In fact that also answers the question of whether the NFZ database can update "during" a flight.


In my defence, the majority of my opportunity to read here is intermittent, semi-distracted, almost always on a phone, and usually when I'm angry at someone or something or got a bad haircut or cold soup and I'm looking for an escape.
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You are taking the term "real time" far too literally. Of course it's not real time in the sense of a permanent open socket listening for the DJI servers to make changes. It obviously refers to the ability to update the NFZ database without updating the firmware on the aircraft, just like your phone or computer intermittently checks for software updates when connected. And the release notes were quite clear that an internet connection was only required to connect and log in after updating, not permanently after that.

For the record though... not all things are "obvious". Obviously. [emoji6]

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