Yaw offset solved on P4 Pro V2?

Jun 1, 2014
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I'm using the latest FW but had big issues that it wasn't tracking properly.
For example, I had a house in the middle of the screen 400 m away, pushed the stick forward and the house would quite fast move away from the middle of the screen and finally out of view due to the fact that the drone was moving in one direction and facing in a another direction, it wasn't tracking properly.
The angle was maybe 10-15 degrees.

I landed the P4 and made a IMU calibration right away, I wanted the P4 to be warm so it would calibrate with normal flying temperatures of the electronics and also IMU.
I also did a compass calibration but was very careful to only rotate the P4 around its own axis and not spin the P4 around myself which will create accelerations and potentially mess up the calculations.

This seems to solve the yaw offset issue during flight, will need to do more testing to verify it.

I live at 61 deg North which means that the magnetic field has a steep angle and even small errors in the angles will create big heading errors.

I wanted the P4 to be warm so it would calibrate with normal flying temperatures of the electronics and also IMU.
This is not something that is recommended. If you calibrate the IMU, it should be done in a below ambient temperature. I.E.....Cold cal.
Such as over an Air Conditioner vent, or other means for cooler temps. I would suspect that attempting to do the calibration to match the outdoor temperature caused an issue. Also, a compass calibration usually clears a yaw value error.
Calibrating the P4 in a cold state doesn't make sense, you should do it right after at least 10 minutes flying so you know that all electronics has a stable temperature.
The bias for the acc and gyros should be as low as possible when you are flying, not when you are in the fridge.

This is the values I get with a P4 that has been calibrated in a warm state.

My bias values right after power with a cold P4 are
IMU1 Acc 0.001, Gyro 0.004
IMU2 Acc 0.000, Gyro 0.002

After 10 minutes flying and checking the values direct after landing I get the following values:
IMU1 Acc 0.001, Gyro 0.001
IMU2 Acc 0.001, Gyro 0.001

This indicates that the bias is lower in warm state (flying) than in a cold state and that is exactly what you want it to be.

If I remember correctly P4 heats the IMU to a known temperature (60 deg C) and it is at that IMU temperature that you want the calibration to occur. You do not want temps that are changing during the calibration, everything should be in a stable state.

Herkam how has the tests been going? My v2 does this also ....i notice halfway through the battery will not be as bad but in the beginning it looks like the camera is looking to the left but in actuality the Drone is. So in order to fly straight I have to compensate with yaw and aileron

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