Backflip...almost ended in tears...

Mar 31, 2013
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So i brave it now and again and fly in manual mode, (i always have 1 finger close to the GPS switch though) and thought i would try a back flip. so i went up to what i thought was high enough, flipped it to manual, gave it full beans and pulled back.

It just about made it all the way round as it hit the ground hard, it kinda bounced back into the air flipping over again and landing upside down, luckily because it landed flat i walked away with no damage at all,( i was on grass )

Thinking about it after, maybe i should of backed the power off when it was heading upside down so it didn't power towards the ground. I've seen people mention about adjusting gains, but i don't fully understand what this does.

Anyone else got experience with flipping, any tips before i try again, this time i will be a lot higher. lol.

It's a shame the Phantom doesn't have the power in GPS mode as you get in Manual mode, it like you get another 40% more.
I wish I was recording when you did this.

colchester daz said:
It's a shame the Phantom doesn't have the power in GPS mode as you get in Manual mode, it like you get another 40% more.

I mentioned in another thread that was asking about manual mode... GPS doesn't lack the power but stops you from being able to flip it by limiting the roll and pitch that can be achieved. In Manual Mode the limiters/restrictions are lifted. As well as doubling the power.

It is the nature of the Phantom that if in ATTI or GPS mode, the throttle around 50% is required via the stick and the NAZA will do the rest, so if you want to descend you have to lower the stick to 10% or less and on the other side which is to gain the attitude, you need to move the stick pass 90%.

RE: GPS doesn't lack the power but stops you from being able to flip it by limiting the roll and pitch that can be achieved

It is not the GPS but the IMU with the help from the barometer, accelerometer, gyro and the compass plus the setting in ATTI or GPS that stops you because they don't know the different between you wanting to do a back flip or the wind catch and try to flip the Phantom. The GPS only keeps the Phantom within a coordinate in space but with the help of the ATTI.

For more authority in control you have to set the GAIN accordingly (in your case, you may want to try the VERTICAL setting first).
Higher gain, more locked in feeling but if gain is too high, it will oscillate/shake.
If the gain is too low, it will feel mushy or out of control.
Note also that the vertical gain will NOT affect the manual mode.
Yeah sorry I didn't mean the GPS module itself I meant the mode.
A Phantom enthusiast is testing a 4 mm GPS ceramic antenna (the stock one is only 2 mm) and he claimed that even flying indoor with 2 floors above, the GPS picked up 7-8 satellites! Still wait for the sources and pricing though.
Capodrone said:
How do you accomplish barrel rolls and flips? ( joystick process )transmitter tx etc...

you will need to flick it into manual mode, but don't make that decision lightly, its a whole new beast when you let its guard down. Do you research first.

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