Two (noob) questions: formatting and NAZA

Jan 13, 2015
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Hi everyone, I'm new to the quad scene but excited to learn. Two questions that I did not find via search.

Is it ok to format the Phantom's microSD in a regular USB card reader or must it be formatted only while in the Phantom itself using the Vision app?

and more philosophically,

There is a "logical distinguishment" between between NAZA and Vision modes. Why? What is the backstory behind this? This question isn't about the technical differences in how the phantom operates in each mode, but more philosophically, why delineate , why implement them as "modes", instead of just different settings to choose from on the same level playing field? By changing the mode are you switching between 2 different physical controllers?

and a bonus, is NAZA an acronym for something?

Welcome to the forum. I have formatted the card in both reader & Phantom. I would recommend doing it in the phantom though if shooting in raw as it can be persnickety. I think they have the two modes so one is just fly & the other mode (Naza) has some thought in it or you have many more tools at your disposal. As far as Naza, I have no clue.
Format wherever is convenient for you - it makes no difference.
Phantom mode is the default for straight out of the box flying for anyone. It was developed specially for the Phantom.
The Naza flight controller is used in many other multicopters and the additional features it has are accessible via configuration to Naza mode.
As for the name, it's probably not an acronym. Some of DJI's others are A2 and Wookong.
I think they have the two modes for simplicity for flying immediately out-of-the-box. It would be a bit much to expect a first time user to be able to figure out all the features and which ones to select on day one. This way everyone can fly immediately and learn later. Although I did a hybrid of sorts. I studied it for about 3 days before actually taking to the skies. And flew it in Phantom mode because at that point I didnt even know what NAZA mode was. Good for me because everything was taken care of by DJI and I didnt have to think or know too much. Just flew. In hind sight knowing what I know now, I think it is a good thing to have the two modes.

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