Airport/plane log. How I get on.

Right have a look at these, my 2nd attempt at night shooting, no not with guns:p

Sorry guys only one:( it's still taking years to upload from here:eek:View attachment 31966

Tried what you said Mike, it only changed the Colour temperature of the pic.

Still can't calibrate the compass:eek:
That's a keeper nice color in that pic;).

Well it was worth a try:oops:. Going to have to mess with them in snapseed;)

I've got to hand it to ya Porky you're a braver man than me flying with the compass problems. But on second thought if I brought mine all those miles I'd probably be doing the same:)
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Butler about 30 miles north of Pittsburgh
Too bad you're across the state it would have been nice to meet up and fly with some of the great people on here;)
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We are meeting here
on the 21st December Mike, see you there buddy, don't forget to bring your phantom & take that filter kit off:D

Bet we can't calibrate our compasses there:D
The start of the crowd I attract when I start flying here....image.jpg
I liked to not picked you out of that crowd bro and don't think they looking at you ! :eek:
Yep I'm the one with the pink dress on, lol:p
One good thing I like about this thread, when I'm back home it'll be like a little holiday diary of each day I've had here. Me like;)
I'll let you know when I'm going down, yep I'll give you a wave, I'll have a yellow top on;) don't forget to get a screen shot of me flying & post it here;)
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I'm going down now & I'll be flying about 6ish;)

I've noticed they have moved the webcam further to the left so I won't be in it but piglet will be;)
I'm going down now & I'll be flying about 6ish;)

I've noticed they have moved the webcam further to the left so I won't be in it but piglet will be;)
Cutting it on now . Hurry man !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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How cool is that, thumbs up to ya dirk:D took a while but I found piglet. Sooooo pleased you watched it;) just a shame they moved the webcam, I think it had something to do with a ship not being in.

That's made my day dirk, hats off to ya buddy:D;)

Would just like to thank dirk for taking the time to spot me flying on the live webcam from the hotel;)

If you all look very closely you can see piglet;)
i cant see it

Look at the two black drums half way up the hill, right side then follow the white mast down then you will see piglet;)

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