When I connect my P4 controller to my S7 it says my P4 controller is an Inspire 1.

Jul 30, 2017
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Hey guys I am in a real pickle and I need help!

I plug my S7 phone into my Phantom 4 controller and then a screen pops up saying I have to use the old app because I am usign a Inspire1 controller. This is not the case and my controller was working fine 6 months ago.

I was able to get my drone updated using the assistant program but I am unable to update the controller because when I plug it in I am unable to use the DJIGO4 app.

Please help guys I am leaving tomorrow for a trip and I have been trying to get this to work for days.... DAYS!!!
Yeah, I had the same thing. I think one of the updates was not compatible with my iPad and thus downloaded the info for the Inspire. The first page of the program even showed how to connect the drone to the iPad but of course, would not work. I just solved the problem and uninstalled DJI GO completely since I only fly with Litchi now.
Hey guys I am in a real pickle and I need help!

I plug my S7 phone into my Phantom 4 controller and then a screen pops up saying I have to use the old app because I am usign a Inspire1 controller. This is not the case and my controller was working fine 6 months ago.

I was able to get my drone updated using the assistant program but I am unable to update the controller because when I plug it in I am unable to use the DJIGO4 app.

Please help guys I am leaving tomorrow for a trip and I have been trying to get this to work for days.... DAYS!!!
It was a mistake to update the drone firmware, IMO. But now that you've done it, there's no turning back. DJI doesn't let you revert to previous firmware anymore. You'll have to update your RC firmware too, and download the latest DJI GO4 app, if you haven't already. This will match everything up, and hopefully it will work again. Make sure you try to link the craft again to the controller, as that sounds like what may be the issue, since it "doesn't see a P4" with the connection, even though video might work. Some have reported the need to relink the craft. To get the GO4 app working right, try deleting it and reloading into the S7. Update the RC with the DJI GO4 app and the CRAFT OFF.

Good luck.

Best advice I can offer is to NEVER EVER change anything right before you need to use the craft, because when something can go wrong, it will ! ALWAYS give yourself 1 month of downtime padding after an upgrade, in case you need to send it into DJI for repair. I'm serious, the upgrades can go well for most, but some people simply have problems that can brick the craft, or render it virtually useless. Some pilots will try dozens of things for a week or more before they finally figure out the right combination of things to find joy. It can be very frustrating sometimes.

Don't fix something that's not broken. The attraction to the new P4P features isn't worth the downside of the GEO and NFZ issues that were introduced into the P4 with the latest firmware. However you're committed to it now.
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It was a mistake to update the drone firmware. Now that you've done that there's no turning back. DJI doesn't left you revert to previous firmware anymore. You'll have to update your RC firmware too, and download the latest DJI GO4 app, if you haven't already. This will match everything up, and hopefully it will work again. Make sure you try to link the craft again to the controller, as that sounds like what may be the issue. Some have reported the need to relink the craft.

Good luck.

Best advice I can offer is to NEVER EVER change anything the day before you need to use the craft, because when something can wrong, it will. ALWAYS give yourself 1 month of downtime padding after an upgrade, in case you need to send it into DJI for repair. I'm serious, the upgrades can go well for most, but some people simply have problems that can brick the craft, or render it virtually useless. Some will try 50 things for a week before they finally figure it out. It can be very frustrating sometimes.

Don't fix something that's not broken. The attraction to the new P4P features isn't worth the downside of the GEO and NFZ issues that were introduced into the product with the latest firmware.

How can I update the RC if when I plug it into my phone and launch the "DJIGO4" app a splash screen comes up that says "You are using Inspire1" and the only option is to press a button that launches the old app? is there a way to update the controller without using the gopro4 app? because if I connect the controller to my phone and launch the app all I get is the screen saying for me to switch to the old app because I am using an inspire1. I am not able to access anything else if the controller is plugged in.
How can I update the RC if when I plug it into my phone and launch the "DJIGO4" app a splash screen comes up that says "You are using Inspire1" and the only option is to press a button that launches the old app? is there a way to update the controller without using the gopro4 app? because if I connect the controller to my phone and launch the app all I get is the screen saying for me to switch to the old app because I am using an inspire1. I am not able to access anything else if the controller is plugged in.
Delete the current Go4 app and reload the latest Go4 app. If you have the old GO app loaded, and you don't use it for anything else, like an OSMO, then delete that too. You won't need the GO app going forward, only Go4. Make sure your craft is OFF when trying to update the RC. If you're unsuccessful, then try the DJI Assistant app from a PC. Although I've never used it to update the RC, I believe it allows you to do that, as well as update the craft, but it sounds like you successfully updated the craft already. If you can get Go4 working, try linking the craft to the RC.
I deleted the current Go4 app and reloaded it.
I uninstalled the original old GO app.
I made sure the craft was off.
When I plugged the controller into my phone the splash screen came up saying to go to the play store and download the old app because I was using the inspire1. How do I update the RC if I cannot update the RC using the Go4 app? I cannot get into the options when the controller is connected do to the splash screen.

when I connect the controller to my PC and load the assistant it doesn't do anything nothing pops up like when I plug my drone in,
I deleted the current Go4 app and reloaded it.
I uninstalled the original old GO app.
I made sure the craft was off.
When I plugged the controller into my phone the splash screen came up saying to go to the play store and download the old app because I was using the inspire1. How do I update the RC if I cannot update the RC using the Go4 app? I cannot get into the options when the controller is connected do to the splash screen.

when I connect the controller to my PC and load the assistant it doesn't do anything nothing pops up like when I plug my drone in,
Get it sorted,? Just reading ,after you reinstall djigo4 there no need to update rc,all done through app when you install
I deleted the current Go4 app and reloaded it.
I uninstalled the original old GO app.
I made sure the craft was off.
When I plugged the controller into my phone the splash screen came up saying to go to the play store and download the old app because I was using the inspire1. How do I update the RC if I cannot update the RC using the Go4 app? I cannot get into the options when the controller is connected do to the splash screen.

when I connect the controller to my PC and load the assistant it doesn't do anything nothing pops up like when I plug my drone in,
Just checking you redownloaded djigo4 and when you conect its telling you to go playstore----if not you need some internet or wifi to update app,not useing a s7 so cant check,someone might fill that space,once you got app ,usb plugged in remote to phone like before app should open,do you get options for different craft or just inspire remote wrong,,,my remote number GL300c, i think that normal number
I deleted the current Go4 app and reloaded it.
I uninstalled the original old GO app.
I made sure the craft was off.
When I plugged the controller into my phone the splash screen came up saying to go to the play store and download the old app because I was using the inspire1. How do I update the RC if I cannot update the RC using the Go4 app? I cannot get into the options when the controller is connected do to the splash screen.

when I connect the controller to my PC and load the assistant it doesn't do anything nothing pops up like when I plug my drone in,
I deleted the current Go4 app and reloaded it.
I uninstalled the original old GO app.
I made sure the craft was off.
When I plugged the controller into my phone the splash screen came up saying to go to the play store and download the old app because I was using the inspire1. How do I update the RC if I cannot update the RC using the Go4 app? I cannot get into the options when the controller is connected do to the splash screen.

when I connect the controller to my PC and load the assistant it doesn't do anything nothing pops up like when I plug my drone in,
I'm having the exact same issue as Ecco
When I plugged the controller into my phone the splash screen came up saying to go to the play store and download the old app because I was using the Inspire1. How do I update the RC if I cannot update the RC using the Go4 app? I cannot get into the options when the controller is connected do to the splash screen.
Do you have the GL300F RC? Is the RC turned on when you plug the phone into the RC via USB? If the answer is YES to both of these, then I'm perplexed. Inspire 1 doesn't use GL300F, so if you have that plugged into the phone, the Go4 app should recognize the controller as Phantom4P. Have you tried a different USB cable? Do you have an iPhone or iPad from a friend that you can use temporarily to update the RC firmware, instead of the S7?
Do you have the GL300F RC? Is the RC turned on when you plug the phone into the RC via USB? If the answer is YES to both of these, then I'm perplexed. Inspire 1 doesn't use GL300F, so if you have that plugged into the phone, the Go4 app should recognize the controller as Phantom4P. Have you tried a different USB cable? Do you have an iPhone or iPad from a friend that you can use temporarily to update the RC firmware, instead of the S7?
yes to both questions, I have a Nvidia shield that worked perfectly up until 3 days ago ( after update) . I also just tried with my Samsung s7 today and the same thing shows up. I do have a iPad that I will try and hopefully I can get the RC updated
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Sorry, I messed up. I didn't realize I was in the P4 section of the forum. The RC type should be GL300C. However, the Inspire 1 uses the GL658 controller, so there should be no conflict, you shouldn't get the dialog you're getting about Inspire 1. I don't know what to advise from here, other than call DJI. Maybe someone else in this forum has a solution they have discovered.

What's really strange is you haven't changed the RC. And with the CRAFT OFF, all of a sudden you're getting this dialog. What changed in the CRAFT firmware should not affect the RC firmware if the CRAFT IS OFF. It's pretty odd that the Go4 app is acting different with the same RC when the craft is off. However maybe this is the result of the new GO4 app that you have downloaded. Maybe the new app is messed up somehow, which wouldn't surprise me.

This is exactly why I never upgrade apps or firmware. You can turn off the auto upgrade on your device, so the apps don't change without you knowing about it. Then always ignore upgrade prompts when you turn on the app and RC. ALWAYS IGNORE and leave things the way they are, otherwise you open yourself up to this exact predicament.
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Exact same issue with my P4.
ALSO...Controller NOW powers on with one push and leftmost led is bluish instead of the previously display of a bright green leftmost led.

I have tried three different android devices. ...exact same INSPIRE 1 SCREEN TO NOWHERE... (says LOAD OLD APP then when loaded nothing but a dead end)

Have searched all over...several descriptions of this exact problem but found no solution yet. Anybody solve this with an iPad or iPhone?
I found this online and it worked for me

(Phantom 4) remote controller is not connecting. App saying it's the remote for Inspire 1? (self.dji)

submitted 1 month ago * by Maxenman


So, this is just the tip of the iceberg of the problems I've been having with my drone today, but it is the most pressing one.

Earlier today, when I went out to take some photos with my phantom 4 it told me to update the firmware before flying. Running out of daylight I rushed inside to update the drone. I downloaded the DJI assistant and got to work. After what seemed like the update, i went outside, still not updated. I went inside and tried again. It didn't work. It kept failing, and I kept trying. I googled, but to no avail, since nothing seemed to work.

Then, i turned on my controller, to see if there was an update there, and there was. After downloading, it began installing, but it failed. Now it's changed quite a few things. The status led is now a light blue, and the controllor turns on with a single press of the power button. However that's not the strangest. after connecting it, the DJI GO 4 app told me this was the controller for the inspire 1, and prompted me to download the app for the earlier drones. I did, but it didn't help.

I am left with a drone that won't update and a controller that won't connect, update or relink.

I am very distraught and I have no idea what to do.

Has anyone had the same problem(s)? And is there a way to solve them? Is my drone/controller bricked? If anyone has any answers it would be greatly apprectiated.

(Also, when trying to update the drone i get the error code 0003, if that helps.)

  • deathxbyxtaxes 1 point 1 month ago

    Ok, try this. Open the Go app, with your controller connected and on. On the splash screen with the photo of the drone, hold down the little hamburger menu in the top left corner for at least 10 seconds. When you release it a firmware menu should pop up for the controller. Select the version number in the middle of the screen, scroll down the oldest version it will let you, select save and refresh the firmware. When it's done restart your remote and follow the props to update it in the app.


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