Two kinds of people in the forums

Jul 4, 2016
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Sterling Heights, MI
Ever notice there are two kinds in these types of forums

The ones who accept any rule, regulation, any limitation any law and fiercely defend them all, blindly, because they trust the government is smarter and knows best what's good for its subjects.

The ones who question things, demand things make sense and are fair where possible, but always logical. That suppose they sometimes might know a better way and are open to debate. They can applaud a company one day and decry it the next because things change and there is good with bad. They don't blindly trust because they do want to do right and be good, just they need valid reasons.
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I am the one that don't trust the government and neither the drone maker. However, I always trying to be fair and I know that we need to have regulations or laws in place or we will have a chaotic environment for drones. The organization that I trust is AMA. Their are like the NRA but for drones and RC planes. They will fight for our freedom to fly our toys.
I'm a techie and like to go into depth of the problems and enjoy presenting my unbiased solutions.
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I really started to write a long spiel,on the subject, but after thinking a bit decided otherwise. In short, I will just say that I support both the NRA and the AMA. But, it is up to the individual to abide, or ignore "recommendations" by either group. I try to stay away from the "legal" and "non-legal" discussions as much as possible. It all reverts back to politics, which is one of those subjects which should be "refrained" from in these forums. I agree also with aloc, I am a bit of a techie myself. If you have ever had discussions with not necessarily close friends, but those you may know. Politics and Religion, are two of the subjects that should be avoided. They almost always cause indifference.
Way over-simplified. I for one am someone who generally distrusts government and loathes the restrictions that DJI is putting on. This should be personal responsibility. That said I am very much for the rule of law. To ignore the rules is anarchy. We have a great system and ways to get unjust laws and rules changed. Until we get them changed we have to follow them. Otherwise we risk greater regulation and losing our voice.

The reality is that drones are a whole new ballgame. We have to give the system some time to figure out the best compromises to make it work for everyone.
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