Any plans to make money with your Phantom?

I do not see how they can legally prevent commercial UAV. If that was the case they would have to shutdown all of the satellite imagery companies? I do not see that happening. I would say they have absolutely no jurisdiction as long as we stay below the legally allocated altitudes mandated by the FAA? I certainly would not take a reporters comments as fact on this. This opens a whole can of worms and I do not see what their motive would be for such a ban?
klimon said:
I do not see how they can legally prevent commercial UAV. If that was the case they would have to shutdown all of the satellite imagery companies? I do not see that happening. I would say they have absolutely no jurisdiction as long as we stay below the legally allocated altitudes mandated by the FAA? I certainly would not take a reporters comments as fact on this. This opens a whole can of worms and I do not see what their motive would be for such a ban?

I'm trying to get in touch with Rusty, We've exchanged some emails and he said he's going to call me when he gets back in the country.
Whats a good way to make money with my drone? I have a DJI and a parrot bebop 2 (but the fpv goggles really suck)

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