Tried New WiFi Extender. Now What?

Apr 30, 2015
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So I had range issues on the 2.4GHZ side right from the get-go after buying my new Phantom Vision 2+ V3. I was only getting around 800 feet before losing the video link and telemetry. I upgraded the pilot end with the ItElite antenna mod and was able to more than double it to around 2,000 feet. Still, not anywhere near what others are reporting for ranges. (BTW yes. I'm in a wide open field with perfect LOS). I swapped out the range extender with a brand new one and that didn't help. All that's left is to either replace the bird-side wifi module or do something different with the antenna system in the bird. Unfortunately, there are no consensus as to what bird-side antenna mod compliments the pilot-side ItElite antenna mod that I can find looking through all of the threads including the Antenna Mod thread on this site. Any thoughts where to go from here? Thanks!
I haven't had my Phantom long but I
was getting 1600 to 1700 feet in the open. I got the V3 fpv booster app on google play and I've made it out to 3100 so far. It's about $9 I think. The antenna and wi-fi booster are very directional in relation to the Phantom. I read that and it makes a difference in distance. I have the 2 V+ ver. 3.0.

Keep in mind it is a 2.4 ghz system with the bird having about a 2 dbi gain antenna. If that is the issue and problem going to a 5 dbi antenna would give you a very much need increase in the signal. Do a search on mods to the bird antenna. You know the changes kill the warranty right! Still 2000 ft is pretty decent. Don't think you can still see the bird that far can you? Another question is what app for flying are you using? The DJI app has limitations built into it. Normally distance is 1625 ft. Max. Some of the 3 rd party apps remove the limitations which means you have to be careful and mindful of you flight out and back times so you have enough to battery to make the return flight.
I think that u must heat shink the wifi module on bird. I made this, new ceramic gps antenna 4mm and copper shield on gps module and i get 15xx meters with stock hardware.
Search fot those threads and make the mods, are the best upgrade that i made.
I think that u must heat shink the wifi module on bird.

Typo alert. I first read that as "heat shrink" but realized you must have meant "heat sink". Heat-SHRINKING it would be disastrous. Didn't want a new owner to read that the wrong way.
I'm running the Litchi app for Android which I like considerably over the original DJI Vision app. No range restrictions and I like the superimposed GS/FPV screens. I'm also using the built-in FPV Boost Power option of the app with 15dB boost which helps. As to the heat sink mod for the wifi module, I understood this to be more beneficial for those that have the older module in the non-V3 systems that has no holes punched in the casing. Also I understood there is a correlation between heat issues of the module and flakey video, which is where the heat sink mod came into play. Does this also apply to telemetry data flow?
I know that "aiming" is key, especially with the ItElite antenna mod and I've been very conscious of this as I'm trying to squeeze out as much range as possible with the setup.
I guess my whole hang-up is that based on what I've seen on this forum, guys are routinely getting 4,000 and more feet of range with the exact same setup as what I have with the ItElite antenna mod and even before the mod, people were getting 1600 feet and better stock, where I was only getting around 800. So there has to be something different. Again, I'm operating in a wide open field with no power lines, cell towers or anything.
switch you Tx to FCC
I did that right off the start when I got the Phantom. Besides, that only affects the remote control side of the system, not the 2.4 GHZ video/telemetry side. I have yet to trigger RTH from being out of range of the 5.8 GHZ controller side so I'm assuming that side of the system is fine.
Unless you pop the top there is no way of knowing which wifi unit you have inside. Some of the early v3's came with the non-hole wifi units before the switch over. Not sure if any are still in stock and being sold that way.
Unless you pop the top there is no way of knowing which wifi unit you have inside. Some of the early v3's came with the non-hole wifi units before the switch over. Not sure if any are still in stock and being sold that way.
I've had the top popped off the Phantom. I have the "holey" version for wifi module inside the bird.
I would not to continue to upgrade the system. As you mentioned you have something malfunctioning. I would get that fixed.

Otherwise you are going to end up with a ton of mods that take people to 10,000' and and you will still be at 4,000.

Sorry I don't have an answer for you. But you must have a bird wifi or antenna issue or TX transmitter problem. Be nice if one was around you could borrow.
Since you have replaced the wifi range extender and both gave you around 800 ft before losing signal that kind of says the range extenders are ok. You either have signal interference or a problem in the quads antenna receiver system. If you live in an area with a lot of trees you may be bouncing the signal and it causes a drop in the distance . I made mods to my antenna so I could get a decent distance too. Helped a lot but my trees are just to tall around here. I learned to do a lot of way point flying in this area. If I go out close to the rivers or open area and check I get good distance. Since you are in a wide open area I would suspect the quads receiver system. If you have had her open I would check the antenna connections on the receiver. Make sure neither of the antenna are damaged, broken wires or short antenna leads. Does sound like a hardware issue. Hope you get it sorted out.

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