You are not Anonymous

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Nov 16, 2017
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Just a friendly reminder to people that are posting descriptions of their illegal or unsafe behavior, whether it's flying beyond VLOS or any other infractions of the laws of the land. YOU ARE NOT ANONYMOUS. The IP address of each and every member of this and every other forum is easily accessed and traced, and if the feds or other LEOs take exception to your actions, you can and will be found. Admittedly it seems like a stretch to think that they will come get you for an infraction as insignificant as flying into a low cloud or maybe flying just a little too close to an airport without giving notice or receiving authorization, but if they decide to make an example - do you really want it to be you? My advice is to use this forum to share valuable information and learn more about your hobby or business and leave the self-aggrandizing "I flew 10 miles out through fog and shot this great video of elk running terrified from my drone" for your friends.
Just a friendly reminder to people that are posting descriptions of their illegal or unsafe behavior, whether it's flying beyond VLOS or any other infractions of the laws of the land. YOU ARE NOT ANONYMOUS. The IP address of each and every member of this and every other forum is easily accessed and traced, and if the feds or other LEOs take exception to your actions, you can and will be found. Admittedly it seems like a stretch to think that they will come get you for an infraction as insignificant as flying into a low cloud or maybe flying just a little too close to an airport without giving notice or receiving authorization, but if they decide to make an example - do you really want it to be you? My advice is to use this forum to share valuable information and learn more about your hobby or business and leave the self-aggrandizing "I flew 10 miles out through fog and shot this great video of elk running terrified from my drone" for your friends.

Not that I do anything illegal but if you fly in airplane mode with no internet connection no-one knows where you are.
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I was referring to being traced while flying.
Anyone posting their illegal activities deserves whatever they get.
CASA even checks Youtube down here
I know what you were referring to but that's not what the OP was .
Just a friendly reminder to people that are posting descriptions of their illegal or unsafe behavior, whether it's flying beyond VLOS or any other infractions of the laws of the land. YOU ARE NOT ANONYMOUS. The IP address of each and every member of this and every other forum is easily accessed and traced, and if the feds or other LEOs take exception to your actions, you can and will be found. Admittedly it seems like a stretch to think that they will come get you for an infraction as insignificant as flying into a low cloud or maybe flying just a little too close to an airport without giving notice or receiving authorization, but if they decide to make an example - do you really want it to be you? My advice is to use this forum to share valuable information and learn more about your hobby or business and leave the self-aggrandizing "I flew 10 miles out through fog and shot this great video of elk running terrified from my drone" for your friends.

Paranoid much , so your really expecting for law enforcement to come to your door over what it said on an Internet forum , lolol
Not that I do anything illegal but if you fly in airplane mode with no internet connection no-one knows where you are.
While the OP was seemingly taking about your online activity being tracked I wouldn’t suggest that your proposed methods arent guaranteed to work. Within signal range your downlink can be sniffed- DJI has a commercial demonstration of this ability in the aeroscope implementation.
How would you make an example of someone without PROOF to back it up and last I checked someone talking on a forum ain’t proof
Agreed- there are however examples where the authorities have commenced an investigation based on videos uploaded to YouTube (in Australia) with fines being imposed.
YOU ARE NOT ANONYMOUS. The IP address of each and every member of this and every other forum is easily accessed and traced, and if the feds or other LEOs take exception to your actions, you can and will be found.

Wow! that's a very broad statement and not necessarily correct. If you know how, you can be anonymous anywhere on the Internet. Take this post as an example the IP address has been deliberately spoofed (only for the purpose of this post) and will be logged by the forum script as if it came from another European country and not the UK. I could just as easy use IP which is in North Korea, but your FBI would probably have a panic attack. :rolleyes:
Most of us know exactly what we are doing. Thank you though.

Obviously from some of the posts here and around the forum, not everyone does know what they are doing, either with their phantom or with the internet.

Wow! that's a very broad statement and not necessarily correct. If you know how, you can be anonymous anywhere on the Internet. Take this post as an example the IP address has been deliberately spoofed (only for the purpose of this post) and will be logged by the forum script as if it came from another European country and not the UK. I could just as easy use IP which is in North Korea, but your FBI would probably have a panic attack. :rolleyes:

Ok so now you've identified yourself as a hacker. Nice move. I suspect you didn't bother to spoof your IP address when you joined this forum though, so yeah, they know where you are. But maybe you did come on this forum for the purpose of posting about illegal activities and DID actually spoof your IP address to join up. WOW aren't we all impressed. Even though many teens (like you) are tech savvy, many are not and I expect that many of those have drones and join forums to find out about them. These poor innocents may not actually understand that nothing they do on the internet is private, unless of course they are hackers which has already been negated. SO I guess I should have stipulated that YOU ARE NOT ANONYMOUS unless you're a (good) hacker.
Paranoid much , so your really expecting for law enforcement to come to your door over what it said on an Internet forum , lolol

It's been noted (a few times actually) that the FAA does randomly "peruse" our forum and "Educational Action" has taken place directly from posts on this forum. I do believe video was involved in the one that comes to mind but regardless it was forum posts here on Phantom Pilot that started the investigation and the subsequent "Educational Moment" that ensued.
Obviously from some of the posts here and around the forum, not everyone does know what they are doing, either with their phantom or with the internet.

Ok so now you've identified yourself as a hacker. Nice move. I suspect you didn't bother to spoof your IP address when you joined this forum though, so yeah, they know where you are. But maybe you did come on this forum for the purpose of posting about illegal activities and DID actually spoof your IP address to join up. WOW aren't we all impressed. Even though many teens (like you) are tech savvy, many are not and I expect that many of those have drones and join forums to find out about them. These poor innocents may not actually understand that nothing they do on the internet is private, unless of course they are hackers which has already been negated. SO I guess I should have stipulated that YOU ARE NOT ANONYMOUS unless you're a (good) hacker.

A few corrections.
Teen = Retired Surgeon
Hacker = Creator of one of the first online medical databases in UK
... and that is more information than you deserve.

You're obviously not aware that the vast majority of people use a dynamic IP address which are issued by your ISP from a block of IP addresses that they lease. Every time you connect to their service you will be allocated an IP address. That IP address is NOT fixed to your router/network permanently, unless you have actually bought a fixed IP address, but not all ISPs will sell you a fixed IP.

Anyway, the information someone can gather from an IP address is limited as follows:-

Your ISP, Country, Region and City.

It will not provide your Name, Address, Street, or Telephone number.

Right, now here's a test you can do for youself.

Go here.

You will see your current IP address and also your location. Take a note of the IP address. Switch off/on your router and let it reconnect with your ISP. When connected you will have a different IP address. You may have to switch your PC/Laptop off/on for it to reconnect to your router.

No anger, or name calling in my post. Have a nice day.
ok I'm a tech illiterate who doesn't know DNS. I was trying to encourage people to use this forum for constructive and responsible sharing of valuable information rather than posting and boasting about questionable practices and possibly enticing some who might not otherwise go there to the DARK SIDE! I consider myself properly chastised thank you.
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