Where did everyone go?

Glad you are still aboard. Why the handle change?
Thanks Well since you ask , I lost the plot,took it out here,become disliked member, disliked myself more for that,got my history wiped( big mistake), my own fault,
No phantoms so lost touch with how things work so just choose to read and keep quite
You guys doin just fine without my 9cent input
Stay safe & take care 👍
Well Ian, you're a big part of this Forum....past, present, and future. Your experience is key to solving issues others are having.....so keep checking in and offering your ideas.

Hell, we all need good advice now and then, especially when these darn drones drive us NUTS sometimes. We try, but we sometimes overlook the obvious, or a fix that someone else knows about due to their experience. So hang around and help out when you can. We'd greatly appreciate it ! 👍👍
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