Any need for big storage Apple iPads???

Jul 23, 2015
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Bellport, New York
After reading all the praise for Apple products and how they interface well with the Phantom 3, I've decided to switch from an Android device to an iPad Mini 3. My question is....would there be any benefit in buying anything bigger than the 16B model? I don't plan in using it for anything else so I can't see the need for the 32 or 64 GB versions (which add about $100 per16 GB). Anyone know of any good sales????
I bought the 64gb Air 2, and have never seen less than 52gb still available. So I didn't really need that size, it turns out. I got it way before discovering drones.

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If all you're using it for is flying - then no... I can't see getting larger capacity one. I have the 64 - but I use it to fly and watch movies on airplanes :)
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The 16GB has been working well for me too. I only use my iPad Mini 2 when flying my Phantom.
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64gb if you want 4k video, every 3mins is around a gb if you want to keep onya pad. Had air2 was awesome, Samsung galaxy 8.4 lagged, now have mini 3, just the Perfect size
Thanks for all your responses....I actually went with a 16GB iPad 2 mini. I researched the differences between the 2 and 3 and there really isn't any except the fingerprint security on the 3. That and about $80. I doubt I'll be keeping the video on the iPad itself so that's not an issue for me.
After reading all the praise for Apple products and how they interface well with the Phantom 3, I've decided to switch from an Android device to an iPad Mini 3. My question is....would there be any benefit in buying anything bigger than the 16B model? I don't plan in using it for anything else so I can't see the need for the 32 or 64 GB versions (which add about $100 per16 GB). Anyone know of any good sales????
Hello there,
I to love open source so Apple was the last thing that I wanted to include in to my new 4k equipment or its support ...or anything other than Android and PC format ...BUT after looking in to flight characteristics and data sharing from flight to ground of this sUAS equipment I to made the switch to Apple...for flight control...I went with iPad air 2 and because you can`t add any storage to Apple mobile after you buy as easy if at all I got as much memory as possible and really the minimum I thought necessary for the DJI Phantom 3 sUAS to communicate and process the video and pictures with my birds on board 64gig micro sd card ...for me that was a 64gig iPad air 2 gold model...if I was going to use all the video and picture sharing capability that DJI has in there Pilot and now Go App and is pushing with there affiliation with and live video to your youtube account I thought this will be the continued deretion of this sUAS or DJI product...I am connected to the internet at all times most any place in the world via Verizon wireless and a hot spot on my cell...that being said when in an off grid...deep woods or jungle situation 3g is a hit and miss proposition...and 4g is the best I can receive or send with in big cities... not that great for full HD not to mention 4k be sent to the iPad 2 only storage other than the onboard memory selected at time of purchase...the Apple on board storage is huge in my opinion and should be give priority when you setup your sUAS support equipment...there are many opinions on this subject but if you use real life's examples or actual data compiled and shared by all Phantom 3 Pilots you can`t go wrong when making this personal and very important decision...after all we are all test pilots really in this new world of consumer and professional areal photography with 4k capabilities...the future is bright for all of us for sure if we share all available data...PLEASE realize that this is only my opinion and shared with the a theme to be a help full post from one DJI Phantom 3 pilot to all sUAS DJI Phantom 3 pilots that read it...just-say-in...!!! ;-)

Thanks for all your responses....I actually went with a 16GB iPad 2 mini. I researched the differences between the 2 and 3 and there really isn't any except the fingerprint security on the 3. That and about $80. I doubt I'll be keeping the video on the iPad itself so that's not an issue for me.
Hello there,
I just saw this post and wanted to put some food for thought out there just incase it is NOT TO LATE...The bigger and maybe more important difference between the 2 and 3 Apple iPad mini so I have been told is that you WILL NOT be included in future updates from Apple if you have iPad mini 2 so it is not just the F.P.R. it is the upgradability of the mini 2 and most pilots here will probably agree that upgrades needed are many and at best a hit and miss scenario in this fast paced real time world of the sUAS DJI Phantom 3 where communication is key and most important between flight and ground crew...!!! ;-)
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... Hello there,
I just saw this post and wanted to put some food for thought out there just incase it is NOT TO LATE...The bigger and maybe more important difference between the 2 and 3 Apple iPad mini so I have been told is that you WILL NOT be included in future updates from Apple if you have iPad mini 2 so it is not just the F.P.R. it is the upgradability of the mini 2 and most pilots here will probably agree that upgrades needed are many and at best a hit and miss scenario in this fast paced real time world of the sUAS DJI Phantom 3 where communication is key and most important between flight and ground crew...!!! ;-)

Per the iPad mini 2 (and any device that can now do iOS 8) will be upgradeable to iOS 9.!

And, doesn't the Phantom 3 Pro only send 720p to the tablet, so if you are saving the streamed video the requirements are much much less than 4k.

I think a 16GB tablet will be fine for just flying the P3. But 16GB is not enough for a general purpose tablet.
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I use a 16gb air wifi only for flying, dji stuff. No iCloud photos, no calendars, nothing. It works fine just realize at that small size you're only going to be doing DJI and a couple small apps (and deleting video cache often helps).

If you have other apple devices now or in the future, I'd consider a swap for 64 now. If this is your only apple device and only use...16gb is fine.
Per the iPad mini 2 (and any device that can now do iOS 8) will be upgradeable to iOS 9.!

And, doesn't the Phantom 3 Pro only send 720p to the tablet, so if you are saving the streamed video the requirements are much much less than 4k.

I think a 16GB tablet will be fine for just flying the P3. But 16GB is not enough for a general purpose tablet.
Hello there,
Thanks for the info...GREAT NEWS for the older Apple devices and cNet is a good place for info for sure...when I down load to the Apple iPad air 2 from the micro sd card in the Phantom 3 pro in the field via the Go App it tells me that the vid will be down graded to 1080 that allows you to use a feature in the App to live share...what ever a pilot uses for there equipment is there decision no doubt so I am glad that you shared this important info...keep up the good work for the Phantom 3 community...and this info helps so many pilots not just p3p but all pilots looking to use Apple for flight control...!!! ;-)
I bought an IPad Mini 2 16gb specifically for my P3A.

I read a few reviews regarding the difference between the Mini 2 and the Mini 3, and the only difference is that the '3' has a silver trim around the main button and fingerprint recognition, and an extra £100 for the privilege.

Nothing more !

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