Trying to be back ,can't get dgi go

Dec 8, 2018
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New to me used p3s, everything charged,setting up DJI go,first said invalid password 12341234,tried to start over turned off then on wifi comes up problem authenticating, now I have remote that came with this bird and is one problem authenticating, I have another remote from my fly off p3s. Any help would be great
New to me used p3s, everything charged,setting up DJI go,first said invalid password 12341234,tried to start over turned off then on wifi comes up problem authenticating, now I have remote that came with this bird and is one problem authenticating, I have another remote from my fly off p3s. Any help would be great
You can custom your own if want to,,original should be on back of remote ,turn WiFi off then turn rc and a.c. on ,then turn WiFi on and see if it comes up,you might need to reenter and press connect,,,if not work custom one up like me,,,I now use cometstorm but in WiFi you have to enter this and press connect,,try this let me know and I get you more pictures
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Ok sound like someone change it,you can reset it,try this first,me load more pics of WiFi below
this is for a custom name,,but must be entered into added to WiFi list and hit conect
it worked,i got everthing to communicate,thanks gimble switch trick worked, now im in dji go and adjusting settings and im questioning the stick configuration,witch is factory in app.
Without looking I'm sure it mode 2 which most fly (left stick throttle and yaw and right for direction)
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Without looking I'm sure it mode 2 which most fly (left stick throttle and yaw and right for direction)
that's what freaked me out that it was configuration 2 thanks,been super busy going to do compass dance and fly in beginner mode,my fly off was second time off of beginner mode …...starting over to be safe , wish me luck!

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