Best Flying Tip Ever

Feb 1, 2014
Reaction score
Indy, USA
This could possibly be one of the best tips for flying your vPlus that you come to know as of today. For those of you flying with firmware version v3.0.6 there is something you may not know about that could help to keep you loosing your vPlus during a number of possible situations.

I'm going to tell you what that something is by way of an example that you have either already experienced, or it is one that you are familiar with.

You decide to fly your quad on a day that is just a little windy, maybe a 10-15mph every now & then. Because it's not a constant wind, you figure it should be that bad and you just wont fly real high or too far away. So you begin your flight by waiting to lift off until you receive the 6 satellites. In Naza mode(not sure about phantom mode on this one)You take off and sudden remember reading where I'm now mentioning how it is important not to take off until after receiving all Green Lights Only. I Naza Mode I have found you need wait another 15-20 seconds when there is no red light in the sequence string flashing. All green lights mean a positive home point lock. Ok now to realize you launched early while a red light was indeed flashing. You can hover above your home point and wait for the all green lights, you just may have to fight the wind some in maintaining the quad to be above the home point. This wont cause any problems, your quad will think the ground is where it marked home point, but will still land itself ok when that time comes. You may see numbers at that time like -11,-12,-13, and so on.

So you're in GPS mode on your controller and fly up around 400ft because at this height you see your uncles house. You see that he's home so you take a couple pics. In the process you look at your controller and notice it shows your distance number to be 527ft, and right away you flip your camera straight down and sure enough you realize the quad has drifted from the Home Point Line. You begin thinking how and why the quad drifted. This might be the time in when you learn that just because it's not that windy on the ground, there can always be upper wind currents to deal with. So with panic setting in fast, you yaw your quad in the direction of the Home Point. Everything looks lined up so you full throttle the controller only to find out that you are not getting anywhere! You glance at the monitor and see that you are now 677ft in distance. The wind dies down and you flip the switches on your controller to RTH, You see the distance number begin to drop and finally you take a moment to take in a deep breath. You can hear your quad again for the 1st time, however it grabs your attention because it sounds as if it is wide open buzzing like a swarm of bee's. In looking at the distance number you see a frightening 743ft. You run the numbers in your mind and know you are getting extremely close to your quads point of no return.......

Ok now the news you've all been waiting to reading! Actually the example I described above is one very similar to one I just experienced two days ago. And if it were not for what I'm about to tell you, I would have lost my quad. So, I hope my advice will help someone from loosing their quad.

In the above situation where I mentioned pointing the quad toward your home point, what you want to do at this is switch to ATTI mode and guide the quad home. I know some are saying "WTF that's it"? But the answer is Yes. At some point DJI increased the power when flying in atti mode. I wanted to bring this up now in such a way to help save your *** should you get into something like I've described above. Know now that I have only tested in Naza mode.

I don't know exactly how much of a gain there is, but I feel like it is a lot. I have been playing around with tailwinds and with a 3-4mph tailwind I managed 67.8mph. Any tailwind above 4mph, for whatever reason, the quad would slow down in mph to the upper 50's.

I also happily discovered that when in atti mode now the descending rate has also increased. Again, I don't know the actual limit for this yet. But I did manage to look over a couple of flights I logged and found one that reached up to 10.5mph. Of coarse if you descend in atti just beware a head of time that you will most likely need to switch back & forth from atti to gps mode to keep the quad from drifting to far away depend on wind conditions.

One last little tip I'd like to throw in here while I have your attention. For those of you that want to know what your true wind direction is, while hovering at whatever flying height, flip to atti mode for a few seconds on your controller. The direction in which your quad travels is your true wind direction at the time of flight. This is good to know info because there very well could be a situation that when you become better at flying you'll find in some cases it may be best to out around rather then in a straight line.

Now go out have some new found fun with your quad in atti mode. (*May possibly only apply to naza mode?)
So S1 in Atti and S2 in Lock position (upper most )?.I would think if it increases power in atti in Nazza then it most likley will do it in Phantom mode but ???.
Sorry to disagree but when I descend in ATTI mode it is still 2m/s according to my IOSD mini telemetry. In manual mode its faster but I'm too chicken to try. I thought it was well known that ATTI was faster laterally, ah well there you go.

I think I may have nodded off there...

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True: :)
1- There is more power in ATTI mode than in GPS mode.
2- There is 50% less power in RTH mode than in GPS mode.
My descent rate is way faster(I think 6m/s) But I'm still running the V2.0 firmware ( and don't see any reason to change...)
sergekouper said:
True: :)
1- There is more power in ATTI mode than in GPS mode.
2- There is 50% less power in RTH mode than in GPS mode.

my descent rate is way faster(I think 6m/s) But I'm still running the V2.0 firmware ( and don't see any reason to change...)
1. Technicially I believe power is the same just the craft tilt angle is greater.
2. Doesn't make sense to my Irish sozzled brain...can you explain what you mean. if its what I think you mean the RTH speed in GPS is less but no where near 50% less than in ATTI mode, in my experience. I'm sure someone will pipe in with the exact figures.
IrishSights said:
sergekouper said:
True: :)
1- There is more power in ATTI mode than in GPS mode.
2- There is 50% less power in RTH mode than in GPS mode.

my descent rate is way faster(I think 6m/s) But I'm still running the V2.0 firmware ( and don't see any reason to change...)
1. Technicially I believe power is the same just the craft tilt angle is greater.
2. Doesn't make sense to my Irish sozzled brain...can you explain what you mean. if its what I think you mean the RTH speed in GPS is less but no where near 50% less than in ATTI mode, in my experience. I'm sure someone will pipe in with the exact figures.

1- The only way to increase the angle on a multi rotors of this type is to increase the power at the back (Or decrease the power at the front but that doesn't make sense in the process of going faster.
2- I don't remember where I got this figure of half the power of what you get in normal GPS mode, but fact is that in RTH, the phantom comes back slowly, and may encounter fatal consequences if contrary winds are blowing faster than its actual speed, which is kind half of normal mode. Also, if you trigger the FS mode on the Futaba, you get 50% of the max power. (Which gives an indication of some sort maybe...)
You are right then, maybe it is 50% faster, i just didn't precieve it as much as that. Reasoning sounds OK and certainly having enough power and speed to beat the wind on returning is not to be underestimated.

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I will play with this again. I agree RTH is roughly 50% less in speed. About 15mph for me.

However I have not noticed any increase in speed flying ATTI vertical or horizontal.

I have tested mine my going up about 200 feet, flipping to ATTI and watching what way the wind is blowing the Phantom and then pointing that direction and going all out.

Will try again.

Regarding the rapid green flash.. each day I realize there is a lot to learn. My normal process is to get to around 6 sats on the ground and then hover and watch them to climb. The amount I fly with is depending on conditions. The other day I wanted to test something in front of garage and took off without the phone attached so did not do my normal process. Waited for the rapid flashes as I could not use phone of course.

Turns out after looking at data from the Core 2 the rapid flash was course lock and not the next set for home-lock. I had 4 satellites only!

Each day I learn.
Ok I wasn't expecting to run into the confusion.

Let me see if I have this much right or not.
Phantom = GPS
Naza = RTH

The Phantom GPS may fly 30mph, where as Naza RTH roughly flies around 15mph. Is that Correct?

And was someone doubting my flight speeds I posted, and if so, would you except data from a flight recorder? If that wont work, tell me what will.
rrmccabe said:
However I have not noticed any increase in speed flying ATTI vertical or horizontal.

I have tested mine my going up about 200 feet, flipping to ATTI and watching what way the wind is blowing the Phantom and then pointing that direction and going all out.

Are you flying in naza while flying atti?

What you posted is the same method I use as well.
ATTI pitch and roll (tilt) are 25% max and GPS is 15% max. The flight speed is approximately 14 meters per second in ATTI, and 8 meters per second in GPS mode. Not more power just more pitch to fly forward.

Descent is locked at 2 meters per second regardless of mode.

And a final fact RTH is limited at max speed of 8 meters a second. This is regardless of head, side or tail winds. So if there is a headwind the most it will tilt in RTH is 15% or 8 meters a second which ever comes first. Which means if the headwind is faster than the speed achieved by 15% tilt you will be moving nowhere or even backwards. Conversely with a huge tail wind RTH still max at 8 meters per second and will use very little tilt since it will not be needed to reach 8 meters per second.

To sum things up. Use ATTI when returning home against high winds or watch your P2 auto land once battery level hits 15% or 10.7 volts.

It would be nice for DJI to program higher pitch/roll max for RTH. The sooner I hear that swarm of bees the better I would feel ;)
Absolutely brilliant Damon, thank you for the definitative answer.
There is a other solution on this matter.
As ATTI gives you way mare speed it also loses hight.
As you may have noticed or not wind coming from the front will slow you down and from behind will move it way faster.
Did you ever have made a flight were the wind came from the side ?
Exactly your way out and maintain hight.
Do what a sailing boat does, zig zag, never facing the wind-direction but at a 45* angle.
You can see it on the radar when your doing it as the radar will tilt sideways.
Damon said:
ATTI pitch and roll (tilt) are 25% max and GPS is 15% max. The flight speed is approximately 14 meters per second in ATTI, and 8 meters per second in GPS mode. Not more power just more pitch to fly forward.

Descent is locked at 2 meters per second regardless of mode.

And a final fact RTH is limited at max speed of 8 meters a second. This is regardless of head, side or tail winds. So if there is a headwind the most it will tilt in RTH is 15% or 8 meters a second which ever comes first. Which means if the headwind is faster than the speed achieved by 15% tilt you will be moving nowhere or even backwards. Conversely with a huge tail wind RTH still max at 8 meters per second and will use very little tilt since it will not be needed to reach 8 meters per second.

To sum things up. Use ATTI when returning home against high winds or watch your P2 auto land once battery level hits 15% or 10.7 volts.

It would be nice for DJI to program higher pitch/roll max for RTH. The sooner I hear that swarm of bees the better I would feel ;)

Pls get the numbers right.
There is a substantial difference in speed between GPS and RTH. As RTH is the slowest.
I must admit I have never noticed loss in height in ATTI mode. The barometer is still engaged and doing its job - yes?

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flyNfrank said:
rrmccabe said:
However I have not noticed any increase in speed flying ATTI vertical or horizontal.

I have tested mine my going up about 200 feet, flipping to ATTI and watching what way the wind is blowing the Phantom and then pointing that direction and going all out.

Are you flying in naza while flying atti?

What you posted is the same method I use as well.

Yes, always configured for NAZA-M. I have not used ATTI a lot. Just for smooth filming in light breeze and trying to make speed as I mentioned above.
ToThePoint said:
Damon said:
ATTI pitch and roll (tilt) are 25% max and GPS is 15% max. The flight speed is approximately 14 meters per second in ATTI, and 8 meters per second in GPS mode. Not more power just more pitch to fly forward.

Descent is locked at 2 meters per second regardless of mode.

And a final fact RTH is limited at max speed of 8 meters a second. This is regardless of head, side or tail winds. So if there is a headwind the most it will tilt in RTH is 15% or 8 meters a second which ever comes first. Which means if the headwind is faster than the speed achieved by 15% tilt you will be moving nowhere or even backwards. Conversely with a huge tail wind RTH still max at 8 meters per second and will use very little tilt since it will not be needed to reach 8 meters per second.

To sum things up. Use ATTI when returning home against high winds or watch your P2 auto land once battery level hits 15% or 10.7 volts.

It would be nice for DJI to program higher pitch/roll max for RTH. The sooner I hear that swarm of bees the better I would feel ;)

Pls get the numbers right.
There is a substantial difference in speed between GPS and RTH. As RTH is the slowest.
Numbers right? If you notice I said approx when referring to GPS speed and was definite on RTH speeds. Approx on GPS because speed is not a limiting factor like it is for RTH.

Read before casting judgement.
IrishSights said:
I must admit I have never noticed loss in height in ATTI mode. The barometer is still engaged and doing its job - yes?

Sent from Samsung S4 via Tapatalk
When facing into wind there can be altitude bleed when flying ATTI. Normally .2 meters or so a second. But I've witnessed clear up to .6 meters per second loss in altitude.

Apparently in the software priority one - is the pitch your stick are commanding, over priority two - the altitude the barometer is seeing.

Normally it will climb back up to original altitude once you let off the stick slightly.
Damon said:
. Not more power just more pitch to fly forward.
No No No. To pitch forward, you need to increase the angle of the propeller. on a quad that has a fixed angle of attack, you can't do that and you have to increase the power and the RPM at the back, (not decreasing the RPM at the front, you wouldn't go faster). This is the only way that tilts the quad forward. Nothing else. The natural position of the phantom is horizontal and perfectly balanced between pushers and pullers. Accelerating pitch forward, the more you accelerate, the more you pitch forward. reversing pitches in the oppposite direction.

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