Was unfair to sell the P4P V2.0 then a better MP2 so shortly after?

As for your drawing Mr "reliable rumour" I remember a similar drawing being made and everyone was caught up with it and it turned out to be totally false I remember watching Billy Kyle do review how angry he was about all of us being being misled. Back then very little information was known for sure. I accept that you need to be loyal to your employer Meta4, that's OK that's fine but it doesn't make it right.
But you probably wouldn't be enthusiatsic if you could access it.
The trade values are very low.
You could DIY and sell your Phantom for much more on Gumtree if you wanted to go that way.

Definitely not. 535 for trade in on a P4P lol.
True but these are not auto's....588$ is not good 900$or 1000$ would be ok for a like new.... at the very least! I bet you I could sell mine for 12 or 1300$ easy with an extra battery. Like I said $1,000 at the very least for something that is like new with an extra battery seems pretty good
Yes well don’t trade with DJI then- it’s not like you don’t have a choice. As far as a trade in with a manufacturer goes it’s what you should expect.
As for your drawing Mr "reliable rumour" I remember a similar drawing being made and everyone was caught up with it and it turned out to be totally false I remember watching Billy Kyle do review how angry he was about all of us being being misled. Back then very little information was known for sure.
You said there was no information.
I showed you that there was and with dates.
And now you are saying you know of this but somehow it's false???
The people you listened to are the ones that were misleading you.
I accept that you need to be loyal to your employer Meta4, that's OK that's fine but it doesn't make it right.
If you you think DJI is my employer, you couldn't be more wrong.
I don't have to be loyal to DJI because my relationship with them doesn't extend beyond buying their drones.
This forum is in no way associated with DJI.

DJI have apologize profusely to me and I've been negotiating with a very nice chap but he can't do anything because DJI I don't want to because I think they're dodgy on this issue. Yes very shady and shoddy.
What have DJI done that requires an apology?
What is there to negotiate?
You think it's shady and shoddy for DJI to release a new product that might be better than the one you bought?
But each to their own reality.
So it seems
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I am looking on Gumtree at the moment and the average price for a used Phantom 4 pro is about 2000 Australian dollars some in excellent condition with lots of extras and batteries up to 2800. That seems pretty reasonable to me I paid in all about $3,000 with lots of batteries and two charges props so to get about 2,000 I would be happy with that. That's the world I live in anyway I don't know where this 400-500 thing came from.

I also don't live in a world where you sell something and then a few months later sell something better cheaper and it's ok.
But each to their own reality.

DJI have apologize profusely to me and I've been negotiating with a very nice chap but he can't do anything because DJI I don't want to because I think they're dodgy on this issue. Yes very shady and shoddy.
I truly believe DJI can be better than that.
To avoid further disappointment you may consider holding off in the Mavic 2 purchase. The next phantom is expected around the end of the year going by industry mumblings and you can resonably expect it to be significantly better than the Mavic 2. The P4P v2 was a significant upgrade over the P3S you had. It was also a minor upgrade to the P4P but nothing startling, certainly not enough to justify an upgrade for P4P owners. You knowingly, or at least had the opportunity of being informed having regard to DJI’s model development cycle, acquired the P4P around 3/4 into the production cycle. It will continue to be supported and probably perform reliably for at least another 12 months so you have the opportunity to get your money’s worth out of it. You don’t have to be the looser here.
DJI Store VA Trade-in Program

this list is a insult and a slap in the face... those prices ARE NO WHERE that i have seen in any market. it sucks when companies do that because "they can" * them
Think about this for a minute- they offer 40% of the current recommended retail pricing. As a rule in high tech consumer products the retail price is around 1.5 times the build cost. A 1300 phantom is going to cost DJI 870 plus other costs. Giving you $520 for something they don’t really need is pretty good. They aren’t precluding you for selling for more privately, who knows where the buy backs end up. Parts perhaps. Checking and preparing if they are ultimately resold takes time and costs money also.
Thanks With The Birds I am still chewing it all over. I have 1 Mavic Air and 1 Mavic Pro with lots of batteries and spare combo stuff which I could sell and it could be enough to get the MP2. I do a lot of traveling especially to Thailand where it is dodgy to fly. Even here in Perth I travel around a fair bit on foot, push bike and car, so the MA2 is ideal. The there is the option of the P5P as you said later this year.
Thing is which MP2?
Sorry MP2 the Mavic Air is just way too noisy. Any one know how much noise the MP2 Pro and Zoom generate?
Enough to be annoying-
I saw a review by Tom's Tech Time and he quoted about 7db less than the MP 1 Pro at around 5ft off the ground.
7db is a lot- 10 db reduction would appear half as loud to the average person.
I thought I read somewhere that the MP2 was louder than the MP1. Clearly I was wrong, thanks monki77. Now it all begs the question why would you keep your big P4P when the MP2 has a slightly better camera is smaller to carry around, is quieter, is faster has more obstacle avoidance etc etc.
In general its seems smarter, an all round better aircraft. Perhaps because of its larger mass it is more stable in higher winds, but this could be counteracted by what seems to be more powerful motors since it is faster.
So why would you keep your P4P in my case my P$P V2?

The only reason would be, and I am sure its crossed your mind, if you earn money from your drone, is that it looks professional, a lot more than a MP2 which to some would look like a large toy. So what would you turn up with on a job? Easy answer.
Oh darn did I err in my typing? I did in type P$P v2 when holding down the shift key to get a capital P and left it on while hitting the number 4.
Well maybe it was a poetic-type error?
So I am going to leave it like that. Its now called not a P4P V2.0 but a P$P2. Because we all except that DJI have to make a profit. But there is a difference between profit and gouging Meta4.

So DJI drop your insulting buy back program do something about your cheap P$P2 trick in regards to the MP2.
Reasons to keep your P4P -

You don't print money.
You don't need to buy a new drone.
The Mavic 2 does not have a better camera in a way that an amateur photographer would notice (I've seen people say the Mavic 1 had better video and photo quality than a P4P... Go figure).
Maybe it doesn't even have a better camera full stop.
Get a bigger backpack instead for portability (Manfrotto D1).
Spare yourself the humiliation of being Mavic owner :)
Obstacle avoidance is for lazy and inexperienced people.
The speed difference of the Mavic is negligible, the wind is always going to dictate how fast you fly.
There's no genuine reason other than the Mavic 2 being smaller and cheaper to buy parts for. But that's offset by the loss on selling your P4.
Don't be a slave to consumerism.

(A couple of those are light hearted)
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But there is a difference between profit and gouging Meta4.
That seems like you are having a dig at me but whatever it is that you are trying to say
isn't coming through.
If you are going to have a dig, at least make the meaning clear.
The only reason would be, and I am sure its crossed your mind, if you earn money from your drone, is that it looks professional, a lot more than a MP2 which to some would look like a large toy. So what would you turn up with on a job? Easy answer.
As a user who's drones pay for themselves, my easy answer is that I would turn up with whatever would give me the best results (as long as they are better enough to make it worth changing from whatever I was using previously).
The only thing my clients care about the look of, is the images they buy.
So DJI drop your insulting buy back program do something about your cheap P$P2 trick in regards to the MP2.
DJI aren't here to take advantage of your business advice.
Just make your own decision about what's best for you and go with that.
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I have a few digs at you Meta4, to which one are you referring to?
But my only serious gripe with you is that you are supporting a huge multi company against a little average Joe like me.
I know you think my objection is unreasonable, if it is, its not outrageously so.
Now you are going to say its nothing to do with supporting one side or the other but what is reasonable.
But lets look at "the bigger picture". If you made a claim against a powerful company, even if I thought it a little far fetched I would still support you. But defiantly not publicly go against you.
I am not going to argue on the matter any more but I think you need to consider it from my point of view. Having taught hard to teach teenagers in hard to staff schools for 35 years, I was offered a small retirement package. Rubbish in my eyes but acceptable in todays conditions. So what was probably my last chance to get a quality drone even though it was huge to carry around, given how much I travel and seen some amazing quality video footage, I got the best I could afford. Then three months later DJI brought out the exact dream drone I wanted, price, quality and all.
I just think they should not have offered the P$PV2 knowing what they would be putting out there very soon.

So I don't think much of your stance my man, even though you take the best arial photographs I have ever seen.
I have never seen so much resentment from a grown person.

So you bought a drone. A relatively expensive toy/utility that is not needed to get by. You did this based on totally your own decision. In the process you followed some advice by third-parties that an upgrade was not on the horizon. Why you would believe them on this is unclear. DJI, naturally, never make any such comments about future products.

Then a couple months later, DJI decides to release version 2 of a drone they originally released almost two years ago. A majority of people, not to say all, could see it coming. You did not. As it turns out the drone is awesome. Many people should be happy for that. You on the other hand are not. The drone is too good. You think it should be worse, so others would not get such a good deal, since you missed it.

Now you are mad and want our sympathies? Not gonna get that. Sell what you don’t need and move on.
For me the two important issues are firstly camera quality and secondly portability.
Billy Kyle, just, prefers the MP2 over the P4P camera.
My first thoughts were the MP2 video was horrible. I much preferred the P4P. All on auto, I generally keep settings on auto.
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...I just think they should not have offered the P$PV2 knowing what they would be putting out there very soon....

For better or worse, that is the way commercial electronics work. It's like buying a laptop. XYX comes out with a refreshed version of their RoadWarrior 2000 series laptop. You buy it and it's great. Two months later, XYZ releases a model of their TinyDancer laptop and you wished you had waited for that one.

Consumer electronic companies try to avoid announcing new products while they are still trying to sell the older ones. They also want to avoid announcing something new and having a competitor rush a copycat product to market first.
You really should have done your due diligence and researched more if this was a final purchase. DJI isn't really that hard to figure out. Generally they upgrade an existing model with some new tech and use it as a test bed for upcoming products. Rinse/Repeat. The P4P had been out 2 years already. You should be happy, the v.2 is a fantastic quad. You've got dual channel Ocusync, upgraded ESC's and what I consider, so far; a better camera. 4K60 and a mechanical shutter. Truth is if you keeping your camera in auto setting, the M2P and the P4P's cameras are wasted anyway.

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