COG Setup

Aug 7, 2013
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So anyway - clearly I have too much time on my hands :D

Today I was having a think about the several hundredweight I have added to my Phantom over the last months, you know stuff like 5 axis gimbal (yes they do exist), Red Epic etc :roll: :roll: .....

And I got to thinking, OK, with the extra weight of the gimbal and the fact I use heavier batteries and the PMUv2 and the GCU and the Futaba RX , with all of that surely the COG must have changed.

By my crudamentary test I guestamate that the COG has shifted circa 1cm positive on the x axis and the same on the z axis. I decided to dial these values in and see what happens (I mean, what's the worst that could happen right ??? :eek: )

What I noticed immediately is that on take off now I do not get that momentary lean forward that I got just after the Phantom left terra ferma and before the Naza compensated for COG shift. Now when I SLOWLY increase the throttle past 50% it takes off straight up (like it used to before I added all the goodies).

I can't give it a thorough test at the moment as it is blowing a force 17 outside at presently but as soon as it is calm I am curious to give it a proper workout. Even if the only effect is to give me perpendicular take off I'm happy with that slight alteration.

Just thought I'd mention it guys.....

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