Are there ANY good aftermarket brands?...

Apr 25, 2020
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North Carolina
When it comes to the topic of buying props we all know there’s tons of options. From the DJI brand to plenty of aftermarket brands. The question is are there ANY aftermarket brands for props that are actually of good quality that you trust on your quad? I feel like of all the brands that there must be one that is of quality and trustworthy. I mean it’s JUST plastic!
I personally like Xoar beechwood props. I have been using them for almost 2 years. They are perfectly balanced, much quieter than OEM props and every other plastic props out there. They are a bit more spendy but I think they are worth it.
And the problem with that is??
I have 4000 miles on the original just plastic set on my P4pro and they are still as good as new.
They are light, strong and don't fracture in a light impact.

? There is no " it's just plastic" I mean is there another company getting it right besides DJI... it's just plastic props. You'd think someone could get it right.
Its just plastic until one shreds apart at 9,500rpms.. lol get the best you can afford.. unless you put ironforce tires on your car.. then go on ahead your a goner anyway lol. Jk really though. Props and batteries i struggle with I just bought my p4p with generic batteries. Flew it the first time yesterday. Got good flight time no problems. But when I landed a seen a brief battery warning. I worry and hear bad things about these generic batteries but someone said just make sure they are secure before flight.. anywho I know where your coming from and if anyone knows the best company to buy batteries from let me know! Safe flying
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Price, customization.
This is always one that puzzles me. Actually for both props and batteries.
When it comes to props:
  • Thy're just NOT that expensive. Spend the couple extra dollars and get original OEM props. They will last you a very long time (barring you scraping them up or crashing), and they are specifically designed and tested by the manufacturer for your drone.
  • What customization exactly? Sure some brands say they are more quiet (that claim is questionable) and may offer you longer flight times. Flight time improvement comes at the expense of different prop characteristics which your ESC and motors may or may not handle well. Besides, my drones all get well over 20 minutes of flight time and plenty to spare to get on the ground safely with plenty of reserve battery.
So I stick to only DJI props and batteries. It's just not worth the risk of crashing or hurting someone because I was cheap and saved a few dollars.
I agree on the props. I only use the oem..but batteries.. im sorry but 200 for one battery.. the powerextra generics are 184 for 2. I flew with my generics for the first time yesterday. Got literally 30 mins of flight time. As long as nothing serious happens. Im happy as a clam. Two for the price of one. Uh. Yes please. Anyone else use generic batteries? Id like to hear results. Please. I dont want to risk my drone or Anyones safety.
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This is always one that puzzles me. Actually for both props and batteries.
When it comes to props:
  • Thy're just NOT that expensive. Spend the couple extra dollars and get original OEM props. They will last you a very long time (barring you scraping them up or crashing), and they are specifically designed and tested by the manufacturer for your drone.
  • What customization exactly? Sure some brands say they are more quiet (that claim is questionable) and may offer you longer flight times. Flight time improvement comes at the expense of different prop characteristics which your ESC and motors may or may not handle well. Besides, my drones all get well over 20 minutes of flight time and plenty to spare to get on the ground safely with plenty of reserve battery.

    So I stick to only DJI props and batteries. It's just not worth the risk of crashing or hurting someone because I was cheap and saved a few dollars.
I agree with the batteries. Definitely NOT messing around with that.
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I will also admit. My p4p is a whole nother beast compared to the evo. Different sound for sure. Louder yes. Even has a whine when it yaws. I wasn't sure it that was normal. Hope so. Motors arent hot.

I'm mostly pointing out the lack of technology involved in props. They're just plastic. Surely they're balanced and all but why can't another company get this right?. BTW I'm only buying DJI branded propped anyways. I'm just curious why can't someone else get this right?

As far as customization I'm mostly talking about color. Nothing too important just the cool factor. I would never risk my quad for the sake of looking cool.
I dont want to risk my drone or Anyones safety.
I can’t blame anyone for being thrifty and I think there are lots of the generic batteries being used. The aspect that I look at in these kinds of decisions is, do I want to replace a one thousand dollar investment to save one hundred dollars and or try to explain to a bystander why he is off to the hospital or paying a visit to their attorney.
Simple math.
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Regarding OEM vs generic batteries... I can understand getting the same or slightly different (+ or-) flight time for less money for generics. One question I have though is has anyone done any research or had any experience with comparing the life expectancy i.e number of charging cycles or what the flight time has deteriorated to after a dozen or two charging cycles? I know cheaper batteries for some electronics, say cordless phones, do not have the same life expectancy as higher quality batteries. In other words, will one get the same lifetime of a lesser expensive battery as from an OEM from DJI?
Well do you put a walmart battery in your car or an optima gold? Be truthful now... Everyone's different.. Everyone's has different opinions.. different budgets. I didnt pay full price for my drone first off and second. Im me.. but me being me.. i can still see you on your high horse with my drone.. lol. That works.. with batteries that I paid half of what you did.. and its still a pristine p4p v2 obsidian plus.. with generic batteries... so what. thats what insurance is for.. dont pass judgment so easily. Also if your flying by rules and regulations. You shouldn't be hitting any bystanders with your falling drone. As your not supposed to fly over people... Or moving cars... so. And if i were using part 107 to fly over people with an obtained waiver. I would prob then use a dji oem brand new battery. But i would be insured of course to the fullest extent. follow right procedures concerning the charging ,installation and safety check of said battery. I get we are sharing opinions and experiences and im all for that in a friendly way. Simple math..
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I bet ya both them batteries ( dji + generic) are coming from and are made in china.. by similar company's using similar products. Not identical. Is it a higher risk? yes. Probably. But so are putting tiger paw tires on your car.. doesn't stop probably 500,000 people a year putting them on their car and risking you and your and their families lives everyday on the road. But im not taking to the forums telling em to use simple math. Of course the statistics of cooper tires are better but could they afford them.. maybe not. Idk..but i dont roll down my window and yell at people they are rolling on cheap tires either.. lol use what works for you.
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I tell ya what. I let my p4p obsidian plus be the guinea pig. Not the first time im sure.. haha. ill post my cycle numbers on my two generic batteries. Ill keep up and let ya know if it falls out of the sky. And they are so genric I don't even know the names. Not on the battery. But they came with my drone I just bought.. so we are gonna try these babies out I just bought a new drone.. not buying two more batteries because they say dji on them. Lol thats Ludacris. Youd be lying if you say you wouldn't fly this thing either.. if it happenes it happens. Apparently I wasn't doing something right but securing my battery is the first step to safety. Which im all about flew both the batteries yesterday in wind. For 26-29 minutes if not more easily. Safely. Cheers.
Batteries & props are the 2 items I wont mess with others have and are happy others have and are not so lucky YMMV
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I tell ya what. I let my p4p obsidian plus be the guinea pig. Not the first time im sure.. haha. ill post my cycle numbers on my two generic batteries. Ill keep up and let ya know if it falls out of the sky. And they are so genric I don't even know the names. Not on the battery. But they came with my drone I just bought.. so we are gonna try these babies out I just bought a new drone.. not buying two more batteries because they say dji on them. Lol thats Ludacris. Youd be lying if you say you wouldn't fly this thing either.. if it happenes it happens. Apparently I wasn't doing something right but securing my battery is the first step to safety. Which im all about flew both the batteries yesterday in wind. For 26-29 minutes if not more easily. Safely. Cheers.
I am sorry. I didn't realize I was criticizing anyone for using generic batteries. I was sure I was asking for information about something of which i know nothing about. My reason for asking is I was wondering if the generic batteries lasted as long as the OEM, after all, whats the point of saving 50% on the cost of the battery if it only lasts 1/3 the time? I am using OEMs that came with my P4 Standard and realize that one day i will need to replace them so I thought I'd post the question in this forum where I thought people were here to either get information or give information. I used to buy shoes on sale for $50 but I found I was buying a pair every year. Someone told me to buy a pair for $200. I thought he was crazy but he convinced me to do it. I've had those shoes for ten years now and only had the heel replaced once after eight years. Which would you think is the better deal?

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