I have the V2 and was flying today when I got the low battery warning at about 69% at about 8 minutes. I brought it in for a landing and watched as the motors spun down. I figured I'd let it idle a bit and watch the power since the warning stopped (assuming because it wasn't under power). The motors then began speeding up again on their own. They then spun up to speed quickly and the copter tipped over. I immediately killed the motors and set it back to normal. I wanted to see if it would happen again and started the motors idling. The copter continued to idle so I lifted off and let it hover about 6 feet up. After about 30 seconds, the low volt warning returned and it began to descend on it's own. I took control and landed easily and again the voltage warning cancelled. I lifted off for hover with the same result. I could not get it to repeat the strange behavior again. The battery has about 16 cycles on it and shows 95% life, but I'm not getting that out of it. Is this a bad battery possibly or am I missing something more important? My second battery, with only 4 cycles, functions with no issues. Any comments would be appreciated.