Cannot callibrate compass

Nov 10, 2014
Reaction score
Charleston, WV
Hey everyone,
I am having a weird problem, maybe you guys might know what is going on. I was flying it around and had a great flight, no problems. Landed and went to another location, when I arrived I couldn't calibrate the compass. I toggled it and it wouldn't go to solid yellow, just a fast blinking yellow. I was able to hit the calibrate compass from the app, as it was telling me to but, it fails every time. DJI support had me do it from the software on the computer and I did, but it still will not engage calibration mode from the remote or from the app.

One thing I noticed when it boots up, and then makes the beeps with the red lights on, only one of the two lights are on (looking at the camera it is on the left side).

Any ideas?

Here is a video of what's going on:


EDIT: I was meaning the compass not GPS, fixed that. :)
Re: Cannot callibrate GPS

No-one has ever calibrated the GPS.
You were trying to calibrate the compass.
Frequent unnecessary compass calibration invites trouble.
Much better to stick with a good one rather than doing it again and again for no good reason.
Re: Cannot callibrate GPS

Sorry compass, correct.

I always do the toggle up and down 5 times to engage it. It will not do it anymore it just flashes yellow fast.
happydays said:
Fast blinking yellows usually indicate no TX signal being received, don't they? Is the TX on?
Would that be the transmitter? If that is the case yes it is.

The process I do is controller, transmitter, Phantom.
AHill said:
MyAntsRMarching said:
Would it come lose at the bottom or the top? I was thinking of purchasing the new version of the compass to be safe? ... 2-p2v.html

Be careful if you are ordering a new compass. The link you have is for the P2 and P2V, not for the P2 plus. The one for the P2 plus has a longer leg. They are both the same price.
Good call! I will check the connections first before I order anything. Thanks for pointing this out!
I just checked the compass cable and it is firm. I unplugged it and plugged it back in to make sure. I uploaded a video of everything to Vimeo, will post when it is uploaded and processed.
Here is a video of everything.

MyAntsRMarching said:
Hey everyone,
I toggled it and it wouldn't go to solid yellow, just a fast blinking yellow.

OK, if you got the same yellow lights as can be seen in your Vimeo video, that is not FAST blinking YELLOW. It is slow, and since you are in Phantom Mode and not in NAZA(most probably), it only means "Ready-to-fly(non-GPS)".
I'm not sure but it is possible that when you are not in GPS mode that Phantom is disregarding compass too. Although really not sure about that, because I believe it needs it to get feedback about yaw movement.
Nevertheless the real question is why are you in non-GPS/Attitude mode.

MyAntsRMarching said:
I was able to hit the calibrate compass from the app, as it was telling me to but, it fails every time.
Does it give you solid yellow and allows you to proceed and try to calibrate and then signalizes with the red at the end that it failed? OR is it the same as if when you do it with the S1 switch, that is, it does not even engage the calibration procedure?

MyAntsRMarching said:
One thing I noticed when it boots up, and then makes the beeps with the red lights on, only one of the two lights are on (looking at the camera it is on the left side).
Now this could be serious. The LED lights are actually on the ESC board of the motor on that arm. If they are not working you might have a problem with the ESC board or some loose connection.

I will take a guess, you had a crash? Possibly that caused a number of things inside your craft. Regarding the non-GPS mode, yellow lights I would verify the connector of the GPS unit. Actually verify all connectors. And closely inspect the ESC and connectors on it where the LED lights don't work. Check for loose soldered points also!
Nathan Carter said:
MyAntsRMarching said:
Hey everyone,
I toggled it and it wouldn't go to solid yellow, just a fast blinking yellow.

OK, if you got the same yellow lights as can be seen in your Vimeo video, that is not FAST blinking YELLOW. It is slow, and since you are in Phantom Mode and not in NAZA(most probably), it only means "Ready-to-fly(non-GPS)".
I'm not sure but it is possible that when you are not in GPS mode that Phantom is disregarding compass too. Although really not sure about that, because I believe it needs it to get feedback about yaw movement.
Nevertheless the real question is why are you in non-GPS/Attitude mode.

MyAntsRMarching said:
I was able to hit the calibrate compass from the app, as it was telling me to but, it fails every time.
Does it give you solid yellow and allows you to proceed and try to calibrate and then signalizes with the red at the end that it failed? OR is it the same as if when you do it with the S1 switch, that is, it does not even engage the calibration procedure?

MyAntsRMarching said:
One thing I noticed when it boots up, and then makes the beeps with the red lights on, only one of the two lights are on (looking at the camera it is on the left side).
Now this could be serious. The LED lights are actually on the ESC board of the motor on that arm. If they are not working you might have a problem with the ESC board or some loose connection.

I will take a guess, you had a crash? Possibly that caused a number of things inside your craft. Regarding the non-GPS mode, yellow lights I would verify the connector of the GPS unit. Actually verify all connectors. And closely inspect the ESC and connectors on it where the LED lights don't work. Check for loose soldered points also!

It was a quick flash, I think I hit phantom mode on the software instead of naza mode, I should move it back to Naza? When I use the app it does go solid yellow, then green on the first pass, then when I put nose down and do the second step it will fail at the end. I have not had any crashes with it or hard landings. It literally did this moving from point a to point b. So You think I should open the shell and inspect the board?
Here is a screen shot when I plug it into PT2. It is in failsafe mode? Added it as an attachment.


  • 2014-11-10_19-55-24.png
    51.7 KB · Views: 425
MyAntsRMarching said:
It was a quick flash, I think I hit phantom mode on the software instead of naza mode, I should move it back to Naza? When I use the app it does go solid yellow, then green on the first pass, then when I put nose down and do the second step it will fail at the end. I have not had any crashes with it or hard landings. It literally did this moving from point a to point b. So You think I should open the shell and inspect the board?

Well when you recorded that video you are obviously inside the house, and you would definitely get those slow flashing yellow lights indicating no GPS satellites.

You don't need to go to NAZA mode. Phantom mode is perfectly fine. Eventually you could switch to NAZA to test. Because NAZA has different LED signalization, more detailed. For example instead of slow flashing yellow ligths, in NAZA not enought GPS satellites is indicated by RED lights. If your switch is in GPS mode(S1 - right switch, at top position). It would indicate GPS status with these flashes:

GREEN - RED - RED - RED - GREEN - RED - RED - RED - GREEN......... <----- Less then 5 satellites, you will get this inside the house
GREEN - RED -RED -GREEN - RED - RED - GREEN ......... <----- 5 satellites
GREEN - RED -GREEN - RED - GREEN ......... <----- 6 satellites
GREEN - GREEN - GREEN ................. <----- more then 6 satellites, good to go!

Another important question that I forgot to ask you, if you disregard that you can not calibrate compass, can you actually start the motors?
But even if you can, if you are not getting that LED lights under one arm, that is indicating something is wrong with that ESC, could just be a loose wire, but you must then open it up and check.
MyAntsRMarching said:
Here is a screen shot when I plug it into PT2. It is in failsafe mode? Added it as an attachment.

Hmm was your remote ON when you did this screen shot? I can't check it now for myself, so I'm just thinking that if your remote is off, phantom could be automatically trying to execute fail safe. Browse around the Assistant, there is a place where you can see the input from all your switches and stick movements on the remote, verify that both switches S1 and S2 are functioning there. If you don't have any response there, you might have to rebind your remote with the Phantom.
Awesome! I'll just put it back into Phantom mode, Does that failsafe mean anything? I can turn the motors up and fly it just fine, it just sways a bunch if there is wind I am assuming to no GPS lock?
MyAntsRMarching said:
Awesome! I'll just put it back into Phantom mode, Does that failsafe mean anything? I can turn the motors up and fly it just fine, it just sways a bunch if there is wind I am assuming to no GPS lock?

Read my previous post regarding the failsafe status. Yes it would sway/drift in wind without GPS, what does it say on the app screen? Satellite count at the top right?
By swaying you do mean drifting right? like, staying at same height but moving with the wind, or does it go up and down and more like a bit crazy movement?
It goes with the wind, I just took it outside and fired it up. It is a slow flashing yellow. I also tested the controller and the computer was seeing all the commands and movements. It would start the calibration from the app, but would fail. Sat's wouldn't go over 5.

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